"Smooth skin... well-proportioned figure... long toned legs... worthy of a female warrior nourished by aura..." Fang Tianxun was wearing a pair of sultry orange Hawaiian shorts, his eyes constantly looking at the female warrior. Sweeping it all over the body.

Of course, that's all he could do. Not only him, but all the young male and female warriors present could only live with it.

Because, although warriors can easily gain power, money and status, if they focus all their energy on matters between men and women, their energy and blood will be depleted, their spiritual power will be dispersed, and their energy and spirit will become sluggish, and their martial arts practice will suffer. Influence.

"Let's start the game, I can't wait!"

Shen Zishuang looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Don't worry, there will be punishments in this volleyball match."

As she spoke, she took out a bottle of dark green drink from a cold blue tool box.

"This is a nutrient solution specially made by Huaxia Wuhan University. After drinking it, it can help you quickly recover your physical strength. However, because of the unique taste, the doses given to students are diluted 100 times."

Shen Zishuang pointed to the bottle of dark green nutrient solution in her hand and said: "This bottle has not been diluted with the original flavor~"


Hearing her words, Xu Fengshuang, Qin Shaoshang, Wenren Youyue, and other members of the Qianlong Class all had expressions of horror on their faces.

"Nutritional solution? I happen to be a little thirsty."

When Luo Xianhe heard that this was nutrient solution and it was undiluted, he happily asked for a cup from Shen Zishang.

"Don't drink!"

After seeing Shen Zishuang handing Luo Xianhe a cup of nutrient solution with a "kind" look on her face, everyone stopped her in unison, but... it was already too late.

The moment Luo Xianhe drank it, his pupils suddenly trembled, and his entire face and surrounding environment turned into a strange dark blue.

"Uh uh uh!"

Immediately afterwards, the cup fell from Luo Xianhe's hand, and he strangled his neck with both hands, as if he had drunk some devil's poison.

Bang! Bang!

Luo Xianhe began to jump on the ground like a fish on the beach, kicking his legs out randomly, sometimes rolling himself into a tire, rolling clockwise and counterclockwise on the beach.

Finally, he plunged into the seawater and turned into a floating "corpse".


There was a fine line of cold sweat on Wu Fan's forehead. He was very happy and scared now, because like Luo Xianhe, he was very interested in this kind of nutrient solution that could restore physical strength, so much so that he was very interested in what Shen Zishuang said. It tastes weird” without a hint of alarm.

"If Luo Xianhe hadn't been one step ahead of me, I'm afraid I should be the one lying dead in the sea right now..."

Shen Zishuang looked at the number of people. After missing Luo Xianhe, there was just an even number, so she decided to compete in groups of two.

"Wu Fan and Zhang Zhibai are a group..."

"Xu Fengshuang and Wenren Youyue are a group..."

Soon, everyone divided the teams.

"Shen Zishuang and He Xingxing are in a team... Huh? Senior sister, do you also want to participate? Also, who is this He Xingxing?" Chang Zhengming asked, looking at the list of teams drawn by lot.


A figure tore open the space, and the first thing revealed was a shiny bald head and large black sunglasses covering less than half of his face.

"Professor He?"

"Hey, isn't it good for you two A-level warriors to participate?" Fang Tianxun asked in a questioning tone.

"Don't worry, we won't bully you because of our high spiritual pressure. During the competition, Professor He and I will lower our spiritual pressure to the peak D level."

Shen Zishuang said with a curved smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Occasionally participating in young people's activities to rejuvenate one's mentality is also good for cultivation." Professor He said in a sonorous tone facing the sunshine, which reflected a bright light on his head.

"The competition will follow the rules of badminton. The first team to win 21 points will advance." Shen Zishuang said while reading the rules.

"Hey...the rules of badminton used in beach volleyball competition..."

Wu Fan no longer wants to complain, because it is full of flaws, okay!

On the beach, Wu Fan and Zhang Zhibai stood left and right. Wu Fan threw the volleyball high in the midfield, then jumped up, fisted with five fingers in the air, and violently hit the volleyball!

"Three thousand thunder balls!"


There was a sound of thunder on the beach, and the volleyball hit the opposite beach like a bolt of lightning at the speed of light.

"So... so fast!"

Everyone only saw Wu Fan punch the volleyball and then score.

"A hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix!"

When it was Zhang Zhibai's turn, the volleyball turned into a flying fire phoenix. After flying around the field, it finally returned to the field at a strange angle.

"21 to 0! Wu Fan and Zhang Zhibai win!"

Opposite them, Xu Shiyi and Cui Zixi were sitting back-to-back on the beach. Facing the attacks of Wu Fan and Zhang Zhibai, they had no choice but to be taken away by Zero Feng.

Just when they were immersed in failure, Shen Zishang came over with two cups of nutrient solution.

"No! I won't drink!"

Xu Shiyi's face suddenly turned pale, and he struggled to get up from the ground, but was pinched by Shen Zishuang's shoulders.

"Hey, drink some nutrient solution after exercise to help you regain your strength." At this time, Shen Zishuang looked very much like Pan Jinlian who was feeding Dalang medicine.

"Uh uh uh...."

A few seconds later, two more people appeared next to the body of Luo Xian River.

After witnessing what just happened, everyone present clenched their fists and secretly vowed that they would never lose!


Qin Shaoshang covered his throat like Luo Xianhe.

"Water! I want water!"

He Hao struggled to take a sip of pure water, but Shen Zishang gave him another sip of nutrient solution.

An hour later...

Nearly 20 people were already soaking in the water near the beach, and the competition had already reached the semi-finals.

"Classmate Wu Fan, I will never lose to you!"

Wenren Youyue was wearing a pure white swimsuit, standing in front of Wu Fan very oppressively!

"Hmph, even if I die, I won't lose."

Xu Fengshuang put her hands on her hips and looked like a fight to the death.

Wu Fan did not speak, but directly threw up the volleyball in his hand, and then jumped high into the sun.

"One ball burns the sky!"


The volleyball turned into a dark red fireball, heading straight towards Xu Fengshuang!

"Even if you score 21 points, you can win, but the person who solves the opponent can also win!"

Seeing that Wu Fan actually used such a strong fighting style right from the start, Xu Fengshuang was not polite. His spiritual pressure suddenly exploded, and a terrifying force directly knocked the flying meteors out of thin air into the sky dozens of meters high. .

"This is!?"

Wu Fan looked serious. Feeling the powerful spiritual pressure on Xu Fengshuang, he already had a guess in his mind.

"Innate martial arts!"

"Planet Falls!"


The bolide turned into a larger, bright meteor and fell towards the venue where Wu Fan and the others were!

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