"We would like to invite you to be a cadre of the student union." Wang Zhen expressed his intention to Wu Fan.

"Invite me to be a cadre?"

Wu Fan originally thought that they were trying to get his own credits, but he didn't expect this to be the case.

"Then why did you attack me? Is this a temporary reason you made up?" Wu Fan looked at Wang Zhen with suspicious eyes.


Wang Zhen felt goosebumps on his back, and he quickly explained:

"The cadres of the student union are different from ordinary members. They can exercise a lot of power on behalf of the school, so I just want to test your strength."

"I have no interest in joining the student union. Let them leave this position to others." Most of the students in the student union are people with good social attributes. Wu Fan thinks that it is better for a warrior like himself who is dedicated to cultivation to have less contact with them. .

Hearing that Wu Fan was unwilling to join, Wang Zhen persuaded:

"By joining the student union, you can get to know many outstanding warriors. Many border guards, leaders of the adjudication office, and captains of the demon-slaying teams are all from the student union."

Wu Fan ignored Wang Zhen and left a sentence.

“I don’t want to take the initiative to get to know others, I want others to take the initiative to get to know me.”

After Wu Fan left, Wang Zhen curled his lips and said, "This kid is really crazy."


The celebration banquet was held on the third day after Wu Fan was discharged from the hospital, and Shen Zishuang set the venue at the Imperial Hotel.

"Yanyu Pavilion..."

When the time was close to 12 o'clock, Wu Fan arrived at the luxury box of the hotel. Before he could enter, noisy laughter could be heard inside.

"Brother Fan is here!"

"Come on, come on, sit down!"

Ling Xiaolu hurriedly greeted him, Zhang Heng handed Wu Fan a hot towel, Luo Hou showed him the way, Guan Yuan pulled out the chair, and Wang Ye set out the tableware. The service was attentive and meticulous.

"Brother Fan, do you smoke?" Bi Yang handed over a cigarette.

"Brother Fan, do you want to drink?" Fang Tianxun brought a bottle of wine

"No thanks."

Wu Fan refused, saying that he didn't like smoking or drinking.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's take a group photo first." Shen Zishuang suggested.

At Wuhan University, taking group photos is a very important thing, especially the group photos taken when freshmen first enter school are particularly precious, because as time goes by, the number of people in the group photo will decrease every year.

"Come on, everyone look at me!"

The waitress wearing a white magnolia cheongsam took several photos with a SLR camera.

There are a total of 36 formal classmates in the Qianlong class. They are sitting on an oversized luxurious round table. The glass table on which the dishes are placed is slowly rotating counterclockwise.

"Waiter, serve the food."

On the table are Baimaguan watermelon, Yuquan Baimao dragon fruit and flame tomatoes poured out by spiritual energy. In addition to the fruit plate, there are also specially bred monsters, red-oiled chicken feet made of black-bone and white-feathered chicken monsters.

"Lingyu sansho pepper stir-fried black pig demon meat."

"The Splendid Lobster in the pollution-free waters of the East China Sea."

"Good luck, the ingredients come from a C-level demon-blood monster."

Platefuls of large dishes and hard dishes with rich energy were brought up, and the spiritual power contained in them was at least E level or above.

As a warrior's strength increases, if he wants to obtain spiritual power through food, the food materials must keep up with the warrior's training level, otherwise it will have no effect.

"Here comes the chicken soup~"

"The dishes are all served."

"Eat, why don't you eat?"

Shen Zishuang's words smelled like chicken soup. As an A-level warrior, she didn't care at all about the weak spiritual power of these ingredients, and she ate them deliciously.

"Before eating, let's divide the credits for the opening battle." Wu Fan finally figured it out. If we don't talk about the credits today, no one will be able to finish the meal.

"The credits awarded this time total 52,680 points."

"First of all, as my team is the main force guarding the south gate, I think it should get 30% of the credits, which is 15,804 points."

Hearing Wu Fan's words, Guan Yuan, Wang Ye, Ling Xiaolu and others were a little surprised. They did not expect that Wu Fan actually gave them 30%.

"Then I divided the 15804 points into 9 parts, each with 1756 points. Zhang Zhibai took two parts, which is 3512 points, while Guan Yuan, Wang Ye, Bi Yang, Luo Hou and other seven people divided the remaining 7 points. share, that is, 1,756 credits per person.”

Zhang Zhibai felt a little surprised when he heard that he had two shares. The more than 3,500 credits were dozens of times more than what he had during the summer training camp.

"Wu Fan, what about ours?" Xu Fengshuang asked directly without being polite.

She did not wear a combat uniform today. Instead, she wore a chiffon translucent shirt and a pair of light blue hot pants, revealing her long, smooth and shapely legs. She wore boat socks and a pair of trendy casual shoes.

"Without the help of the other three teams this time, it would be difficult for us to delay the time until the end, so this battle must be due to their contribution." Wu Fan looked at Xu Fengshuang's legs regretfully, and then said.

"I will allocate 10% of the credits to each team, which is 5,268 credits. I will give these more than 5,000 credits to the captains of their respective teams, Xu Fengshuang, Wenren Youyue and Luo Xianhe. As for what happens within the teams. Distribution, you three team members will discuss it among themselves."

Hearing that Wu Fan gave them 10% of the credits, Wenren Youyue and the others nodded. They agreed with this allocation method. Because they guarded other gates and received hundreds of credits, they added Wu Fan's credits. The 10% given to them has a huge overall benefit.

"Of the remaining 40% credits, I will get 30% myself, and then the remaining 10% will be used as everyone's progress award. For every level of strength, you can get 10 points."

After Wu Fan finished speaking, he asked everyone in the audience: "Does anyone have any objection to my distribution plan?"

The students in the Qianlong class all looked at each other, and no one raised any objections. Some even felt that Wu Fan's share was a bit lacking.

"Brother Fan, I suggest you take all the remaining 40%. After all, you held down more than 3,000 people for 45 minutes by yourself. Without you, we wouldn't be able to hold on even if our number doubled." Guan Yuan He said while eating garlic oyster rice roll.

After hearing Guan Yuan's words, Wu Fan just shook his head and said: "Having too many cultivation resources is not a good thing. If you want to go further, you have to stay hungry."

After confirming that there were no objections, Wu Fan transferred all the credits through the campus built-in APP.

Afterwards, the celebration banquet was spent in a strong festive atmosphere.


In the evening, Wu Fan returned to his dormitory.

"There are still ten days left, I have to calm down and practice."

Wu Fan planned to use this time to cultivate his spiritual pressure level from level 27 to level 28, because the loneliness after the excitement was the best music during training.

And just when Wu Fan was about to take out the top-quality spiritual stone left in the mask space, he was surprised to find that there was nothing in the space except the sea anemone spiritual core and the monster egg!

Wu Fan subconsciously exclaimed:

"Where's my spiritual stone!?"

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