Huaxia Wuhan University Hospital.

Because of the Xinsheng War, the doctors and nurses in the hospital were very busy these two days, and nearly 1,300 injured people were brought in.

In Room 07 on the 13th floor of the inpatient department, the nurse looked at Wu Fan's physical data and said with surprise: "Your recovery ability is too strong, some classmates who are less injured than you are still soaking in pots. .”

"It must be that the senior sister from the medical school who treated me at that time was too awesome."

The reason why Wu Fan recovered so quickly was because he secretly used quantum reconstruction to repair his body while he was hospitalized. In order not to attract attention, he also deliberately slowed down his recovery speed.

Putting on casual clothes, Wu Fan walked out of the hospital while looking at his cell phone, and just then Shen Zishuang called.

"Wu Fan, will you be discharged from the hospital today?"

"Yes, senior sister, how did you know it so quickly?" Wu Fan was a little curious.

"The hospital told me that after all, you are not only a student of Qianlong class, but also a priority of the school." Shen Zishuang said: "Are you free now? If you are free, come to me. I have something to talk to you about. explain."

Although school has started, there is no such thing as military training at Huaxia Wuhan University, or the breakout battle for freshmen can be regarded as military training.

From September 10th to September 25th after school starts, the school will reserve these two weeks for new students. Those with serious injuries can continue to recuperate. Freshmen with minor injuries, or those who are not injured at all, can use this time to freely practice.

Then after September 25th, the school will issue 100 credits to each new student. Freshmen can choose to use the credits to purchase courses, or directly purchase spiritual stones, training room time, martial arts, etc. for free practice.

"Then I'll be there right away."

After Wu Fan hung up the phone, he did not take the Little White Dragon, but chose to run there by himself.

More than 10 minutes later, in the office building.

"Senior, what do you want to tell me?"

Wu Fan didn't blush or breath during the run, just like he was taking a walk.

Seeing him come in, Shen Zishuang stood up and stretched her body with her hands upward, revealing the majestic peaks on her chest.

"Oh, this is such a boring job. Even a high-level warrior like me feels like my body is getting rusty. I really envy those classmates who can work outside after graduation."

Shen Zishuang said very Versailles. Because her job of staying at the school to teach is a dream that many people dream of. If she were not an outstanding graduate of Huaxia Wuhan University, she would not even be qualified to submit a resume for this job.

"Wu Fan, Wu Fan, you are really amazing." Shen Zishuang walked up to Wu Fan and looked him up and down.

"In the past few days when you were hospitalized, there were crazy discussions about you both inside and outside the school, offline and online."

"Getting too much attention is actually not a good thing." This is Wu Fan's true thought. If it were not for credits, he would not be so pushy.

"Once a bird appears, it will be discovered by hunters. Once a human appears, it will be studied with a magnifying glass."

"You are right, it is indeed the case."

Shen Zishuang nodded in agreement with Wu Fan's point of view.

"I'm calling you here this time, mainly because I have three things to tell you." Shen Zishuang returned to her seat, took out a form and handed it to Wu Fan.

"Exchange competition?"

Wu Fan took the form and saw that it said "Application List for Exchange Competition with China Wuhan University".

"Tianfu Wuhan University, Dongshan Wuhan University, Northwest Wuhan University..."

"What does it mean?"

Wu Fan saw that there were many names of Wuhan University on it, and these Wuhan University were all at least 211 level universities, and their overall strength was very strong.

"This is an old tradition. As the top Wuhan University in the country, our Huaxia Wuhan University must train the best students."

"So every year before the National Freshman Martial Arts Competition, each martial arts metropolitan area submits an application to us, asking our freshmen to have a pre-competition discussion with their freshmen."

For some reason, Wu Fan vaguely saw a smile on Shen Zishuang's lips, and she even had plans to give it a try.

"Senior, what are you thinking about?" Wu Fan asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I just remembered the interesting past events from my student days." Shen Zishuang covered her mouth and chuckled: "When I entered school, I also played a few exchange games on behalf of the school."

"The freshmen from other schools are a bit inferior to us in strength. We basically beat them unilaterally, so this exchange competition is jokingly called a show-off competition internally."

"I see."

Wu Fan finally understood why Shen Zishuang was eager to give it a try, because this feeling of being holy in front of others was indeed very satisfying!

"Then you are going to recommend me to participate in this competition?"

Shen Zishuang couldn't show him this for no reason. This wave belonged to Jing Ke's dagger, and Tu Qiong dagger saw it.

"This year our school is planning to send out five teams for a nationwide tour, including four teams from the Qianlong class, and then select a team from the freshmen." Shen Zishuang said, "I'll let you lead a team. Are you okay?"

"no problem."

Wu Fan had no reason to refuse, and he didn't want to refuse. After all, this was also a good opportunity to fight against the top talents from Wuhan University across the country.

"When will we set off?" He couldn't wait.

"After September 25th, until the start of the National Freshman Martial Arts Competition in November, except for the National Day, there will be an exchange competition every two weeks." Shen Zishuang took out the schedule and took a cursory look at it.

"The time connection is quite tight, but it's just right." While there is still some time, he can improve his strength.

"The specific arrangements will be discussed in detail after the project is finalized. Although going out to play games will affect your normal study and practice, the school will also provide rewards."

"Before the exchange competition, both schools will provide some training resources, and then all these resources will be distributed to the winning side after the competition."

"This amount of resources is quite large. As long as we can keep winning, we may get more training resources than during the summer training camp." Shen Zishuang said.

"The normal senior graduates of Huaxia Wuhan University are C-level warriors, while the graduates of the Combat Academy and the top class are basically B-level warriors. But you know one thing. Every year, the outstanding graduates of Huaxia Wushu University are all A-level warriors. .”

"You still remember last year's outstanding graduate Li Xiaotian, right? He was the one who registered for the first exam when you took the independent admissions exam?"

"It was through the resources of summer training and exchange competitions that he was able to reach the A level."

"The outside world has always had a misunderstanding about Wuhan University. They believe that the school can only cultivate outstanding warriors, but not top warriors." Shen Zishuang said seriously: "Actually, this statement is one-sided. Seniors like Li Xiaotian and me are It is very difficult to become an A-level warrior after graduation, even if you are placed in the Imperial Armed Family or the Holy Land of Martial Arts."

"So, as long as you practice hard during college, the resources you can obtain will not necessarily be worse than those in martial arts holy places."

Wu Fan thought for a moment, and then said to Shen Zishuang:

"I will beat Wuhan University in those exchange games to the ground."

"Very good, it seems you understand it very well!"

Shen Zishuang had appreciation in her eyes. She was very satisfied with Wu Fan's ability to summarize and focus on key points.

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