Chapter 0073: He Successfully Deceived the Trisolarans!!

Because those netizens who watch the live broadcast are basically in the live broadcast room, the death of Lao Aerospace from the ‘meteorite rain’ was immediately known by many netizens.

Even this matter was on the hot search list.

However, the discussion of this matter among netizens is that the production of three-body games is awesome, and even the matter of space meteorite rain has been added.



Not all players are unaware of the truth behind its ‘meteorite rain’.

Those players who are members of the Three-Body Organization know the truth under Tomoko’s surveillance!

However, these people naturally do not inform this about it online.

Because their identity cards are all hidden identity cards, it is too late for them to hide their information, how can they be actively exposed like this?


The players of these members of the three-body organization will not say that in the extremely short time after Zhang Beihai completed the assassination,

The members of their three-body organization specially held a meeting in the three-body organization “Three-Body Problem” game for this matter!

Qin Shihuang gestured with his long sword: “We failed to assassinate logic three times, and Zhang Beihai solved three old aerospace in one time!” ”

“We lack such ruthless and capable people!”

Einstein asked, “Do we sit idly by and watch Zhang Beihai’s actions?” ”

Newton said, “He was an extreme triumphant, and the Lord did not have to intervene in such people. ”

“Our attention should be focused on fugitives, and defeatists are the most dangerous, because once humanity is allowed to escape, human civilization will leave a fire, which is absolutely not consistent with the slaughter that the Lord needs.”

Qin Shi Huang said at this time: “Let them set the direction of development on the radiation-driven (radical insistence direction) spaceship, which will suck up most of the resources of mankind.” ”

“In the case of Chiko-locked physics, radiation actuation is almost an insurmountable technological peak.”


What neither the Trisolaran civilization nor the members of the Trisolaran organization know is that

Zhang Beihai, who they see as an extreme and staunch victor, is actually the most dangerous defeatist they think!

And also staunch defeatists, fugitives! That’s right

Zhang Beihai successfully deceived the three-body civilization and the three-body organization!…… Soon.

Reinforcement future plans began.

It is worth mentioning that

The future reinforcement plan was proposed by Zhang Beihai.

Zhang Beihai believes that the absence of major breakthroughs in the field of science and technology will make the existing defeatist trend more and more proliferate.

The space force’s ideological and mental state will bear unpredictable pressure and influence, and comrades engaged in political and ideological work in the space force will face tremendous difficulties and pressures in the future.

At that time, the space military and political forces will be seriously insufficient.

Therefore, plans for the future reinforcement are proposed:

Use hibernation technology to send the current excellent space force officers to the future and support the future space military political work.

At that time, netizens were in the live broadcast room of the sorghum, and saw Zhang Beihai when he proposed this suggestion to Chang Weisi.

Netizens can’t help but praise Zhang Beihai!

Not only are they staunch victorists, but they are also able to carry this victorious spirit into the future!


Pig live broadcast room.

At this time, the live broadcast room of the sauing pig is still very large, even more than when the meteorite rain event was before.

“Reinforcements for the future plan are awesome! Zhang Beihai is awesome! ”

“The reinforcement plan for the future is definitely one of the more awesome plans! It is even possible to anticipate the huge impact of future reinforcement plans in the future. ”

“Indeed! Although I already knew about the reinforcement future plan before, but now seeing that they really want to implement the reinforcement future plan, I still can’t help but be excited, and some can’t help but want to say something! ”

“The most awesome thing about this matter is Zhang Beihai, after all, the future reinforcement plan is proposed by Zhang Beihai.”


“Lying in the groove, the pig is actually going to participate in the reinforcement future plan. How come all the good things have been put on the pig stall? ”

“Made, sour, sour!”

“Actually, my main acid is that I can participate in the increase with Zhang Beihai”

Come and plan! Well, that’s right.

Saucus is also on the list of future plans for this reinforcement.

After all, what he usually shows is not the case of defeatists.

