Wu Fan opened the door and found that it was the staff delivering goods on time.

"Classmate Wu Fan, this is the item you purchased. Please sign for it." The other party sent a large box for cold chain transportation. After Wu Fan signed for it, he took it to the room to open it.

As soon as he opened it, a strong herbal fragrance spread throughout the room.

"Aura liquid, thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, Tianshan snow lotus, black jade Ganoderma lucidum, Cordyceps extract..." This is the C-level botanical medicinal bath that Wu Fan ordered on the campus network.

He then walked into the bathroom with these precious materials.

The bathtub in his bathroom is 4 meters long, 2 meters wide, and half a meter deep. It also has surfing, massage, and thermal insulation functions. Wu Fan filled the bath with 50-degree hot water, and then poured all these precious herbal materials into it.

The botanical medicinal bath ingredients slowly dissipated in the hot water, and the clear hot water gradually turned into a glowing emerald green.

"Huh~ feel good!"

Wu Fan took off his clothes and soaked in the hot water pool. The fatigue from a hard day's training instantly dissipated. His tense muscles began to relax and rest, and his brain, which was always thinking, was briefly freed.

The medicinal bath materials, mixed with the spiritual energy liquid, nourished and strengthened the meridians and blood vessels throughout Wu Fan's body in all directions. The flow of blood and spiritual pressure particles accelerated, and the rotation speed of the star ring accelerated.


Wu Fan plunged into the hot water, as if he was immersed in a warm ocean. Two minutes later, he emerged from the water, wiped the hot water on his face with a towel, and then removed it from the small refrigerator next to him. He took out a can of iced Coke.

“A hot bath with ice Coke is so refreshing!”

He doesn't care about the cold drinks that are bad for the stomach. If his stomach hurts just because he drank a bottle of cold drinks, then the warriors will secretly give each other cold drinks before fighting.

"The Asian Warrior Games in Suzhou and Hangzhou have begun." While taking a break in the hot bath, Wu Fan took out his mobile phone to watch the latest news.

"I don't know if the national football team will be able to advance to the group stage this time, fighting at home." China has more or less achieved results in various large-scale sports events, but only in football, it is simply miserable.

"Eating specially supplied A-grade quality sea cucumbers every day, the spiritual energy in an individual is escaping. It is a typical excess of energy. At first glance, it means a lack of practice and exercise."

Wu Fan sighed, it was simply a waste of natural resources.

"General Fan said that the national football team will definitely be able to enter the World Cup within 10 years..." Under the football search, the first hot search was this. Wu Fan was originally going to exclude it, but the comments from netizens were really interesting.

Brother DOMO: "What!? China will host the World Cup in ten years?"

Sunny Kitty: “I think this is much more difficult than developing superconducting nanolithography chips.”

Boiling water is unhappy: "I am Qin Shihuang, do you believe in him or me?"

After a few more glances, Wu Fan closed the entertainment video website. If you don't have enough self-control, you can watch a video for only a few minutes, but by the time you come to your senses, at least 1 or 2 hours have passed.

"Let's see what other people are doing." Wu Fan opened the address book and looked at the recent circle of friends, but it was empty. Except for Shen Zishuang occasionally sending some cultivation tips and chicken soup for the soul, there was no news at all from others. .

"It seems that everyone is concentrating on practicing."

After all, they have received a lot of credits before, and these people want to take advantage of this time to improve themselves as soon as possible.

The time gradually came to 8 o'clock in the evening. Wu Fan had almost absorbed the herbal essence in the hot pool. He wiped off the water stains on his body, put on casual clothes, opened the door and walked into the practice room.

"The spiritual pressure is already 29817, and it will reach level 30 tonight." Wu Fan no longer hesitated, and immediately took out the last top-quality spiritual stone.

Bits of spiritual pressure particles were quickly absorbed into Wu Fan's body, and the absorption speed of the third nebula began to become extremely slow.

I don't know how long it took, but Wu Fan's eyes flashed, and he crushed the top-quality spiritual stone in his hand. A large amount of spiritual energy spread out like a galaxy. The two golden star rings in Wu Fan's body moved together, crushing this mass of spiritual pressure. All particles are absorbed.

"Finally reached level 30."

Wu Fan stood up and punched a few times on the spot, and found that there was a faint wave of punches, and the sound of air explosions could be heard several meters in the air.

"If you want to advance, don't be in a hurry."

Wu Fan looked at the time and saw that it was already past 10 p.m. "It would be bad if there is too much noise about the advancement and attracting other people's attention."

"I'll go to the mission hall tomorrow to pick up a mission. I'll tell you that I've been in seclusion for too long and need to go out for actual combat. Then I'll take the opportunity to use the great demon's spiritual core to advance to D level."

After arranging the plan, Wu Fan took another look at the situation in the mask space.

"Very good, still there."

After making sure that the golden spiritual core of the great demon sea anemone was not eaten, Wu Fan felt relieved and went directly to bed.


Early the next morning, Wu Fan came to the task hall of China Wuhan University.

It is said to be a hall, but in fact there is a dedicated building. As an important institution for students to obtain credits, there are many people coming and going here.

"C-level mission, go to Xining Sea to collect salt flowers, reward 120 points, and find a classmate who practices martial arts or has strong reconnaissance ability. The strength requirement is at least level 35."

"A B-level mission. A B-level demon-blood monster was discovered in Suiyang County. The local demon-slaying team is short of manpower and needs support. Two B-level warriors above level 50 are here. The mission credits are 300 points."

"E-level mission. A wolverine that seems to have absorbed spiritual energy and turned into a monster was found in the Baiyun Mountain Forest. We need to go and investigate. The mission credits are 20 points."

As soon as Wu Fan entered the door, he saw several huge electronic screens. From left to right, there were A-level tasks, B-level tasks...all the way to E-level tasks.

"Hello classmate, how can I help you?" A young lady wearing an OL work uniform said with a faint smile.

"I want to take on a D-level mission, preferably a demon-slaying one." Wu Fan thought for a while and decided that demon-slaying was the best option for him.

"If you receive tasks in the future, you can do so in the APP on the campus network. After completing the tasks, you can settle the tasks here in the task hall. This will be much more convenient." The young lady told Wu Fan while searching for suitable tasks for him.

"D-level mission, a water monster appeared in the suburbs of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Since the Asian Warrior Games is being held there, manpower has been transferred to the core urban area, so extra manpower is needed to handle this matter. The mission credits are 50 points. Do you want to take it? ?”

"I took it."

Wu Fan didn't care where he was going. He went out mainly to advance. Of course, it would be nice to help the local people kill monsters.

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