"Your injuries are a bit serious. You should go to the hospital quickly." Wu Fan wanted to use quantum reconstruction on him, but unfortunately the star ring martial arts could only be used by himself.

"I'll take him to the hospital."

At this time, Wang Shuyue walked into the battle room and said to Wu Fan and Wu Lingxiao.

"Okay, I'll bother you then."

Then Wang Shuyue came over and helped Wu Lingxiao leave.

Watching the two people leaving, Wu Fan felt a little familiar inexplicably. Then he thought about it and found that it was the same as when Wu Lingxiao was seriously injured and escaped with Wang Shuyue and the others in Yangcheng.

After the battle, Wu Fan did not leave the battle room, but said to Mr. Yuan in the audience: "Did you just say that you wanted to fight with me?"

Hearing Wu Fan's words, Yuan Shao's face suddenly turned ugly. Originally, he was still very confident. After all, there were not many people of his age who could reach D level.

But after seeing the fight between Wu Fan and Wu Lingxiao, he felt that Wu Fan didn't even need to take action, just Wu Lingxiao could hit him.

what to do?

At this time, he wanted to say: I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense.

But since everything was said before, it’s impossible to treat it like it didn’t happen, right?

Just when he was riding a tiger, a young man who looked exactly like Mr. Yuan walked in from the side of the venue. After seeing this young man, Mr. Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Cousin, I heard a lot of noise here. Are there experts fighting against each other?"

"A Feng, you're here just in time. Please help me deal with the man below." Shao Yuan walked quickly to the young man's side and said in a hurry.

Mr. Yuan’s surname is Ye, and his full name is Ye Yuan. The visitor is his cousin Ye Yufeng. This summer, he entered Tianfu Wuhan University as a recommended eugenics student. He also entered the reserve team of Tianfu Wuhan University’s national freshmen competition. His actual combat ability is better than his. I don’t know how powerful this cousin is.

Ye Yufeng looked in the direction pointed by his cousin Ye Yuan and saw a young man without a shirt waving towards them.

"this person?"

"It looks familiar..."

Ye Yufeng felt that he must have seen the person in front of him. Just when he was about to remember, his cousin Ye Yuan slapped him hard on the shoulder.

"A Feng, be gentler later. After all, he is your sister Shu Yue's classmate." Ye Yuan said in a confident tone. He had seen his cousin fight. Among the ordinary D-level warriors in the family, he was one of them. People can fight seven or eight.


Ye Yufeng's train of thought was interrupted, and then he stopped thinking about it, and the expression on his face became cold. He entered the battle room, and then walked up to Wu Fan.

"My name is Ye Yufeng. I am a freshman in the Hongzhi Class at Tianfu Wuhan University's Combat Academy. Can I take my cousin's place in the battle?"


Wu Fan nodded. He didn't have any objections, and the man in front of him seemed to be pretty good.

"In this case, I don't want to bully you. As long as you take my three moves, I will lose."

As a D-level warrior with twice the spiritual pressure compressed, Ye Yufeng's strength far exceeds that of ordinary D-level warriors. In his opinion, Wu Fan should be just an ordinary D-level warrior, and the opponent should have fought just now. Ye Yufeng felt that fighting Wu Fan with his own strength was simply bullying, so he proposed this road.

He even felt that three moves were too many, and Wu Fan might not even be able to take one of his moves.

"Take three moves from you? Isn't that just a beating from you?"

Of course Wu Fan didn't agree with this suggestion. Even if his body-protecting spiritual pressure was very thick, he didn't want to stand there and get beaten in vain.

"Then I'll give you ten moves first."

Ye Yufeng's tone was casual, showing the demeanor of a master.

"Isn't it too much if you don't use ten moves? Or just one move." Wu Fan said a little embarrassed.

"One move? You might not even be able to break through my body-protecting spiritual pressure."

Ye Yufeng was amused by Wu Fan's words while he was speaking.


"Then I won't be polite."

After Wu Fan finished speaking, his harmless expression suddenly turned serious.

He clenched the long knife in his hand, and his figure flashed instantly, appearing in front of Ye Yufeng in just the blink of an eye.


Although the two of them were standing face to face just now, even so, when Wu Fan appeared in front of him, he still didn't react!


Ye Yufeng took a breath of cold air. The burst of spiritual pressure from Wu Fan made the hairs on his body stand up instantly!

No martial arts were used, no star rings were lit up, just such an ordinary sword strike made Ye Yufeng feel a great sense of terror in his heart!

"Take this stab..."

"Am I going to die?"

This question changed from a question to an affirmative sentence with the fall of the long knife!


The long knife stopped on Ye Yufeng's head, and the strong wind chopped off a few strands of his hair.

"Young man, if you underestimate the enemy so much on the battlefield, you will really die."

Wu Fan put away the long knife, and the long knife turned into little spiritual pressure particles and returned to his body, then waved his hand and left here.

After he left, Ye Yuan rushed to his cousin and shook his body vigorously. After finding that it had no effect, he suddenly shouted to Ye Yufeng:

"The divine light retreats!"


Hearing a crisp slap, Ye Yufeng seemed to have come back to his senses, and his eyes instantly regained their luster.

But the moment he recovered, he felt his legs were weak and almost fell down. Fortunately, someone beside him quickly supported him.

"Cousin? How are you? Is everything okay?" Ye Yuan asked with concern.

"No...it's okay..."

Ye Yufeng's voice was hoarse when he spoke. He felt that his throat was dry and his lips were even a little cracked. His back was wet with cold sweat. His knees seemed like he had jumped ten kilometers in a row before he became a warrior. He could only take two steps. Planted where he stood.

"Cousin...Cousin, who was that person just now?" Ye Yufeng felt that he had never been so close to death as before.

"Cousin, you look so ugly. Did the other party use any spiritual martial arts?"

Ye Yuan felt that his cousin was like Kakashi who was possessed by Tsukuyomi. Could it be that he was stabbed by Wu Fan with a knife in the sea of ​​consciousness for three days and three nights?

"I'm not very familiar with that person either. He seems to be called Wu Fan?"

"You said that person just now was called Wu Fan!? Is he from China Wuhan University?" Ye Yufeng's tone became excited after hearing Ye Yuan's words.

"Probably not, but I heard that he had taken some independent admissions examination of China Wuhan University before." Ye Yuan looked at Ye Yufeng with some suspicion.

"Little brother, is it possible that your knees are weak due to kidney deficiency caused by excessive indulgence?"

"You bastard! I'm going to strangle you to death!"

Ye Yufeng grabbed Ye Yuan's neck with both hands and said with a look of grief and anger: "Do you know who the other party is!?"

"He is the number one freshman at Huaxia Wuhan University this year. Not long ago, he defeated five main players in the national competition at Chang'an Wuhan University in a one-on-five battle!"

Ye Yufeng pinched Ye Yuan's neck and rocked back and forth!

"If you really want me to die, just say so!"

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