I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1130: , Blood book joint name [four more] thanks to the jade pendant [silly bear two 503db8

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The appearance of this group of twelve fully armed soldiers directly attracted the attention of the Chen clan!

Because they have never seen such soldiers or guards.

Just the bursts of murderous intention and coldness that shed from them are enough to judge that this team of twelve people may be more powerful than the Chen's one hundred guards!

This is a cavalry war group created from life and death traps!

Invincible pose!

Twelve people of Wang Qi, now stepped closer to the ancestral hall.

In front of the six people, each carrying a black-gold wooden box.

They passed the crowd directly, walked to Chen Ping, and put the black gold wooden boxes in a row.

Then, the twelve people, all throwing their armor robe, kneeled in front of Chen Ping on one knee and bowed their heads in a muffled voice: "Twelve Wang Qi, see Wang."


Just a simple sentence, but let the Chen clan people took a breath.

Is this a war group created by Chen Ping?

Wang Qi? !

So strong momentum!

What a cold killing intent!

When Chen Wu saw this group of people appearing here, he was mad at heart.

Especially the six black-golden wooden boxes have a **** smell.

He seemed to anticipate something.

Chen Tianxiu stood above Gao Tang, watching the twelve Wang Qi kneeling down in front of Chen Ping and whispering to Han Feng around him, "What do you think of their strength?"

Han Fenghui swept his eyes, then said lightly: "The future achievements are not less than that of the Shadow Guards, and even they can keep pace with the dragon guards."

Chen Tianxiu nodded with satisfaction, and his eyes were filled with relief, saying: "Why, you have collected so many people for him."

Han Feng smiled and said: "It's all the credit of the young master, these people can swear to support the young master, and it is also the means and charm of the young master. The protagonist, the young master's Qianlong posture has been released."

Chen Tianxiu hummed, nodded, and said nothing more.

Looking back at Chen Ping, he said: "Get up."

Twelve people of Wang Qi stood up in a uniform movement, and then stood beside Chen Ping.

Chen Ping, glanced at the six black-gold wooden boxes on the ground, and then looked at Chen Wu, who issued a certificate to the look, and said: "Five Uncle Gong, these are the six gifts I gave you, please sign for them."

Chen Wu looked a little flustered at the moment, and his face was also very ugly. He looked at the six black-gold wooden boxes on the ground. There were traces of blood on the bottom of the wooden box.

"Old man afraid you won't succeed?"

Chen Wu Shensheng drank a word, then strode forward, bent over and opened one of the wooden boxes.


The moment the wooden box opened, there was a pungent **** smell, and Chen Wu, who was directly fainted, coughed for a while.

At the same time, the **** thing in the wooden box scared Chen Wu directly and took a few steps back!

Wu Liang!

Wu Liang's head!

he died!

It's miserable!

Chen Wu was furious at this moment, raised his eyebrows, glanced coldly at Chen Ping, and then quickly opened the other five black-gold wooden boxes, all of which were arranged by the 10,000 guards he had arranged outside.

All tragic death!

At this moment, Chen Wu only realized what Chen Ping did!

"Child Chen Ping, you kill me?"

Chen Wu was furious, pointing at Chen Ping and roaring!

This is his hole card. Now that he has been killed, it does not mean that he has directly cut off his contact with the 10,000 guards outside!

So what else did he use to threaten the Chen family, and what else did he use to force the palace? !

Chen Ping, did he expect it?

Or is it that his own person is a traitor?

Chen Ping chuckled and looked across Chen Lizhi in the branch camp.

Chen Lizhi looked silent, standing in the crowd, from beginning to end a spectator.

This is what Chen Lizhi proves himself.

Chen Ping accepted it.

Then, Chen Ping stepped up to Chen Wu, who was angry but panicked at the moment, and asked with a cold voice: "Chen Wu, do you think that you have lost your greatest support, what will I do to you?"

Although Chen Wu was very angry at the moment, he soon calmed down, grinning with a cold mouth and a cold face, and said: "Chen Pinger, do you think you killed me a few confidants, I am afraid you will not succeed? Today, my family I have to give my family a statement, either to abolish you, or to eradicate the roots of the Luo family sin blood!"

After all, Chen Wu turned his head and looked cold, staring at Chen Tianxiu, and said, "Homeowner, don't you want to cover this sin in the face of the whole tribe?"

With that, Chen Wu also pointed at Jiang Wan and snarled.


However, before Chen Tianxiu spoke, Chen Ping slammed Chen Wu's face.

"Ravage! You are just an old man in a family, but she is the young lady of the family, the future queen! What do you want to call her the blood of sin over and over again?"

Chen Ping shouted angrily.

Chen Wu was also angry. He stared at Chen Ping with a horizontal eyebrow and said angrily: "Child Chen Ping, don't you admit it? I have evidence here!"


As soon as Chen Wu's voice fell, Chen Ping kicked out.

Chen Wu stumbled across the floor and fell to the ground, staring at anger with his eyes, staring at Chen Ping, and shouting: "Dare you dare to shoot me again and again?!"

Chen Ping shouted: "Why don't you dare?! I said no, it's not. Do you dare to question the heirs of this family?! Come here, beat the stick with twenty!"


In the guards of the family, five guards came out directly.

The four men directly held Chen Wu's limbs and pressed him to the ground.

The other person took the dragon stick from the side and followed Chen Wu's waist and buttocks.


A scream, resounded throughout the ancestral hall!

Chen Wu struggled and roared: "Child Chen Ping, you are too arrogant! I am the five masters of the separation! Guard, let me take him down!"

With the order of Chen Wu, the branch guard who was about to rush out did kneel directly on the ground.

Because, in Chen Ping's hand, holding a jade finger up!

King will make!

See the order like seeing the king!

Even if Chen Tianxiu is here, but he is out of business now and wants to see how Chen Ping handles this matter himself.

When Chen Wu saw this scene, the whole person was splitting, biting his teeth and enduring pain, staring at the king holding up in Chen Ping's hand, the whole person was about to hate!

There was a scream and a constant whirl.

Chen Mingfu on the side came out at this moment, looked at Chen Tianxiu on the eye stage, and then said to Chen Pinghan: "Chen Ping, enough!"

Chen Ping turned his head and did not stop the guards who executed the family law. Then he looked at Chen Mingfu and said with a smile: "Why, second uncle, you can't help it?"

Chen Mingfu heard the words, his eyebrows coughed, and coughed a few times, saying: "Chen Ping, you are too arrogant. If you act like this, do you really not separate me in your eyes?"

Chen Ping chuckled twice, and said, "Second Uncle, I am not a separation, but a separation. I never put it in my eyes."

Chen Mingfu listened and looked at Chen Wu, who was covered in cold sweat, beaten and fainted, shook his head helplessly, and then pointed at Jiang Wan, and said: "I am in the ancestral ancestral hall in the name of the second master, After the trial of Mrs. Chen's family young lady, she is after the blood of sin! I am divided into four elders in the law enforcement hall, all of whom are joint names!"

The words fell!

The gate of the ancestral hall opened, and the four law enforcement hall elders in black and red robes walked in one after another, holding blood books in their hands...

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