"Back off!"

Chang Zhengming shouted to his team members, but he still underestimated the strength of the C-level peak demon.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Following two rapid neighing sounds, a huge spider nearly 80 meters tall appeared in front of everyone, more than 20 meters taller than Ultraman!


The Spider Queen is completely black, and her skin and spider spears glow like metal under the reflection of the sun!


Its mountainous body seemed slow, but when its huge and sharp front claws suddenly pushed away the mountain wall in front of it...

In an instant, the sky collapsed!

Two thin bodies were blown away one from the left and the other from the right, and were firmly embedded in the stone wall!

"Shi Xiaoxue? Shi Qingyao!?"

Everyone recognized the two warriors who flew out, and the two of them advanced to C-level warriors after fighting against the top 32 from Bingcheng Martial Arts University.

Before Luo Xianhe, Xu Fengshuang and the others made a sneak attack, it was the two of them who faced off against the C-level demon [Spider Queen].

"Ahhh! My ears!"


When the two sisters of the Shi family were blasted away by the monster, the Huaxia Wuhan University was not having a good time either.

Most of the freshmen from Huaxia Wuhan University participating in the national competition have become E-level warriors, but there are still a small number who are still at the peak of F-level.

When Wu Fan was still a tenth-level quasi-warrior, facing the weaker C-level warrior Mei Chen, he could only use his will and unyielding faith to swing his destined sword under the shock of the opponent's spiritual pressure.

Although this group of freshmen were at the peak of F level, they were facing an even more terrifying monster. Although they were not suppressed and were lying on the ground, they were still trembling, their faces were pale, and their combat effectiveness had dropped by more than 70%.

"F-level ones exit the big demon's lair and scout outside. E-level ones and above come with us and join the big demon attack group to destroy Shi Xiaoxue and Shi Qingyao's group!"

Xu Fengshuang's body floated in the air, the feather blade in his hand spread out, and then fell down like a waterfall of stars!


Shi Xiaoxue pulled herself out of the mountain wall, and the next second the spider spear with a diameter of 3 meters stabbed down.


The spider demon was 80 meters tall, and its spider spear penetrated the mountain!


When the spider demon was attacking Shi Xiaoxue, two red rings suddenly flew from the other side!

clang! clang!

The ring hit the Dai Yao's body-protecting spiritual pressure with terrifying force, causing the Dai Yao's huge body to take half a step back!


The two sisters of the Shi family use the same spiritual weapon, called Linglong Ring, which is somewhat similar to Nezha's Universe Circle.

"With the Great Demon Empress and Huaxia Wuhan University in front of us, we have no way out." Shi Xiaoxue shouted to Shi Qingyao on the other side.

"We can only fight to the death!"

The two women looked at each other and saw the thoughts in each other's eyes. Then two figures, one on the left and one on the right, drew a big circle around the big demon in a clockwise manner!

Bang! Bang!

The two women were attacking from the front and back. The spider demon could only attack one person in front of him, while the other one was attacking from behind the big demon's butt!

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The Spider Queen has a strong body, strong strength, thick shield, and sharp spider spear, but it has only one shortcoming, and that is the lack of torque.

If the two sisters Shi Xiaoxue were connected, then the spider demon's position would be in the middle. Moreover, the two girls were not standing still, but were constantly moving clockwise.

The exquisite rings in the hands of the two women pulled out countless streams of light in the air. The two of them were not prepared to leave the big demon to Huaxia Wuhan University.

"The fight between trapped beasts!"

As soon as Luo Xianhe stepped on the ground, a crack more than 10 meters long opened in the ground, and a huge gap was opened in the retreating camp of Southwest Wuhan University.

"A bunch of fish!"

Luo Xianhe rushed towards the huge gap like a wild beast.


The freshman from Southwest Wuhan University who tried to stop him flew around like a bowling pin hit by an iron ball!


Qin Shaoshang, Wang Hao and others followed Luo Xianhe's footsteps and rushed in. The front row of Southwest Wuhan University couldn't stop them at all, and they suddenly turned into white lights and dissipated and were teleported out!

"Ten kills!"

"Ten kills!"

The shouts of "Ten Kills" spread throughout the surrounding area. The people from Southwest Wuhan University tried to resist, but Xu Fengshuang's feather blades poked countless bloody holes like melons and vegetables!

This situation is tantamount to a massacre for Southwest Wuhan University!

"This is the half court of Southwest Wuhan University. If the enemies on the line notice that something is wrong, they will come over quickly to support us. Then we will be surrounded!" Chang Zhengming stretched his vision to the limit and found that there were already some red dots heading towards this area. Close to the edge!

The ordinary enemies on the periphery had been cleared away, and Xu Shi opened his fists and claws.

"Pioneer clears the way!"

The ground was dyed purple, and a shadow that looked like Xu Shiyi quickly moved towards the big demon.

"Do you want to kill the big demon before it is annihilated by us, and then break out?"

"Without the help of the other 200 members, just you two C-level junior warriors...

"Can it be done!?"

Luo Xianhe fell to the ground like a cannonball, and in front of him was the huge mountain-like body of the Spider Queen.

"Leave the two of them to me, you hurry up and get the spirit core of the big demon!" Xu Fengshuang floated in the air, threw the feather blade in his hand, and quickly headed towards Shi Qingyao.

"You are a D-level warrior? Why do you dare to fight us!?"

Shi Qingyao looked at the flying Xu Fengshuang with a scowl on her face. Although she had consumed a lot of energy in the battle with the big demon, she was not something that a peak D-level warrior could despise!

"Why? Just for this!"

Xu Fengshuang's figure split into two and turned into two people!

"Clone martial arts?"


Shi Xiaoxue originally thought that it was Xu Fengshuang who used the clone martial arts, but later she was horrified to discover that Xu Fengshuang's movement speed had exceeded the limit of their dynamic vision, and then two figures separated!

"Kaishan Fist!"

The spider demon's huge body was knocked back more than 30 meters by a fist wave more than 10 meters long from Luo Xianhe!

During the battle between the Spider Queen and the two sisters of the Shi family, her protective spiritual pressure had been shattered, and a large amount of green juice had emerged from her steel-like skin.


The Spider Queen spurted out a filthy white web from her mouth. There was a lot of turquoise liquid stuck on the white web. The two freshmen of Southwest Wuhan University were unable to avoid it, and half of their bodies were covered by the white web.


In just an instant, the lower bodies of the two people turned into white bones, and then the white bones turned into pus and flowed directly to the ground.


The two warriors turned into white light and were teleported out instantly!


Seeing that there were not many classmates left, Shi Qingyao ignored Xu Fengshuang's attack and shouted to Shi Xiaoxue in the distance:

"Xiao Xue!"

The two women looked at each other, and powerful spiritual pressure erupted from their bodies as if they understood each other's thoughts!

"Innate martial arts!"

"Lian Hua Wushuang Flash!"

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