"Threatening letter!?"

Wenren Youyue's methods were too powerful, so Xu Fengshuang finally told the story.

"I received an email last night. The sender used an encrypted address and I couldn't find it at all." Xu Fengshuang rubbed her arms and opened the email APP on her mobile phone.

"Let me know in advance that the pictures in this threatening letter are all altered and photoshopped, and the story is also false. Don't take it seriously."

As soon as she finished speaking, many pictures appeared in front of the women, showing a man and a woman in very ambiguous postures and with very exciting movements.


The girls' hearts suddenly accelerated and their faces turned red with embarrassment. They covered their eyes with their hands and peeked through a gap. The girl in the photo was Xu Fengshuang, and the boy was...

"Wu Fan!?"

Wenren Youyue shouted almost subconsciously, her voice even breaking.

"What's going on? When did you and Wu Fan do this kind of thing!?" Wenren Youyue's eyes once again became as sharp as Tu Meijiang's.

"Don't get excited! I already told you that these pictures are fake. Calm down and think about it!" Seeing the other party's appearance, Xu Fengshuang became anxious. She was a victim, okay?

"Yesterday afternoon, Wu Fan asked me to come out for a spar. We had a fight in the training hall of the third period. As a result, someone secretly photographed me. Then the person who secretly photographed used these pictures and Internet pictures to perform AI face-swapping to change the fighting character. The pictures and the face-swapping pictures are integrated to the point that if you don't compare them carefully, you can't tell them apart at all." Xu Fengshuang gritted her teeth and said, she was extremely angry at this moment.

After hearing her words, Wenren Youyue and Mo Qingwu also calmed down, and they continued to read the second half of the threatening letter.

"Shocked! The private life of Xu Fengshuang, a contestant from China Wuhan University, is in chaos!"

"Breaking news! The unknown side of Xu Fengshuang from Wuhan University of China! 》

"Black History!" The cold-faced goddess Xu Fengshuang actually looks like this behind her back! 》”

"Last month at the Suzhou-Hangzhou Warriors Asian Games, an athlete was kicked out of the national team after being reported to be suspected of gambling while playing Texas Hold'em poker."

"Classmate Xu Fengshuang, you don't want the above news to appear all over the Internet, right? So we hope that you must follow our requirements during the national competition, otherwise, hey... you will be responsible for the consequences!"

"Damn! Who dares to do such a shameless thing?" Wenren Youyue and others also became angry after reading the threatening letter.

"It's absolutely crazy to threaten people with a girl's reputation, not to mention these pictures and stories are all fake!" Wenren Youyue clenched her fists and waved them in the air. Then she seemed to have thought of something and immediately added: "Not even if it's true!"

"This matter is not simple. The opponent is most likely a spinach chaebol organization that wants to control the outcome of the national competition. It may also be an off-board trick used by other Wuhan universities to defeat us." Xu Fengshuang feels that the opponent's background is definitely not small. .

"Then what should we do now? Do we want to tell Sister Shen Xue and Principal Mulan Jin?" Mo Qingwu said softly while holding her life Gu Gu Yuan.

"No, what if we alert the enemy? Then the enemy will break out and actually post the contents of the threatening letter online. Wouldn't that be bad?"

"It's not like you don't know the current online public opinion environment. Do netizens care whether the pictures are real? No, they will only follow the trend and be violent. The truth is not important to them at all. They will only use their hearts. The dark side writes ugly words to vent the stress and dissatisfaction accumulated in reality.”

Wenren Youyue shook her head and temporarily rejected Mo Qingwu's proposal.

"I was thinking on the train coming to Ice City. Since the opponent wants to control the game, it is obviously not enough to threaten me alone. They must control more of the main players. Then if we take the initiative to provide them with Given the opportunity, I think they will definitely do it again."

Xu Fengshuang said from the side. She was angry but not afraid at all. She would post whatever the other party wanted to say. It was just some online comments and would not have any impact on her state of mind. The most important thing she wanted now was to get rid of the initiator. Find it out.

"Oh? Then what should we do specifically?" someone asked curiously.

Xu Fengshuang suddenly stared at Wenren Youyue with a malicious look in her eyes. She raised the corners of her mouth slightly and made a crooked Dragon King expression and said, "Let's just do this..."


Upon hearing Xu Fengshuang's plan, the girls collectively made a sound of shock.


The next day, the formal special training began.

Early in the morning, students from Wuhan University in China and Wuhan University in Bingcheng lined up in long lines and began to practice morning jogging around the snow-capped mountains next to Snow Country in the North.

For warriors, no matter what level they reach and how abundant the spiritual energy in their bodies is, they cannot neglect to exercise their bodies. Moreover, the best plan for the day is in the morning. Only with sufficient energy and energy in the morning can a whole day's training be completed.


Wu Fan breathed rhythmically, and the cold air penetrated into his lungs along his nose, making him feel a chill.

"Running in the snow without reiatsu is indeed much more difficult than usual." At this time, they had run more than 30 kilometers around the snow-capped mountains, and some students with poor physical fitness had already begun to use reiatsu.

"No, it's not enough."

Although some people began to be unable to bear it, Wu Fan felt that the pressure was not enough, so the spiritual pressure in his body circulated and gathered them under his feet to form an invisible plane, preparing to imitate Qin Shaoshang and Ye Chanxin. Reiatsu and Shenfa are integrated into daily life habits.

With the blessing of spiritual pressure, Wu Fan suddenly felt his body light up, and with a slight step, he flew over a distance of nearly 5 meters.

However, although this kind of training method has outstanding effects, it consumes a lot of spiritual power in the body. Every second now, the spiritual power in Wu Fan's body will continue to be consumed. He can still persist in short distances, but The consumption of long-distance running is particularly huge.

After running another 50 kilometers, Wu Fan, who had nearly 5 times his spiritual pressure, gradually began to feel tired.


Although he was very tired, Wu Fan did not stop to rest because he knew that when his body was at its limit, every extra second he held on would be a new breakthrough.

With Wu Fan's persistence, he finally completed the 100 kilometers of his morning run.

At this time, his blood and energy were steaming all over his body. Under the influence of the cold air around him, a large amount of white mist appeared on his body, giving people the illusion that he had practiced martial arts to the point where three flowers gathered at the top and five qi came to the source.

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