I Didn't Get Into The Warrior High School And Had No Choice But To Draw My Sword.

Chapter 196 The Differences Between Luo Xianhe And Wenren Youyue!

The north wind blows across the ground, and the sky is filled with snow.

Although the winter solstice has not yet arrived, the Meteorological Center has issued a red blizzard warning, and it is expected that the Ice City will enter winter earlier than in previous years.

While Wu Fan, Chang Zhengming and others were fighting fiercely over the tower in the middle road, Luo Xianhe and Wenren Youyue, who were guarding the Lingshi warehouse on the road, were still on standby.

"Fighting has already begun on other roads, but we are still guarding the tower here. There is probably only one regiment on the other side. If you ask me, we can just press on and calculate."

Luo Xianhe stood on the high alloy wall of the small city defense, rubbed his hands, and spit out a large mouthful of white mist.

The small city defense was built on a pass, surrounded by several kilometers-high mountains. Many boreal coniferous forests were planted on the mountains, and the dense wind and snow dyed the entire mountain white.

The function of the small city defense is a bit like a checkpoint or a pass, cutting off the road to the city and the Lingshi warehouse. If you want to cross here, you have to take a long, long way. During this period, if you are accidentally seen by the opponent patrolling the mountain, , then there is basically no return.

Wu Fan and the others are on the blue side, so the Lingshi Warehouse is on the top road, while Bingcheng Wuhan University is on the golden side, and the Lingshi Warehouse is on the bottom road where Xu Fengshuang is. Generally speaking, the road without the Lingshi Warehouse is a disadvantaged road, so Luo Xianhe believed that the opponent would most likely only have the combat strength of one regiment.

"No, until Chang Zhengming gives the news, we can only stay on standby in the city defense." Wenren Youyue said firmly: "We are not fighting alone. We must be disciplined at this time."

The spiritual stone warehouse contains spiritual stones with 50 million spiritual powers. These spiritual stones are the most important energy source for the city's protective shield. Once the spiritual stone warehouse is destroyed, the city's protective shield will no longer be able to maintain, and the backup energy in the city will be exhausted. It will disappear after that. If the opposite city protective shield is not broken before the backup energy is used up, then the game will be lost.

Of course, during the official competition, you can also use the points exchanged for monster spirit cores to exchange for strategy cards like [Spiritual Stone with 1 Million Spiritual Power].

However, it is obvious that using points on such a hole-filling strategy card is undoubtedly a waste. Therefore, the importance of the Lingshi Warehouse is self-evident. It can be said that once the Lingshi Warehouse is destroyed, it will basically be over. Half of it is lost.

"Medical warriors are indeed a group of guys without courage. You only thought about the situation where our small city defense was broken and the spiritual stone warehouse was destroyed. But you didn't think about the fact that there is only one regiment on the opposite side, and we only need to swallow this regiment. You can pull out the tower all the way to the opponent's high ground, and you can even win the game directly without the opponent having time to defend."

In Luo Xianhe's view, tactics and strategies are originally designed to serve the purpose of winning. Now that there is such a way to win quickly, why do we still stick to the old rules?

After hearing the conversation between the two, the people around them gradually divided into two groups.

"We are students from China Wuhan University, and we have to show off our momentum on the battlefield. Others who are so timid will think we are just shy!"

"We can defend the city defenses against schools like the Magic City Martial Arts University and the Imperial City Martial Arts University, but we don't need to attack the Ice City Martial Arts University, right?"

Warriors are not necessarily warlike, but they must not be afraid of fighting. Those who can be admitted to Huaxia Wuhan University are the top elites in the country. They naturally have a psychological advantage over lower schools, and 17, 8, and 9-year-olds Being a teenager is the most war-provoking period in life, and it is normal to be unable to suppress the war-like passion in your heart.

"It seems that you really can't wait to kill someone. Then you can take your own three regiments to fight. Since they are all in one regiment, since you are so confident in your strength, you should be able to defeat the opponent. ,right?"

Wenren Youyue felt that she couldn't persuade Luo Xianhe, so she simply asked him to give it a try. Anyway, this was just an exchange match. If he could make him suffer a little loss now and have a better memory, it would be better than making a mistake and losing in the main match. The game is much better, right?

"You will regret not fighting with me." Luo Xianhe laughed and walked down the alloy city wall, summoned Qin Shaoshang, He Hao and other members of his Qianlong squad, and gathered the 200 new strong men from the 3rd regiment. After that, they started to kill towards the first tower on the road to Bingcheng Wuhan University.

"Regret? Do you regret not going to die with you?" Looking at Luo Xianhe disappearing into the wind and snow, Wenren Youyue had a premonition that this game would be extremely difficult.


Luo Xianhe's spiritual pressure exploded all over his body, and he rushed to the front of the team. The wind, snow and fog tens of meters around him were shaken away by his powerful spiritual pressure. Hundreds of people followed closely behind him. If you look carefully, If you observe, you will find that Luo Xianhe brought out more than 200 people!

"I really can't stand Wenren Youyue's badass character. She's so cowardly that she has to wait for Chang Zhengming to take command. Haha, with Chang Zhengming's little strength, is he qualified to take command?"

The speaker was a warrior from the 4th Regiment. Although he was in Wenren Youyue's team, he was very much in favor of taking the initiative, so when Luo Xianhe's 3rd Regiment attacked, he took the initiative to follow them. .

There were many people who had the same idea as him. At this time, nearly 100 warriors from the 4th regiment were following behind. Wenren Youyue knew about this, but she did not stop them.

A huge group of 300 people were rushing through the snow, their silhouettes flying like flies.

"There's someone ahead!"

He Hao looked forward with a long stick in hand and found a scout from Bingcheng Wuhan University quickly escaping to the rear.

"Where to run!"

Luo Xianhe shouted loudly, stepped hard on his feet, and instantly jumped 30 meters away. Yellow spiritual pressure appeared in his hands, and he pulled at the fleeing scout in front of him.

"Dragon Capturing Technique!"


A huge fan-shaped force field appeared, and the Bingcheng Martial Arts scout who was still running dozens of meters away was instantly pulled back by a huge force!


Before he could react, his body was grabbed by Luo Xianhe, and what greeted him was an iron fist!


The scout was punched in the abdomen, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. Then his whole body began to twitch and tremble violently, and he was temporarily blinded for a few seconds.

"Tell me! How many regiments do you have on the road? How strong is the leader!?" Luo Xianhe asked condescendingly, holding the opponent's collar.

"We only have one group on the road. The leader is [Ke Xun], a thirty-sixth-level D-level warrior with three times the spiritual pressure compressed..." the scout said in a weak voice.

"You didn't lie to me?"

Luo Xianhe asked in a threatening tone.

"What if there are spiritual warriors in your team? If I lie, won't you expose me?"

After saying that, the scout warrior from Bingcheng Martial Arts University spread his hands and said in a helpless tone:

"Please, it's just an exchange match. There's no reason for me to want to get a beating, right?"

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