Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

Jiang Wan looked at the secret file in Chen Mingfu's hands, his eyes were all wet and red.

She could not believe it, nor was she willing to believe it.

However, many facts lie ahead.

She stumbled towards Chen Mingfu and took the secret file from him.

Chen Ping stood aside, his eyes dull and shouted, "Waner..."

He just wanted to come to Jiang Wan, and behind him Chen Tianxiu said with a complex emotion: "Ping'er, she really wants to know some things. She always wants to know. All this is because of the father's fault. Solve it for my father."

Chen Ping turned his head and looked at Chen Tianxiu puzzledly, saying, "What did you have to do to solve the problem of the past? She is my woman, and I will protect her myself."

After all, Chen Ping walked in the rain, took a **** umbrella, and stood beside Jiang Wan, covering her from the rain.

Under the umbrella surface, Jiang Wan trembles holding the wet wet file, and then cries out loudly, kneeling and kneeling softly on the ground.

This secret file clearly records his life experience.

He is the posthumous son of the Luo family. His biological father is Luo Haoying (changed by Luo Qitian) and his biological mother is Ji Huiyun.

The destruction of his father's veins was all because of the Chen's leadership.

The enemy who killed his father and his mother turned out to be his father-in-law, father of his husband, grandfather of two children!


Why is that?

At that moment, Jiang Wan couldn't accept it at all, holding the secret file in her hands, and her eyes were completely covered by tears and rain.

Chen Ping stood like this on Jiang Wan's side, looking at the rain-drenched Jiang Wan, and then slowly squatted down, put her hand on her weak shoulder, and said softly, "Wan'er, I’m sorry, I didn’t know about this anytime soon. I never thought about how to tell you. The only thing I can promise you is that if you want to seek revenge on my father, I’m willing to bear it for my father.”

Jiang Wan twisted her face, her eyes were red, she looked at Chen Ping, her lips were trembling, and she screamed and asked, "No, I want you to tell me that this is not true! You are not my enemy's son, you are My husband, the father of rice grain... Chen Ping, I..."

Jiang Wan wept bitterly, incoherently.

She did not want to believe all that she saw in front of her.

Chen Ping hugged Jiang Wan and said: "Wan'er, believe me, everything will pass. I will compensate you, whatever you want."

"I don't want anything, I'm not a Luo family sinner, my father is Jiang Guomin, my mother is Yang Guilan, I don't know the Luo family, I'm not Luo Wan, my name is Jiang Wan..."

Jiang Wan buried in Chen Ping's arms, wept bitterly, and kept shaking his head.

In that way, it's really pitiful, it's so distressing.

Things are impermanent.

Chen Mingfu knelt aside and saw this scene, with a sneer on his face, shouting to Jiang Wan: "Luo Wan, your name is Luo Wan, the sin blood of the Luo family is flowing in your body, your enemy is right there In front of you, as Luo Haoying's daughter, don't you want to avenge your father?"

Facing Chen Mingfu's roar, Jiang Wan froze, his eyes blank.

Chen Ping pressed Jiang Wan's shoulders over his shoulders and gave the umbrella to the next man. Then he stood up and looked calmly. He walked to Chen Mingfu and kicked him on the shoulder. He shouted, "You are **** it!"


Chen Mingfu fell in the rain, looked up at the sky, looked at the rain like a blade, and yelled with a smirk: "Luo Haoying, in vain for your lifetime, gave birth to such a daughter, even the enemy, ha Haha, funny, so funny..."



Chen Ping was standing in the rain, soaking wet, the suit outside was dripping, and the bangs on his forehead were dripping.

He was holding a golden desert eagle, with a white smoke rising from his spear.

This scene of shooting in the rain really shocked many people of the Chen clan.

Because, Chen Ping really shot at Chen Mingfu!


A scream of sorrow, echoed through the world.

Chen Mingfu fell in the rain and was shot in the leg. The bright red dyed this piece of rain instantly.

He hugged his thigh, howling and screaming, and shouted to Chen Ping: "Chen Ping child, you shoot and kill the old man if you have a seed, open!"

"Do you think I dare?"

Chen Ping's eyes were cold, and the desert eagle in his hand burst into flames!

Three shots, all hitting Chen Mingfu's chest.

In a flash, Chen Mingfu bleeds in his mouth and falls back into the rain.

The cold rain hit his face.

At the last moment, he coughed up spitting blood and smirked: "Chen Tianxiu, you won't know until death, who was that thing...used, tampered with the plan..."

After saying this, Chen Mingfu swallowed completely.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wuxi shouted: "Second Brother?! Second Brother!"

Followed, he turned his head, his eyes red, staring at Chen Ping and growled: "Child Chen Ping, you are an ancestor! It is an unforgivable sin! It is a fierce evildoer!"

Chen Ping's eyes narrowed and his gun was aimed at Chen Wu. He asked in a cold voice: "Do you want to die too?"

The voice just fell.

In the direction of the door, a sound of footsteps stepping on the water appeared on the ears of everyone.

Followed by, I heard a cold voice: "Chen Ping, you kill my blood, but slaughter me to guard, if the head of the family does not punish you, today, I Chen Kesheng, personally abolish you!"

A word fell, and everyone turned to look.

In the direction of the door, Chen Kesheng in a blue-grey long coat, carrying his hands, his eyes cold, entered across the door.

His eyes kept staring at Chen Tianxiu behind Chen Ping and said, "Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Chen Tianxiu looked cold, looked at Chen Kesheng, and asked, "Are you halfway?"

Chen Kesheng walked into the ancestral hall and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. The raindrops around him couldn't even reach an inch on his body, as if there was an invisible barrier that blocked him from the rain.

Following that, he smiled faintly: "Brother Cheng teaches that Ke Sheng has already seen the door and has become one of the gatekeepers. The scenery on the other side, Ke Sheng also spied a little."

Chen Tianxiu heard that, frowning, and then sighed and asked, "Did you find Shi Tai'an separately?"

Chen Kesheng did not deny it, but replied: "There are things I can use in the twelve districts, which is simply to help each other and benefit each other."

Chen Tianxiu laughed and said, "So, what is your purpose today?"

Chen Kesheng smiled, looked at Chen Mingfu on the ground, and pointed his finger at Chen Pingdao: "Not only is he going to abolish his heir status, I also need his hands and feet, and his blood, I don’t know if Brother can agree ?"


Deathly silence.

The entire ancestral hall seemed to be stagnant in time.

Everyone's heart is pressed against a big rock.

Moreover, it is obvious to everyone that the pressure here is increasing.

And this pressure comes from the two standing in the yard.

The head of the Chen family, and the division of Zongzheng.

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