I Didn't Get Into The Warrior High School And Had No Choice But To Draw My Sword.

Chapter 167 The Sky Has Cleared Up And The Rain Has Stopped. Do You Think You Can Do It Again?

"Wu Fan, you should drink when someone toasts you. This is the most basic courtesy. Besides, that person is Mr. Yuan." While Wang Shuyue returned to the main table, Chen Mingyang sat down next to Wu Fan and whispered.

"Why do I drink when others toast me?" Wu Fan really didn't understand.

"Shouldn't true politeness mean not forcing someone after hearing that I don't like drinking? A toast shouldn't be equated with being rude."


Chen Mingyang felt that what Wu Fan said seemed to make sense, and he didn't know how to refute it for a while.

"Brother Fan, let's have a discussion after dinner?"

At this time, Wu Lingxiao on the side said to Wu Fan that he still vividly remembered the battle at the school gate a long time ago.

"Last time you blocked the door of Yangcheng Warrior High School, I was chopped down by you, but I was laughed at for a long time. Today I want to regain my place."

"I still hope you will think about it carefully, because I don't want you to leave a psychological shadow." Wu Fan kindly advised, a warrior's martial arts belief is still very important.

"Looking down on me?"

Wu Lingxiao felt that after more than a year of military training, his strength had improved by leaps and bounds, and he was no longer the weak person he was before!


The weather has cleared up, the rain has stopped, and some people feel that they can do well again. It seems that Wu Lingxiao is determined to get a beating today.

So after eating, the two prepared to go to the nearby warrior battle arena to fight.

"You want to compete? Can I go watch the battle?" After hearing the news that the two were going to compete, Wang Shuyue was a little excited and wanted to go over and have a look.

"Okay, no problem."

Wu Lingxiao agreed. He was defeated by Wu Fan last time in front of all the teachers and students in the school, so he wished that more people would come to watch the battle.

"Then let's go take a look too?"

Several eldest ladies on the side who had a good relationship with Wang Shuyue said.

"My brother-in-law has a martial arts arena under his name, which is a place for warriors to compete. You can go there." After hearing what the two people said, Mr. Yuan stood up and said.

"If possible, I would also like to have a spar. Of course, I can achieve the same level of spiritual pressure as you." Shao Yuan said sincerely.

"You don't need to lower your strength, just use your normal strength to fight us." Wu Fan said nonchalantly.

"How can that be done? My level is so high, wouldn't I be taking advantage of you?"

Hearing his words, Wu Fan just smiled and said no more.

Then, under the leadership of Yuan Shao, everyone came to a luxuriously decorated gym. This kind of private gym is generally not open to outsiders and must be brought in by insiders.

The first battle was between Wu Fan and Wu Lingxiao.

"Fire Spear!"

Wu Lingxiao put his hands in front of him, making a very handsome gesture, and then separated his hands to condense a spear wrapped in flames from the void.

As the spear appeared, a powerful spiritual pressure exploded from Wu Lingxiao's body, shocking the entire audience.

"What!? He is actually a D-level warrior?"

A group of young men and young ladies who originally had the mentality of watching rookies pecking each other were also shocked at this time.

They originally thought that Wu Lingxiao was just an ordinary warrior, a low-level warrior who had just entered the E-level, but they didn't expect that he was even stronger than them!

"Brother Fan, show off your spiritual weapon!"

Wu Lingxiao held a spear and said confidently to Wu Fan.

Wu Fan twisted his neck, then clenched his fist, making a series of bone friction sounds, and then said: "It's not needed yet."

The reason why he didn't summon the long knife was because he didn't want to send Wu Lingxiao to the hospital.

"Brother Fan, I haven't seen you for more than a year, and you are getting more and more crazy. Since you said so, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Wu Lingxiao was also a ruthless character in the army. Seeing that Wu Fan was emboldened, he The blood surged instantly.


Wu Lingxiao approached Wu Fan very quickly, a bit of cold light arrived first, and stabbed out fiercely!

Wu Fan turned sideways to avoid it. He had just eaten and wanted to digest it first. But when Wu Lingxiao saw Wu Fan dodge, he immediately pursued him, wanting to kill Wu Fan at a very fast pace.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The spear was like a swimming dragon in Wu Lingxiao's hand. The attack was very fierce. The tip of the spear emitted dozens of cold rays in the air. If it was an ordinary E-level warrior, it would have been riddled with holes.

Wu Fan retreated one after another, but he did not just avoid it. He spotted an opportunity while retreating, suddenly stepped forward and punched Wu Lingxiao in the face!

Wu Lingxiao looked at the punch that was about to hit his face, and there was a stern look in his eyes. Instead of giving way, he raised his gun and stabbed Wu Fan in the chest!

"I clearly remember that last time you didn't hesitate to use your body to catch my spear, and then exchanged injuries for injuries, and stuck my spear with your waist and abdomen..."

"Since you dare to exchange injuries for injuries, why not give me a punch this time!?"

Wu Lingxiao then poured powerful spiritual pressure into the spear, vowing to end the battle with one shot!



Wu Lingxiao first felt like he was stuck on an invisible wall like metal, unable to take an inch further.

Then he felt his face being hit with a tremendous force.


Wu Lingxiao's whole head was knocked crooked by the huge force, and his neck stretched out. Then his body flew up involuntarily, spinning three and a half times in the air, and then landed heavily on the ground.

There was only one thought in his mind at this time.

"Why is his body-protecting spiritual pressure so strong? My body-protecting spiritual pressure is just like nothing!?"

Most warriors would not be able to get up after being punched by Wu Fan, but Wu Lingxiao stood up from the ground immediately. It seemed that his strength was indeed pretty good.


Wu Fan's punch directly cheered up everyone watching the match, and their eyes widened instantly!

When they saw that Wu Lingxiao could become a D-level warrior at such a young age and was also a military warrior, why should Wu Fan, who was not using a spiritual weapon, be pushed to the ground and beaten?

As a result, Wu Lingxiao, who seemed to be attacking fiercely, was suddenly knocked away by Wu Fan's punch. This was simply unbelievable!

"It seems like you still have concerns. Don't worry. Use all your strength. Otherwise, you won't even be able to force out my spiritual weapon. If this continues, it will just be a waste of your and my time."

Wu Fan stood there and said in a calm tone. Wu Lingxiao's attack just now didn't even break his protective spiritual pressure. It was obvious that he held back, fearing that Wu Fan would be hurt in an ordinary sparring match.


Wu Lingxiao spat out a mouthful of blood, then looked at Wu Fan seriously and said.

"Brother Fan, since you said so, don't blame me for not being merciful!"


As soon as Wu Lingxiao finished speaking, the spiritual pressure on his body exploded instantly. The strong pressure directly shook the surrounding buildings to sway, and at the same time, three haloes appeared behind him!

"Oh my God!"

When the onlookers saw Wu Lingxiao's third star ring, they suddenly exclaimed.

"It's actually...!"

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