The sauing pig looked at these rolling barrages in the live broadcast room, raised his eyebrows slightly, and showed a proud look.

At this time, Chang Weisi, the commander of the Space Force, came to see them off before these reinforcements of future planners.

That’s right, it was Chang Weisi, who had been chairing the meeting of the War Center before.

After the formation of the Space Force, he became the commander of the Space Force.

Seeing Chang Weisi coming, the pig also immediately turned pale.

Chang Weisi handed a letter to Zhang Beihai: “This is a letter to my future successor, and the letter solemnly recommends you.” ”

“You may face more difficult work in the future, first adapt to the future while maintaining the soul of the soldiers of our time.”

“It is already very lucky to be together in this life, to say hello to the future comrades on my behalf, to salute the last military salute, and to reinforce the future contingent to start boarding.”

But Chang Weisi’s gaze never left Zhang Beihai’s back.

This determined warrior is gone, and there may not be a second person like him

Where did his conviction come from?

This question has always been hidden in Chang Weisi’s heart!


As the sorghum followed Zhang Beihai to reinforce the future and went to hibernate in the hibernation cabin, the last live broadcast room that netizens liked to stay in was also plunged into darkness.

The live broadcast room of the two wall-faced player bosses, the live broadcast room of the big horse monkey, and the live broadcast room of the sauing pig were all plunged into darkness at this time.

Those netizens who watched the live broadcast actually felt bored for a while.

Thankfully, though, the game’s timeline accelerates again.

Fast forward to eight years later.

20 years in the era of crisis.

The player of Wall-Facing No. 2 Rediaz, the physics boss, and the Wall-Facing No. 3 Hines player, the brain science boss,

The live broadcast room of the two changed from darkness to light at the same time.

That’s right

Both were awakened from hibernation at the same time.

They were told that the technology to wait had emerged. And those netizens also immediately found their goal.

Quickly poured into the two live broadcast rooms.

The brain science boss’s facewall plan is,

Help others think of ways to fight the three-body civilization!

Because he couldn’t think of how to deal with the three-body civilization.

And this ‘other’ does not refer to other wall-facers, but to future generations! The plans of the brain science bosses are:

Technology can be used to accelerate the evolution of the human brain.

If human brain science research is expanded to the scale of building the earth’s defense system,

It can fundamentally improve human intelligence, strengthen the physical strength of thinking, and even cancel the possibility of sleep.

Finally, future generations of human science can break through the confinement of the three-body wisdom son!……

For the implementation of this plan,

What the brain science guys want to try is,

Connecting the human brain directly to the computer makes the computer the amplifier of human intelligence.

Or connect the human brain directly, so that the minds of multiple people can be integrated.

Or or…

But no matter what the final ways to improve intelligence are, we must first fundamentally understand the mechanism of human brain thinking.

And this requires the use of a device analysis camera proposed by the brain science boss.

The biggest technical hurdle for this device is data processing, which requires more advanced computers.

This is also the technological breakthrough that physics bigwigs also need.

This is also the reason why the two bigwigs went into hibernation after the last wall-facing hearing.

However, as said in the previous meeting, this technology will take twenty years to complete at the earliest.

But now only eight years later, the requirements have already been met! So

When the brain science boss is awakened and told that the waiting technology has appeared,

The brain science boss couldn’t help but sigh: “So fast? ”

At this time, the netizens in the live broadcast room of the brain science boss couldn’t help but sigh with a barrage: “I went, it turned out to be so fast, didn’t I originally say that I would have to wait 20 years later, and after only eight years, the technology required by the two bigwigs has been reached?” ”

“It seems that human beings are not so hopeless, and the rapid development of human technology is not without the possibility of competing with the three-body civilization.”

“That’s right, I see that after Nachiko blocked the scientific theoretical foundation, it did not have a great impact on us.”

“That is, I heard Zhang Beihai raise this question in the live broadcast room before, and now human beings may not even reach one percent of the development of scientific theoretical foundations.”

