Wu Fan is a warrior, and Linghu Tianyi is also a warrior. The battle between warriors has nothing to do with appearance or gender, so the grief and anger of the freshmen of the Imperial Martial Arts University are useless. The opponent is a very powerful warrior, and there is no way he will show mercy.


Wu Fan threw Linghu Tianyi to the ground for the last time, and then raised the long knife in his hand to chop it down!

However, the other party's strange shadow dodge appeared again, and Wu Fan's long sword penetrated Linghu Tianyi's body and slashed hard to the ground!

"Kung Fu martial arts! Jinghong Zhaoying!"

[This martial skill has a 30% probability of being immune to any form of attack, but the maximum cannot exceed 3 times the upper limit of one's spiritual pressure. 】

Taking advantage of the gap when Wu Fan's attack was ineffective, Linghu Tianyi did not take the opportunity to distance himself. Instead, he jumped and approached Wu Fan instantly.

Her hair was messy, her clothes were torn, and her beautiful face had several scratches and scratches, but she didn't care about her image at all. Just as Wu Fan thought, Linghu Tianyi also had a crazy heart hidden under her beautiful appearance. heart of!

She swallowed the blood and gastric juice in her throat hard, then stepped on her foot, leaning forward so hard that she hit Wu Fan's chest with her shoulder.


She was not a powerful warrior, so she could only use this method to fight against Wu Fan. After the two collided, they each bounced half a meter away. However, Linghu Tianyi took advantage of his body, supported the ground with both hands, and moved backwards. He did a somersault, stepped hard on his feet the moment he landed, and shot toward Wu Fan again at the speed of a cheetah.

As soon as Wu Fan stopped, Linghu Tianyi was already there to kill him. She held the knife behind her back and thrust it into Wu Fan's eyes!


The long knife flew across the air, blocking the tricky double blades, but only a dull explosion was heard the next second.


Wu Fan only felt a strong force hit his chest. It turned out that Linghu Tianyi used the force of the close combat to kick him ten times in a row with a pair of beautiful jade feet!

The invisible protective spiritual pressure was kicked out with ripples. Although it was not damaged, it caused Wu Fan to retreat one after another.


Linghu Tianyi gave a sweet scolding, bowed his waist and exerted force suddenly, using an upside-down golden hook to kick Wu Fan's body nearly half a meter off the ground!

"This guy is so tough!"

If it were an ordinary warrior, even Huang Yuanyu and Luo Zhongxuan, her kick could reach a height of 3 or 4 meters. However, Wu Fan's body-protecting spiritual pressure was too heavy, and he used all his strength to just kick. Flying half a meter high.

All the spiritual pressure in her body exploded, and after hanging upside down on the golden hook, both blades suddenly glowed with a cold light!

"Martial skills! The goddess scatters flowers!"


Hearing an explosive sound, Linghu Tianyi separated his two swords and jumped into the air, then aimed at Wu Fan's body and started dancing.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The two swords formed a circle in the air, and Wu Fan was stabbed more than 30 times in an instant. With each stab, Wu Fan's body was lifted up a few centimeters!

But Linghu Tianyi's attack was not over yet. She exploded in the air again, and her spiritual pressure suddenly increased!


The goddess of Erlian scatters flowers!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The long knife cut through Wu Fan's body-protecting spiritual pressure with great difficulty. Under her violent blow, this despairingly thick body-protecting spiritual pressure finally shattered!

"It's a pity that your spiritual pressure is still too low, otherwise it would be difficult to determine the outcome of this battle." Linghu Tianyi's charming eyes narrowed to a slit.

And just when she was about to wield her two swords to kill Wu Fan, she saw a pair of very stern eyes.

Accompanied by a burst of sword light...


A large amount of blood spurted out from Linghu Tianyi's chest. Half a second later, her pupils shrank and she looked at Wu Fan in front of her with an unbelievable expression.

"Whether it's a life-or-death battle or not, you have to concentrate until the last second."

Just in the moment of joy and relaxation when the body-protecting spiritual pressure was shattered, Wu Fan caught Linghu Tianyi and slashed him with his backhand!

"Get down here!"

At this time, the two of them were nearly 3 meters above the ground. Wu Fan stabbed Linghu Tianyi in the abdomen with a knife, and then held the knife with both hands and pressed hard on the ground!


The moment the long knife penetrated the ground, it directly stabbed Linghu Tianyi through him!


While Linghu Tianyi spat out a mouthful of blood, he clamped Wu Fan's neck with his legs from behind, desperately trying to pull the long knife out of his stomach.

But Wu Fan didn't give her a chance at all. The moment the long knife penetrated the ground, a powerful spiritual pressure rose from his body.

Burning the sky with one sword!


A sword-shaped fire blade shot out from the ground. As Wu Fan's spiritual pressure increased, the width of the fire blade was now more than 10 meters wide and more than 40 meters high!

The terrifying temperature can burn steel into iron juice, and can burn rocks into molten lava. If the people who stay in it are not strong enough, they will be completely destroyed!

"Oh my God! Help!"

Although Linghu Tianyi has a 30% chance of being immune to the damage from this fire knife, the fire knife passed through her abdomen. If she was hit hard like this, more than 50% of her whole body would be carbonized!


The huge fire blade burned the front gate of the Imperial Martial Arts University into a lava hell. Everyone could only be thankful that the classmates who were defeated by Wu Fan had been moved away from the scene, otherwise they would probably die!

"Where's the teacher? Where's the professor? Please help me quickly!?"

"Isn't it just a fight for face? Why do you have to deal with such a heavy blow!?"

Just when the martial arts crowd in the imperial capital was filled with indignation, a charcoal-black figure suddenly appeared in the huge fire blade.

Linghu Tianyi did not dodge Wu Fan's knife. At this time, 70% of her skin had been burned into black coal. Linghu Tianyi's chest suddenly shone with a pink light in the fire knife.

"Could it be..."

"Is that coming!?"

Seeing this starting move, the Imperial Capital martial arts people who were still watching quickly ran back, trying to get away from this place in panic!

"My natal martial arts! Overwhelm all sentient beings!"


A transparent pink hemisphere with a diameter of 100 meters enveloped Wu Fan and Huo Dao!

At the moment when it was enveloped by this huge transparent hemisphere, the flames burning on the fire blade did not move, and the flying sand and stones also stopped in mid-air. The fleeing people and the blowing wind all seemed to be sealed by time and remained In place!

"What's happening here!?"

Some Imperial Martial Arts students who were unclear about the situation were horrified as they looked at the huge pink transparent hemisphere in front of them. It covered almost half of the Imperial Martial Arts University gate!

"The time in the sphere has stopped? Or is the space blocked?" What happened in front of them was directly beyond the cognition of this group of ordinary freshmen.

Linghu Tianyi, who was in the fire knife, used his severely burned arm to grab the handle of the long knife and pulled the blade out of his abdomen.

She looked at the motionless Wu Fan in front of her with a complicated and relieved expression, and then waved the double blades in her hands to cut his neck!

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