I Didn't Get Into The Warrior High School And Had No Choice But To Draw My Sword.

Chapter 114 The Monster Awakens The Spiritual Weapon! ?

"what is that!?"

Wu Fan, who was running in the forest on the outskirts, suddenly stopped when he saw the monsters with haloes shining behind them.

"What is going on? Is that a star ring?"

Wu Fan was a little unbelievable. He had never heard that monsters could awaken star rings.

After all, even though humans have awakened spiritual weapons and martial arts, they are still at a disadvantage in the battle with monsters. Now if even monsters awaken the star rings, then humanity's survival circle will shrink again.

"That's not a star ring."

Meng Luoxi, who was on Wu Fan's back, said: "To be precise, it should be the spiritual core star ring transformation."

"You should have heard those cult deacons talking about the [Monster Awakening Plan] just now, right?"

"This plan is divided into three phases. The first phase is to activate the spiritual core in the monster beast's body into a star ring."

Wu Fan ran towards the city while avoiding the monster.

"Then activating the spiritual core into a star ring, what's the use?"

Wu Fan asked in confusion.

"The purpose of spiritual core activation is actually to serve the second phase." Meng Luoxi said: "Have you ever thought that the monster beast will awaken the spiritual weapon?"


Although Wu Fan had a great imagination and had made similar conjectures before, he was also horrified when he heard it from Meng Luoxi's mouth.

"Can monsters really awaken spiritual weapons?"

Wu Fan felt that these people in the cult were really lunatics. They had done some kind of spiritual weapon transplantation or mass production of spiritual weapons in the beginning.

Now we are engaged in the awakening of magical beasts and spiritual weapons. Why are there so many black technologies one after another?

"Was the research successful?"

Wu Fan asked with concern. If this research is successful, it will bring about huge changes to the entire pattern of humans and monsters.

"You can say it was successful, you can say it wasn't."

"Beskold proposed a total of three theories, and the first theory has been successful, which is what you see now."

"The second phase was considered a success, but it only had core data, which was not enough to stabilize mass production."

"As for the theory of the third period, I have only heard of it, but the specific content is only known to the former saint. However, he is dead now, so no one knows the theory of the third period."

Meng Luoxi said:

"And the core data of the second phase is in my hands."

Damn it!

Originally, Wu Fan thought that the thing in Meng Luoxi's hand was just a relatively important piece of scientific research data.

But after such an explanation, he discovered that the thing was a nuclear bomb!

"This scientific research laboratory is very hidden. Qian Yu Ling has no idea that I am hiding here, but because of the death of the previous saint, some internal problems have arisen."

"Some time ago, there were inexplicably missing several monster eggs used for experiments. At that time, I vaguely sensed that there might be a problem. I copied the data in advance and wanted to leave, but I didn't expect the changes to come so quickly. "


At this moment, the purple star ring behind the giant monster beast that appeared first suddenly glowed brightly.

Countless spiritual pressure particles gathered on its claws.


This time it did not use the roar of the monster, but used two terrifying claws to slam down on the A-level protective cover!

Bah, bah, bah!

The tip of the giant claw collided hard with the protective cover, emitting a fire like electric welding.


Several figures appeared in the city. They were A-level warriors staying in the protective shield.


As if it understood the words, the monster raised its head and looked at them, opened its mouth, and shot out a monster roar!


Several A-level warriors with rich fighting experience teleported away collectively.

But the terrifying energy poured into the protective shield, shaking it violently again.

However, this is an A-level protective cover after all. As long as the number of spiritual stones is enough, even if you are an A-level monster, you will never be able to break through the defense even if you spray fire from your mouth.

"Everyone go separately!"

There are a total of 3 A-level monsters appearing in Chencang City. On average, 3 A-level warriors deal with one A-level monster.

Moreover, these monster beasts are all just demon-blood beasts. Their own bloodline strength is not strong, and they cannot pose a threat to the protective shield at all.

Just when they were thinking this, they saw the star rings behind the three monster beasts light up at the same time, and then the terrifying spiritual pressure exploded!

Three ultra-high-energy spiritual pressure beams hit the same node of the protective cover together.


In an instant, the protective cover could not bear such high spiritual pressure, and a hole opened!


Due to the violent use of spiritual pressure, the star rings behind the three monster beasts instantly dimmed, but this does not mean that they have no fighting power.

The scary thing about monsters is that even without spiritual pressure, they can still fight with their strong physical strength.

"Ho! Roar!"

At the cracked hole in the protective shield, more than ten B-level and C-level monsters poured in.


The demon-slaying team and military warriors had been blocking the place for a long time. When they saw the monsters rushing in, they rushed forward.

"Plug them all in here, don't let any of them leak out!"

The energy protection shield is only the first barrier in the safe zone, and the second barrier is this group of officially organized warriors.

While the two sides were fighting, Wu Fan and Meng Luoxi returned to the city.

"It's basically safe here."

At a subway station, Wu Fan dropped Meng Luoxi down.

"Thank you, classmate Wu Fan, I hope to see you again in the future." Meng Luoxi waved to Wu Fan and then walked into the subway station.

After sending Meng Luoxi away, Wu Fan felt exhausted.

During the previous transaction, he had a fight with the cult leader, and then restrained a C-level warrior.

Don't look at the fact that when he fought against the cult deacon, he always suppressed the opponent and fought.

Firstly, it was because the opponent did not understand his characteristics and simply believed that an E-level warrior could not break the body-protecting spiritual pressure of a C-level warrior.

But if he had known earlier that Wu Fan had 4 times the spiritual pressure and a golden defense-breaking star ring, he would not have given Wu Fan a chance to take action.

"And that Tiger Roaring Slash is indeed very powerful. Even a D-level warrior cannot withstand it."

Secondly, the other party didn't know that Wu Fan also had a magical skill, which was quantum reconstruction. The body that had been torn into pieces was directly restored to its original shape using spiritual pressure particles.

"It's a pity that it consumes too much and can't be used often."

Whether it was the Three Thousand Thunder Swords or the Burning Sky with One Sword, they did not use 20% of Wu Fan's spiritual power. It was precisely the quantum reconstruction that directly used 70%.


Wu Fan rested for a moment and regained his strength. Then he took a deep breath, pulled out his long knife, and quickly moved towards the crack in the protective shield, and together with the demon-slaying team and military warriors, he resisted the monster beasts entering the city.

Soon after, 7 or 8 A-level warriors who were trapped in the suburbs teamed up to capture Kong Jun, and then quickly ran towards the city. Under the joint efforts of more than 10 A-level warriors, the turmoil was finally calmed down.


Li Shuai's home.

"Little beauty, look how much your father loves you and bought you so many bullfrogs and mice. You must grow up quickly and teach that guy named Wu Fan a lesson."

After saying that, Li Shuai returned to the room and went to sleep.

And not long after, a slender shadow suddenly began to crawl quietly along the ground, and it gradually climbed onto Li Shuai's bed.

I saw that the little snake, which was originally only the size of chopsticks, slowly began to grow in size until it was almost as long as Li Shuai. It did not coil its body like an ordinary snake, but straightened its body close to Li Shuai. , seeming to be measuring his own body and Li Shuai's height.

When it was sure that its body had grown longer than Shuai Li, its eyes suddenly glowed with red light, and a broken star ring appeared behind it.

Then it opened its mouth and swallowed Li Shuai's head in one gulp!

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