"Is that really what you think?"

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind everyone in the student union. They looked back and found a black-haired boy wearing a gold robe standing behind them.

The black-haired boy's face was filled with a kind smile. Anyone who saw his face would feel like a spring breeze.

"Chong...President Chongming!?"

That's right, the person who came was none other than Wang Chongming, the president of the Huaxia Wuhan University Students Association!

Although he is only a senior student and only 22 years old, he is a genuine Grade 61 A powerhouse, and there are many legends about him circulating on campus.

For example, four years ago, it was he who led the team to defeat the Imperial Martial Arts University and win the National Freshman Martial Arts Competition that year.

For example, when he was still a sophomore, he received invitations to join the Imperial City Adjudication Office Headquarters, the Demon Slaying Team General Administration, and the top ten warrior hunter guilds in the country. What about 1 vs. 10 at the same level, B level killing A level, Wang Chongming's There shouldn't be too many of these stories, after all, there are many almost monster-like beings in every session.

"President, what did you mean by what you said just now? Do you think they won't be able to hold on?" A senior student from the student union looked at Wang Chongming like a little girl.

"These new juniors and girls who have enrolled this year are really strong." Wang Chongming did not answer directly, but pointed at someone among the breakout freshmen.

"He's just an E-level warrior. It doesn't look like he's from the Battle Academy. Why are you referring to him, senior?" someone asked in confusion.

"You will know after reading it."

Wang Chongming smiled, said no more, and turned around to leave the battlefield at the south gate.


The name of the freshman pointed by Wang Chongming was Chang Zhengming. At this time, he was wearing a pair of red glasses, which were his spiritual weapon.

While the battle was going on ahead, Chang Zhengming sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, his brain thinking non-stop.

"Our melee combat, long-range..."

"Xu Fengshuang in the sky...Luo Xianhe with extremely strong body-protecting spiritual pressure..."

"There are 3,218 F-level warriors left on our side, and 516 E-level warriors left..."

No one saw that in the world in Chang Zhengming's mind, he was transforming into a half-length giant, overlooking the battle of thousands of people below.

Suddenly, as if he had seen through everything, he found several successful routes to break through the south gate of Huaxia Wuhan University. His closed eyes suddenly opened, and then the halo behind him lit up.

"Martial skills! Psychic link!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Several feather blades fell, and an F-level warrior could not escape. When he was about to be eliminated, a voice sounded in his heart.

"Three steps forward to the left, two steps back to the right!"

Almost subconsciously, this F-level warrior did what he said in his heart. He first took three steps with his left foot, and the first feather blade passed across his back, drawing a line more than 20 centimeters long. Wound.

Then he took two steps to the right, and two feather blades hit his shoulders and toes, instantly cutting out a few blood splashes!


The F-level freshman was greatly shocked because he could not avoid the attack in his eyes. After being reminded by the voice in his heart, he was only slightly injured.

On the other side, Ding Conghua was about to slash Luo Xianhe with his sword. He did not intend to defeat Luo Xianhe head-on, but had the idea of ​​​​exchanging his life for injuries.

But at this moment, a voice appeared in his heart.

"Don't attack, try to dodge or take the punch!"

Ding Conghua's long knife that was about to fall suddenly dodged to the side and landed at Luo Xianhe's feet, and then Luo Xianhe punched him!


Ding Conghua felt like his internal organs were about to be broken. He spit out a mouthful of blood involuntarily, and his body flew more than 20 meters away. Finally, he rolled on the ground for 7 or 8 times before stopping.


Not only blood, but also tears and snot from Ding Conghua's eyes. He, a 28th-level E-level warrior, could not make a single move under Luo Xianhe. The gap was really too big!

"Huh? That's not right..."

Then he suddenly realized that he had received a martial arts punch from Luo Xianhe, but he was not killed instantly! ?

"Holy shit, that's awesome!"

Gradually, the atmosphere on the battlefield changed greatly.

Many freshmen who broke out suddenly became more orderly in their advance and retreat. They no longer rushed forward with weapons in hand like they were in a group fight on campus.


