I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1105: , Not in the eyes

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Looking at Chen Ping with a sudden intrusion, Chen Liwen jumped up from the beach chair immediately, his face full of anger and shouted at Chen Ping, "Chen Ping! You are arrogant! This is the separation, this is my palace, Why do you want to bring someone in and hurt my guard?!"

Chen Liwen's face was chilled, his big hand waved, and around the palace, he suddenly rushed out a group of guards with guns!

Chen Ping glanced coldly and walked forward a few steps.

The perimeters and tender patterns of those Yingyingyanyan were all so frightened that the flowers were trembling, and they quickly hid behind Chen Liwen and others.

"He is Chen Ping? That grand master of my family is so arrogant!"

"No, dare to take someone into Master Liwen's palace and see how Master Liwen repairs him!"

"Huh! I heard that he just dared to act like this when he returned to Tianxin Island, and he didn't put the separation in his eyes."

Around him, many men and women gathered together at this moment, secretly looking at Chen Ping and whispering.

When Chen Liwen heard these words, he was very upset and shouted: "Chen Ping, I warn you again, here is my Chen Liwen your palace, take your people, get out of Ben Shao! Otherwise, Hu Guai Ben Shao right You are welcome!"

Since his face was already torn, Chen Liwen didn't need to be pretending, just blame!

At this moment, several friends beside Chen Liwen, the legendary running dogs, pointed at Chen Ping and scolded:

"Chen Ping, hurry up! Don't disturb the fun of our party!"

"That's right, go back with your wife and children. I heard that your wife is a cheap seed from the outside world and has a wild seed."

"Hahaha! Brother Su, you can't say this, otherwise, if people get angry, they will destroy your house."

A group of people mocked and satirized Chen Ping, and did not regard him as the master of the Chen family.

After all, if a waste that has left Tianxin Island for so many years comes back, what shocking waves can it cause?

At this moment, Chen Ping's eyes were cold, and he turned to look at the guy who was joking with Jiang Wan and Mi Jing on Chen Liwen's side.

He asked coldly, "What's your name?"

The other party was arrogant and looked at Chen Ping with disdain. He said with a smile: "Why, this is my master's master, this is to teach me, okay, I am standing in front of you now, you are kind, but hit me. "

The wealthy young man called Su Ge, with a proud expression at the moment.

There is no fear of Chen Liwen supporting himself.


He didn't understand Chen Ping.

Especially when joking about Jiang Wan and Rice Grain, it will undoubtedly dance with Grim Reaper!


Chen Ping stepped forward, staring at the guy with a somber and indifferent look, and said, "Give you a chance to admit your mistake, kneel down, and apologize to you for your inferior speech."

The rich young man called Su Ge, his eyebrows twisted at the moment, his expression was a little flustered.

Because, from Chen Ping, who was two meters away from him, he felt the dormant killing intention. This killing intention made him a little panicked.

However, now that so many people are watching, he would not like to kneel down and apologize to Chen Ping!

In that case, it is so embarrassing!

So, he tilted his neck and pointed at Chen Ping and said angrily: "Grass! What are you pretending to be? You are just a dog chased out by the Chen family, but it only takes the name of the master's master! In front of our master Li Wen , You dare to pretend? I don’t apologize, how can you take me?"

After he finished this sentence, he flaunted and raised his neck toward the friends around him, his face full of arrogance.

These friends, all with sardonic smiles, looked at Chen Ping coldly.

They also wanted to see what kind of powerful role this Chen's grandfather and grandfather had, and whether it was the legendary one in the past few days.

After all, no one here has seen Chen Ping's return, and he still doubts the outside world.


The next scene directly shocked all of them!


In the sight of everyone's astonishment, Chen Ping stepped forward, raised his feet violently, and kicked directly on the belly of Na Suge, kicking the latter on the ground!

"No apology? You asked for it!"

Chen Ping said coldly.

Su Ge knelt on the ground, clutching his stomach, twisted with a painful face, raised his head, raised his trembling fingers, and shouted: "You... dare you kick me? I..."


Before he finished this sentence, Chen Ping reached out and broke his right hand directly!


A scream of tears broke the entire yard!


Everyone you took a breath!

Because, Chen Ping shot too hard, too fast!

The crowd hadn't responded yet, then Su Ge would not have abandoned his arm!

Then, in their eyes, Chen Ping came down from the top and looked coldly at the Su Ge, just like the emperor's trial, and asked from the top: "Let me ask you one last time, do you apologize?"

At that moment, Brother Su clutched his broken right arm and rolled on the ground in pain, screaming angrily: "Lao will not apologize! This is Master Liwen's palace, can you dare to kill me?"

The words fell!


A gunshot rang through the entire yard!

Holding Chen Jincan's desert eagle in his hand, Chen Ping has a white smoke at his muzzle.

On the ground, that Su Ge, his brow reddened, his eyes widened and fell in the pool of blood!

All this happened in two seconds!

From Chen Ping pulling out the Desert Eagle from behind his waist, to killing Su Ge, everything seemed to be stagnant!

Everyone, men and women, all had their eyes widened, covering their mouths, and looked at this scene in disbelief!

Chen Ping's eyes swept away, and his icy eyes swept away from all the men and women in the yard!

This look is too cold, too domineering, like a real sword, piercing everyone's heart!

Wherever Chen Ping's eyes went, everyone silently lowered their heads and dared not look directly!


The unicorn army behind him directly threw Su Ge into the blue swimming pool, and in an instant, he stained the pool of water!

Chen Ping looked indifferently at Chen Liwen, who was already panting at the moment, lowered his head, removed a handkerchief from the chest of a **** **** the side, gently wiped the golden desert eagle in his hand, and asked: " What kind of explanation are you going to give me about last night?"

Chen Liwen blushed at the moment, looked at Su Ge's body in the swimming pool, his eyelids jumped straight.

He shouted: "Chen Ping! This is the realm of my separation, it's my Chen Liwen's house! You dare to be in my place and kill my friends! Have you taken my separated young master in your eyes? !"


A crisp slap sounded throughout the palace!

Chen Ping slapped on the roaring Chen Liwen's face and said lightly: "Sorry, don't shout at me, I really didn't put you in my eyes."

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