I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1123: , Ancestor sacrifice

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This Chen Ping was too daring.

Actually let the guard directly cut off Chen Huasheng's hand muscles!

At the same time, Chen Ping had approached Chen Huasheng, lowered his eyebrows, and looked coldly at Chen Huasheng, who was squatting on the ground, slamming his feet, and hit the plaster on his right arm!


The plaster burst!


Chen Huasheng's right arm fractured again.

The horrible scream of pigs resounds here again!

"Ah! Child Chen Ping, you must not die! You must not die!"

Chen Huasheng was mad, fell to the ground, one hand was covered with blood, and the other was directly broken again.

He just lay on the ground, struggling and tossing like a toad.

The guards of several families saw this and rushed up to take Chen Huasheng away.

However, Chen Ping's elite guards behind him directly stopped them, all standing or squatting, and the gun was aimed at the branch guards who wanted to rush over!

The two sides are confrontation again.

Chen Ping's indifferent hands were inserted in his trouser pockets. Chen Huasheng, who was struggling to move his body backwards on the ground, said coldly: "Chen Huasheng, just let you go, you don't know how to repent. This is blame."

Chen Huasheng shouted: "Child Chen Ping, you are too arrogant! Brother Wu, rescue me!"

Chen Huasheng screamed desperately.

Chen Wu took the people at this moment and was about to rush.

However, Chen Hongtao stood up directly and took someone in front of Chen Wu, with a faint smile: "Chen Wu, my master is dealing with important matters, no one is waiting, you can't intervene at will!"

Chen Wunu shouted: "Chen Hongtao, what are you doing? Do you know what he is doing?! That is my six younger brother! It is the six old masters of my family! What a **** master, dare to be so unrespectable In this place of ancestor sacrifice, he dared to do such ethical and vain things, and the old man must abolish him personally!"

Chen Wu was furious!

Today's attitude, or Chen Ping's attitude, is really beyond his expectations.

It's crazy!

It is as if Chen Ping is now covered with prickly hedgehogs. If anyone is upset, he will pierce him!

Until everyone is afraid of him.

Chen Hongtao chuckled and said: "Chen Wu, don't forget who I am. Since you want to talk about ethnic training, then I tell you, on the ethnic training, but it is recorded, Chen The heirs of the clan have the right to dispose of any sinners who have a bad heart towards the clan of the clan. Others have no right to intervene. Once someone dares to intervene, the same crime will be dealt with!"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Wu's face was condensed!

What **** training!

Of course Chen Wu knows these rules, but he will not delve into them, nor will he follow them.

An heir is no big deal.

Clan training is only used by them to suppress Chen Ping.

However, Chen Hongtao's words gave Chen Wu a wake-up call.

That is, Chen Ping is still the heir of the Chen family. In this place of ancestor sacrifice, they are separated and it is really not easy to do too much.

Otherwise, it will spread to the outside world and damage the reputation of the family.

Chen Wu looked cold and stared at Chen Hongtao. He looked at Chen Huasheng who was lying on the ground and howling, and said in a deep voice: "Chen Hongtao, I won’t argue with you, make way! If my sixth brother has anything, , Even if you are all killed, I will not hesitate!"


Suddenly, faint applause came from the front.

Chen Tianzhu stood on the spot and said without looking back: "Chen Wu, you are such a arrogant tone. Are you going to kill me together?"

This sentence, full of energy, with a strong chill!


In an instant, the guards who guarded on both sides stood with guns, and the muzzle was quickly aimed at the family.

This terrified the tribes of the separated families, all calm as a chill, staring panicly at the home guards standing with guns.

Because, this group of people, the killing intentions gushing out is too strong!

Chen Wu saw this, frowning, and looked at Chen Tianzhu with his back to his face. After a long time, he said: "I just talked for a while, but Chen Ping's children were so bold and arrogant, don't you punish them?"

Chen Tianzhu was silent for a moment, and then turned to look at Chen Ping and said, "Ping'er, it's almost enough. This is the place where the ancestors are sacrificed after all, and everything is worth the peace."

Chen Ping nodded, closed his eyes, turned to Jiang Wan holding rice grains, and smiled lightly, "It's okay, I'm here."

Jiang Wanming nodded, but was a little panicked and scared.

When did she see such a battle.

The main thing is that they have learned a lot about the Chen family from the lower population in recent days, and Jiang Wan has some basic ability to bear.

If this had changed for the simple one she had before, she would have to be scared to death.

Soon, Chen Huasheng was helped by his men to treat the wound.

This incident also cast a hard-to-speak atmosphere here.

Very nervous and dull.

Soon, the blue sky also began to be filled with thunder and thunder, covered by dark clouds.

Chen Tianzhu looked up at the sky, a strange color in his eyes.

This dark cloud is strange.

Here, Chen Wu looked at the time and it was exactly eight o'clock.

In other words, the 10,000 deceased family members arranged by themselves have already entered the Chen's Manor at this moment.


When the distance is successful, it is the last few steps.

Involuntarily, a light sneer appeared on Chen Wu's face.

Chen Tianzhu, Chen Tianzhu, just want to make you arrogant for a while, and that Chen Ping, also make you arrogant for a while, wait for a while, enter the ancestral hall, you all have to kneel down and plead guilty to us!

Chen Wu's face was full of pride.

Chen Xiangyuan, who was standing next to Chen Wu, kicked his hands all over his stomach, glanced at the sky, then looked at the guards around him, and then at Chen Tianzhu and Chen Ping.

It's too quiet.

No, to be precise, they are too calm.

It seems that I am not worried at all.

Is it possible that there is no fraud?

After thinking for a while, Chen Xiangyuan immediately said to the butler behind him: "You go out immediately and notify me of the seven squads arranged temporarily, so that they are ready to wait for me to order at any time."

The housekeeper nodded, and then left the ancestral land.

Just when the housekeeper left, Chen Ping glanced innocently, gesturing with one hand behind his back.

Then, a member of the Shadow Guard quietly left here and quickly followed.

It was also at this time that a long bell sounded.


This bell sounded directly through the Chen's manor!

At the moment when the bell rang, no matter whether it was the old man, the young man and the young lady, or the servant, all of them fell on the ground.

Especially in this land of ancestor sacrifice, a group of black crushers all knelt on the ground.

You know, the kneeling people here are all from the Chen clan. Anyone who walks to the outside world is enough to set off storm waves.

Then, an old man, wearing black solemn clothes, came out from behind the bronze tripod, stood in front of the Chen clan who was kneeling on the ground, bent slightly, and then chanted:

"The ancestral ceremony of the Chen family begins. Please invite the Chen family to enter the ancestral hall and kneel three times and knock!"

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