"Sword sweeps through all the wasteland!"

Qin Shaoshang swung his heavy sword, killing everyone in all directions. His sword energy was all over the place and he was invincible. But after he sheathed his sword, his expression became extremely solemn, because the attack just now only eliminated 4 or 5 enemies, and even the injured ones were injured. Very few, most people manage to avoid it.

"Why do I feel like there are eyes staring at us?" Guan Yuan said to Wang Ye standing aside.

"Classmates from the medical school, please step back from the front!"

"Students with shields, arm guards and other defensive spiritual weapons, please stand in front!"

"Students with spears, spears, and euphorbia-type spiritual weapons, fight behind shields!"

Chang Zhengming's eyes were red, and his whole body was already overloaded. His spiritual pressure did not support his calculations for such a big battle. All he could do at this moment was to form a good formation.

"Follow my command!"

"Front row warriors, use control martial arts!"

Chang Zhengming's voice was hoarse, and he had entered an illusive state. In addition to his strong consciousness, his body had begun to tremble violently.

After hearing Chang Zhengming's words, hundreds of defensive warriors in the front row used martial arts collectively towards Luo Xianhe, Qin Shaoshang, Wang Ye, Guan Yuan and others.

"Shield Bash!"

"War Stampede!"

"Thunder Shock!"

In an instant, the ground trembled, and hundreds of martial arts came from across the sky at the same time, hitting Luo Xianhe and others hard.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Luo Xianhe was just about to leave, but found that his whole body was paralyzed and he couldn't move at all. The same was true for several people on the other side.

"Remote, projectile!"

After Chang Zhengming conveyed these words, he spat out a mouthful of blood without warning. The spiritual pressure particles in his body escaped directly, and his spiritual pressure permanently dropped by more than 100 points.

"A storm of arrows!"

"A hail of bullets!"

"Moonlight fragments!"

Looking at the overwhelming rain of arrows and guns coming from the sky, Guan Yuan stood at the gate of Huaxia Wuhan University with a tragic face. He took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled.


"bring it on!"

I saw the spiritual pressure all over his body explode, the star ring began to rotate counterclockwise, and a terrifying energy field unfolded. In his energy field, he could ignore all attacks!

Bang! Bang! boom!

The continuous martial arts bombardment continued for half a minute, dust flew everywhere, and the spiritual pressure particles formed a terrifying tide.

When the smoke cleared, nearly 20 people including Guan Yuan and Wang Ye were seen pinned to the light blue barrier of China Wuhan University, and then sent out by the security officer and professor.

"Melee warrior..."


After Chang Zhengming said this, the glasses on his face made a crisp sound, and then cracked directly from the middle, and he fainted instantly!

In the distance, more than 2,000 melee warriors collectively let out a roar after hearing Chang Zhengming's words.


The overwhelming spiritual pressure rushed towards Luo Xianhe, Qin Shaoshang and others!

"Fuck...I can't stop it..."

Luo Xianhe's combat uniform was torn, his protective spiritual pressure was shattered, and there were hundreds of bleeding wounds all over his body. The conditions of Qin Shaoshang and Xu Fengshuang were not much better. The hilt of the sword, kneeling on one knee and breathing heavily. The other one was holding the bleeding shoulder, his face extremely pale.

At this time, more than 2,000 melee warriors were rushing toward them, and several familiar faces vaguely appeared.

"Zhou Ruiyang, Yang Yi, Qian Hong, Yang Lu..."

"I didn't expect that after you were eliminated in the independent admissions examination, you passed the martial arts college entrance examination and were admitted to the China Wuhan University..."

Zhou Ruiyang's boots flashed, and he rushed to the front. When he was still more than 20 meters away from Xu Fengshuang, he jumped up high, and then came down with a whip!

"So what if I don't pass the eugenics test?"

"When I take part in the National Warrior College Entrance Examination, I, Zhou Ruiyang, can still make it!"

Just when his swift whip was about to fall on Xu Fengshuang's head, Wu Fan, who had been sitting in the center of the plaque of Huaxia Wuhan University...

Opened your eyes!

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