I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1125: , Expensive is less

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Looking at Jiang Wan's suspicious expression, Chen Ping came over and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Wan’s boss with an open mouth looked at Chen Ping’s okay shoulder and asked, “Which one are you playing with?”

Chen Ping smiled and said, "Relax, this is an act of my ancestors and me, in order to give an explanation to the family."

"Ancestor, he actually cooperated with you in acting?" Jiang Wan was very difficult to understand.

How much did this ancestor like Chen Ping, and he was willing to accompany him in acting, doesn't this mean that the entire separation will expire?

Chen Ping smiled, looked at the rice grains with blinking doubts and eyes full of question marks, and reached out and hugged, saying: "The rice grains are not crying, dad is all right, and dad and his ancestors are acting."

Mi Jing nodded and rubbed her red eyes.

Chen Ping looked at Jiang Wan and saw that she still couldn't understand it, only to say: "Wan'er, don't worry too much, everything is with me, there are some things in it, I can't tell you all now, as long as you know, there is me, No one can bully your mother and daughter."

Jiang Wan nodded, glaring at Chen Ping angrily, and asked, "What should you do after you go out?"

Chen Ping smiled and said, "Pretend."

Jiang Wanbai gave him a glance.

After about ten minutes or so, Chen was pale and under the support of his men, he returned to the gate of the ancestral hall.

At this moment, everyone in the family saw Chen Ping. After seeing Jiang Wan and rice grains behind him, they all cried red eyes, and their hearts were full of sneer of misfortune.

It seems that Chen Ping was not badly hurt.

The ancestors were ruthless.

Chen Wu looked sideways and looked at Chen Ping, who was standing on the side with the help of the next person. He said coldly and sarcastically: "Child Chen Ping, this is just the beginning, the back, and what you feel well. If you are acquaintance, , Just quickly withdraw from this ancestor sacrifice and give up your heir's identity, so that you will feel better."

Chen Ping sneered and said, "Five uncles, such a beautiful dream, you don't have to do it."

Chen Wu snorted and said, "Let's just wait and see!"

Here, Chen Tianzhu and Chen Hongtao both looked at Chen Ping, lowering their voices and asking, "How are you doing?"

Chen Ping's eyes turned and nodded, "It's no big deal, I can carry it."

Chen Tianzhu nodded and said nothing.

At this moment, the ancestor stood on the steps and looked at the Chen clan below, Lang Lang said: "Today, it is the day when I opened the ancestral ancestor of the Chen clan. All the Chen clan should enter the ancestral hall without loud noise. Don’t look away, don’t hold grudges, otherwise, you will be expelled from the Chen family in accordance with family rules, and eternal life will not be recorded in the genealogy!”


As soon as the ancestor's words fell, the Chen clan below all bowed their heads and responded.

Then, the ancestor turned and faced the red door, shouting: "Kai Temple."


The red gate of the ancestral hall was slowly opened by the eight guards.

Oncoming, a desolate chill.

All the clan of the Chen family looked up at this moment and looked into the ancestral hall.

At that moment, all of them were shocked!

Because, inside the ancestral hall, there stood two figures.

An old man on crutches faced the vicissitudes of cold.

On the side of the rise, a majestic man with two hands, like a **** of war.

These two people stood there as if they were eternal.

It is the head of the Chen family, Chen Tianxiu, and the first **** of war, Chen Feng!

At the moment of seeing Chen Tianxiu standing in the ancestral hall, all the clan members of the Chen clan stepped up, all kneeling on the small Qianping square in front of the ancestral hall.

"Have seen the owner."

At this moment, no one dared to make an order, all kneeled respectfully on the ground and bowed their heads.

After all, it is the head of the Chen family. In places like ancestral ancestors, if you dare to make orders at will, not to mention Chen Tianxiu, even the ancestors will split them.

Chen Tianxiu stood on the spot, looked at the people on his knees, and gently said, "Get up."

Then he looked at Chen Ping and beckoned: "Ping'er, come here, stand on his father's side, and Wan'er and children come over."

Chen Ping frowned, but still brought Jiang Wan and rice grains, as well as the little rice paddy pushed by the servants, together occupying Chen Tianxiu's side.

This scene naturally makes the family members standing below very uncomfortable!

But in the name of an heir, why can you stand there?

Chen Wu was very upset!

He didn't expect that Chen Tianxiu had been waiting in the ancestral hall early.

Followed by, Chen Tianxiu said with a voice of long, said: "Today the ancestral ancestor is opened, there are two things. First, my son Chen Ping returned to Tianxin Island, it is the inheritance of the Chen family, and later the Chen family business and other things, I They will be handed over to him one by one. Secondly, my daughter-in-law, the younger wife of the Chen family, was formally written into the genealogy and respected as the younger wife of the Chen family. Yes, you can propose it now."

After all, Chen Tianxiu glanced at his ancestor.

The ancestor directly took a sacred dragon carved from the back of the tray held by the hands of the servants in the back, held high above his head, and then the mountain shouted: "The ancestor ritual, the heir has been decided, the young master, the East Palace, if Anyone who disagrees can be refuted."

"I disagree!"

Suddenly, Chen Wu stepped forward, carrying his hands on his shoulders, with a chill on his face, pointing at Chen Ping, screaming: "Such children, I have a disrespectful separation from me, and hurt me to separate a few people. I am definitely not the young master! Disagree! I don’t agree with each other!"

After all, Chen Wu shook his sleeves directly, and the family masters behind him also stood up, pointing at Chen Ping and scolding:

"I also disagree! Homeowner, Chen Ping'er is too presumptuous and unpretentious! It hurts me to separate my grandfather and grandpa, and abolish the six masters in the place of ancestor worship. "

"Yes! Chen Ping'er never took the Chen clan's training in his eyes, and even more disrespect to me, we disagree!"

"Establish another person as the young master! It's not that this child can take on a big responsibility!"

For a time, the family broke up and the emotions were high, and they jumped out and accused Chen Ping.

Chen Tianxiu looked at all of this silently, and then a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and asked towards Chen Mingfu: "Uncle Ming Fu, can you have any objections?"

Chen Mingfu didn't speak at all. He was asked by Chen Tianxiu at this moment, pretending to be a wake-up call, glancing at the excited family members, coughing a few times over his mouth, and then came out, saying: "The owner, since I don't have any family members Agree, then this heir's thing really should be reconsidered."

Chen Tianxiu smiled and nodded, saying: "Since Uncle Ming Fu said this, it is time to consider."

After all, Chen Tianxiu turned to look at Chen Ping and asked, "Can you justify yourself?"

Chen Pinghan smiled and stepped out, facing the family who constantly accused and blamed himself, and said loudly: "A group of wolf ambitions of the old immortal! Come, bring Chen Yangbo!"

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