Qinxi Province, Chencang City.

"There are so many people."

Wu Fan looked at the streets with people coming and going and sighed.

As a prefecture-level city with a population of more than 3.2 million, Chencang is not as good as a coastal sub-provincial city like Ninghai Prefecture with a population of tens of millions, but it can be considered an economically prosperous area inland.

Moreover, it is also a city with rich historical heritage. One of the more famous idioms [passing through Chencang secretly] comes from here.

"Hello, I am Wu Fan. I have arrived in Chencang."

Wu Fan made a call, and then an encrypted voice came from the other side.

"Okay Wu Fan, we can't meet you directly now because the cult may get the news. We will contact you via mobile phone in the future."

Wu Fan didn't expect that the other party would be so cautious when he first came up, but he also entered the state instantly. After all, he was not acting in a movie now, and the enemies he faced were not ordinary people, but a group of very dangerous cult warriors.

"Okay, then what should I call you."

Wu Fan walked relaxedly on the roadside while secretly observing whether there was anyone suspicious around him.


The other party was silent for a moment.

"Just call me He Qiang."

"Okay He Qiang, I've seen the details on the way here. What do you need me to do now?" Wu Fan had already had a general understanding of the mission on the way here.

"Do you know Cao Bing?" He Qiang said on the other side of the phone.

"Ok, I know."

"Cao Bing, male, 27 years old, F-level warrior."

"He is the manager of [Ankang Beast Pet Shop] who illegally sold monster eggs this time. This person has no bad records, but the tribunal suspects that his batch of monster eggs came from a cult warrior. This person is currently under surveillance."

When Wu Fan was walking around, he tried to keep a certain distance from pedestrians so that others could not hear what he said clearly without arousing suspicion.

"Yes, it seems you have done your homework."

He Qiang said with satisfaction.

"Our local demon-slaying team came to inspect his store before, which put him on guard, so we haven't dared to show up recently."

"According to our speculation, this Cao Bing himself should not be a cult warrior, but he is indeed in contact with cult warriors, so we need you to act as a customer who buys monster eggs and lure out the person behind him."


Hearing this, Wu Fan was stunned for a moment.

"Others are so wary? How can I seduce them?"

"You don't have to worry about this. Cao Bing is still a bit ambitious. The money he earns is basically used to buy spiritual stones and martial arts."

"So, as long as you pretend to despise the monster eggs in his store and are willing to spend a lot of money to buy eggs with higher bloodline and more ferociousness, he should take the bait. When the cult warrior behind him delivers the goods to him, Then we can start arresting people.”

Although this plan is very simple, Wu Fan believes that the simpler the plan, the more effective it is. However, the difficulty lies in how he performs it.

"We have arranged a temporary identity for you. You are now a student in Class 7, Grade 3, Chencang City Warrior High School."

"You are going to report to school now. Get familiar with the environment first and try not to be spotted by Cao Bing during the communication."

"You will receive a text message from the bank later. We will send you a sum of money as your start-up capital, but remember that the maximum use of this money is 30 million." After He Qiang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"How much start-up capital is there?"

Just when Wu Fan was curious, his phone suddenly received a text message.

"Your account with the last number xxx1827 has received 1,0000,0000.00 yuan"

A total of 100 million yuan!

"This amount of money can buy a B-level martial arts book."

Of course, this money is public funds for Wu Fan and cannot be misappropriated at will, and the other party has also imposed restrictions, with a maximum use of 30 million.

"There are only 10 days, and the mission is quite urgent."

However, since it is a task that can be assigned to him, there is danger, but it should not be great.

Wu Fan then took a taxi and reported to Wu Zhe High School. The government should have communicated with the principal and quickly completed the admission procedures for him.

"Hello, classmate Wu Fan, I am your class teacher Ma Yan." The speaker was a young woman in her 30s.


Although it was just a formality, Wu Fan still said it politely.

"Our school is a key school in Chencang City..."

While walking to the classroom, Ma Yan kept introducing Wu Fan to the school and class.

When the two of them reached Class 7, Grade 3, Wu Fan stepped in with one foot ahead of Ma Yan.

And just when he took this step, his eyes changed instantly.


A subtle but ferocious neighing sound came, and a snake about the size of chopsticks fell from the top of Wu Fan's head. It opened its mouth as big as a peanut and bit Wu Fan's neck.


There was a muffled sound, and the chopstick-sized snake flew out and hit the blackboard at the end of the classroom.

"Little beauty! My little beauty!"

I saw a short-haired boy screaming in surprise and quickly rushing towards the little snake.


The little snake was gently placed in the boy's hand and slowly input spiritual power.

"Don't worry, it won't die."

Wu Fan came to complete the mission. He didn't want to cause trouble. If in normal times, this little snake demon dared to attack him like this, he would not survive at all.

"Why did you hit it!?"

The boy asked loudly, his name is Li Shuai, his family is relatively rich, he has never suffered much loss, so he has a very simple temperament.

"It was this snake monster that attacked me first."

Wu Fan spoke directly with facts.

But for an unreasonable person, no matter how reasonable you are, in his eyes you are just being unreasonable.

"My little beauty is the most docile and obedient. How could it attack you!?"

"You definitely scared it!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Fan shut up. Then he walked up to Li Shuai and said in a cold tone: "If you say one more word, I will kill this snake demon."

"you you..."

Although Wu Fan did not release any spiritual pressure, Li Shuai felt a chill in his body.

He didn't know why, but he was very sure that if he really dared to say one more word, Wu Fan would definitely take action.

"Okay, just say a few words. Li Shuai, put your snake monster away. Pet monsters are not allowed in the school." said the head teacher Ma Yan.


Li Shuai angrily put away the little snake demon, and just when he put away the snake demon.

Wu Fan saw the snake demon looking at him with hatred.

Yes, that's right, it's hatred. That look in his eyes doesn't look like a newborn monster at all.

"A little strange..."

Wu Fan had seen many monsters, but he always felt that there was something wrong with this snake monster, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"I hope it doesn't have anything to do with this mission."

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