“And in the next four hundred years before the arrival of the three-body civilization, even if human beings only rely on the development of the existing scientific theoretical foundation, it will be enough, right?!”



What the personnel of the Planetary Defense Council said to the brain science boss next directly shattered the illusions of these netizens.

I saw that the member of the council shrugged his shoulders and said: “This is the rapid technological progress caused by the unprecedented large amount of resources carried out by mankind.” ”

“There’s nothing to be optimistic about.”

“This is just the current level of human science and technology, and the acceleration sprint at the last distance between the barrier wall erected by Tomoko.”

“It is only technology that is progressing, cutting-edge physics is still stagnating, the reserves of theory are being exhausted, and human technological progress will slow down until it stops completely.”

“But it’s still unclear when the end of technology will come in.”

After hearing these words, the brain science boss did not feel any surprise, but began to try to move his stiff body caused by hibernation.

For the words that the man told him were expected to him.

And what no one knows is that

At this time, the brain science boss had on his mind:

This will be an unprecedented computer, and this time it really comes to an end, and there will be no higher breakthrough for mankind.

If humanity loses in the battle of doom, it is also the last one! But the netizens before the live broadcast room were not so calm:

“I’ll go, it turns out that this is the result of the tilt of resources, the blockade of Chiko is still there, the reserves of physical theories are being consumed, and humanity is still hopeless?”

“Don’t be so frustrated, didn’t that person also say that people don’t know when the end of technology will appear? Before you reach the end, rush forward and you’re done! ”

“Yes! Rush forward and you’re done! What’s more, isn’t there still a few wall-facing bigwigs? They are always carrying out the implementation of the wall-facing plan! ”

“And Luo Ji has also awakened!”

“Not only that, we also have reinforcement plans for the future, we also have staunch victorists like Zhang Beihai, we will definitely be able to fight to the end.”



The brain science boss who got rid of his stiff body came to the equipment laboratory prepared for him.

Here, he meets Keiko, his wife in the game.

This is his right-hand man in the implementation of the wall-to-wall plan.

After some pleasantries,

Keiko takes the brain science guy in the holographic display of the supercomputer

Netizens also followed the perspective of the brain science boss and saw the scene of the holographic display:

This is a full-view network of brain structure.

Captured by an ‘analytical camera’, three million cross-sections are scanned simultaneously and dynamically.

The brain cells and neurons of the human brain protrude, like countless stars in the galaxy on a computer monitor!


This brain universe is surging, and countless nerve signals are busy transmitting along the slender synapses.

The brain science boss asked in amazement: “Whose brain is this?” ”

Keiko looked at him affectionately: “This is my brain, when this picture of thinking appeared, I was thinking about you…”

Netizens before the live broadcast room:???

“Got a handful of dog food invisibly sprinkled?”

“Lying groove, isn’t it, this can also be sprinkled with dog food?”

“Is this the romance of the science guys?”

“I was thinking about you when this picture of thinking appeared”, can you still be more meaty? ”

“It turns out that the scene of countless neural signals busily transmitting along the slender synapses is because it is transmitting the nerve signal of ‘longing’?”


But at this time!

The relationship between Keiko and the brain science boss is not as sweet and beautiful as netizens imagine.”

At this time, Keiko, when she saw her husband walk to her through the image of the brain’s neural network, when she saw her husband’s eyes,

Her heart trembled!

Because she saw from Hines that Hills did not seem to be hopeful about victory as she always showed to the outside world!

Seeing that Hills has been unswervingly promoting the human brain plan, it is not as simple as improving the human brain as it shows!

Keiko silently said in her heart: “Wall-facing Hines, what is your real thought?” ”

That’s right

Keiko is a player person.

Moreover, her identity card is also a member of the Trisomy Organization, one of the ‘hidden identity cards’!

She is the owner who posted the post on the Internet to broadcast the wall-breaking plan! Her identity in the Trisomy is – Aristotle!

She is the wall-facing three, the wall-breaker of Hines!

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