Soon, the warriors from both sides entered the ring from the lounge.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Flash lights lit up all around, and Qinxi Provincial TV Station, Chang'an Local TV Station, and large self-media platforms all set up live broadcast equipment in the corner.

"Yifan, Yifan, I love you!"

"Tian Hua, Tian Hua, you are the best!"

"Chang'an Wuhan University is boasting! Huaxia Wuhan University is a scumbag!"

Zhang Yifan, Tian Hua and others from Chang'an Wuhan University were warmly welcomed as soon as they took the stage. The sound of cheering almost knocked off the roof of the arena.


Zhang Yifan has a dark complexion and a well-proportioned figure, but his walking steps are very steady, his breathing is steady, and his spiritual pressure is thick. At first glance, he is not a simple person. After hearing these cheers, he simply waved his hand.

Another boy named Tian Hua is more flamboyant. He has a fair face and does not look like a martial arts practitioner. He has a handsome appearance and a tall and tall figure of 1.85 meters.


Tian Hua raised his hands high to signal to the audience from all directions in the stands, and then ran to the camera and made a winning gesture.

"This guy loves the limelight."

The Chinese martial arts people watching the battle in the audience complained one after another.

"Being pushy is also a skill. It puts pressure on yourself and your opponents in advance. If you have a weak psychological endurance, the blow of failure will be greater." Zhang Zhibai said calmly.

Li Lanzhou is a strong man 2 meters tall, but his body shape is different from Wang Ye's. His arms are very thick, and Wang Ye can only be considered a thin man standing in front of him.

Yan Junyu was dressed as a swordsman. Like Qin Shaoshang, he carried his spiritual sword behind his back.

The last warrior who participated in the war at Chang'an Wuhan University was a girl, but she was a little different from ordinary girls. Li Muyao was very short, and she looked like a hobbit standing next to Li Lanzhou, but she looked very cute and had a beautiful skin. She is fair-skinned and has lively eyes. She looks like a legal lolita.

"The King of Heaven is as strong as the Tiger of Earth, and Mu Yao is only 1.5 meters tall!"

"Mu Yao, Mu Yao, you are the most beautiful!"

The contestants from Chang'an Wuhan University are all famous figures in the school and have high popularity.

But when Wu Fan came on stage, the situation changed, and the whole audience booed and booed.

"Come on, you must last 3 minutes!"

"I hope you won't be beaten to the point of incontinence!"

"Boy, stop showing off and call your teammates over quickly. Don't be beaten to tears later!"

Upon hearing these words, Wu Fan just picked his ears and didn't take them seriously at all.

Then the referee took his place and signaled both sides to salute each other.

"China Wuhan University, Wu Fan!"

"Chang'an Wuhan University, Zhang Yifan!"

"Chang'an Wuhan University, Tian Hua!"


Both parties announced their names and then stood apart.

"Classmate Wu Fan, although you are alone, we will never hold back." Zhang Yifan said to Wu Fan seriously.

"To each other."

The referee looked left and right, and after confirming that everything was ready, he shouted in a strong voice: "The game begins!"


The moment the referee finished speaking, the spiritual pressure in the six people's bodies exploded collectively, and the invisible spiritual pressure was like two incompatible waves, slapping towards each other.

"So strong!"

Some onlookers screamed in surprise. They thought Wu Fan would be crushed in all directions, but looking at the situation on the field, Wu Fan actually withstood the spiritual pressure of the five people on the opposite side!

The spiritual pressure confrontation only lasted for a moment. The next second, the white-faced boy Tian Hua, who liked to show off, came towards Wu Fan with a metal spear in his hand.


The gun came out like a dragon, and the cold light pierced Wu Fan's eyes directly with terrifying power. On the other side, Zhang Yifan, Li Lanzhou, and Yan Junyu attacked from different directions!

"C-level martial arts! Thunder Double Ten Slash!"

Zhang Yifan crossed his two swords in his hands, and the two long swords rubbed together to emit a violent electric light. Then he slashed out with both swords, and a nearly ten-meter thunder cross sword slashed towards Wu Fan's shoulder!

"C-level martial arts! Eclipse!"

Yan Junyu, a young man carrying a sword, pulled out the long sword on his back with one hand. The moment he used the martial arts, the originally glowing spiritual pressure particles instantly turned dark, like the darkness after being swallowed by the sun, a wave of The power of annihilation is attached to the sword.

"Chang'an Wuhan University took advantage of the number of people and wanted to kill Wu Fan instantly from the beginning." Professor He, who was watching the battle, said: "They must have seen the battle video of Wu Fan when he was guarding the south gate of Huaxia Wuhan University."

"Thousands of freshmen lost the battle at the South Gate because they were superior in numbers and did not try their best from the beginning. In the end, Wu Fan delayed them for enough time. Although Chang'an Wuhan University had five people fighting one person this time, it will never do the same thing again. mistake."

Things were just as Professor He thought. Before the game, several people from Chang'an Wuhan University had watched Wu Fan's battle videos, including the battle in the international student dormitory last night.

The swift spear, the thunderous double sword, the annihilating sword, plus Li Lanzhou's fierce punch!


Explode instantly!

The entire arena shook slightly, and the terrifying energy shock wave spread out and was blocked by the invisible protective shield. Then countless dust was kicked up from the edge of the arena!

"Fuck! It's too fierce!"

The students of Chang'an Wuhan University who were watching the battle shouted excitedly. They thought the battle was over in just an instant.

"From Huaxia Wuhan University? Are you still dragging me?"

"The number one freshman has this kind of strength? I can do it even if I am!"

"It's not that the people from Huaxia Wuhan University are not good, it's that the players from our Chang'an Wuhan University are too strong this year."

Just as they were talking, a figure suddenly flew out from the ring. The speed was so fast that it was difficult to see who it was.


The figure hit the transparent protective cover hard, and then fell to the ground with a snap like a heavy object falling freely.

Is it Wu Fan?


It's Tian Hua!


Tian Hua spit out a mouthful of blood, and he felt that the bones in his chest were about to break.


A ray of emerald green light shone on Tian Hua's body, and his body, which was still in difficulty, immediately recovered.

On the other side, Wu Fan struck the thunder cross that Zhang Yifan had slashed with his sword.


The moment the long knife collided with the Thunder Cross, Wu Fan felt that half of his hand was paralyzed, and then he realized something.

This person...

That’s 3 times the spiritual pressure!

On the other side, Yan Junyu's long sword struck Wu Fan's body-protecting spiritual pressure. It was like a heavy hammer hitting tempered glass. The long sword cut out a fine crack in Wu Fan's body-protecting spiritual pressure!


Before Wu Fan could be surprised, Yan Junyu looked at Wu Fan in shock.

This martial art of his is specially used to break shields. Even the body-protecting spiritual pressure of some newly promoted C-level warriors can be broken. But when it hit Wu Fan, it only cracked a gap!

How thick is this man's shield! ?

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