I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1139: , Who dares to move me!

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He quickly looked down and took the glowing object out of his arms.

Jade Golden Phoenix!

It was the jade golden phoenix auctioned in the Fengchao Pavilion in the underground chamber of commerce!

That's the mother's thing!

At this moment, this jade golden phoenix gleamed with white and golden brilliance, a soft and majestic energy fluctuation, emanating from the inside of the jade golden phoenix, directly offsetting the pressure of the green dragon sword, even, the black dragon heart The bursts of black gas passed away.


Chen Ping feels the pressure on himself is suddenly reduced!

He took the jade golden phoenix and walked towards the black dragon heart step by step. Until recently, he really saw the face of the black dragon heart.

A black stone shaped like a heart, with thin and obscure lines on it, and red and black streamers flowing in the lines, like blood.

Moreover, Chen Ping can also feel the heartbeat of that black dragon heart.

Thump, thump...

Every time the black dragon heart beats, Chen Ping feels the rhythm of the heart beating, and the black dragon heart begins to coincide. In the end, Chen Ping can feel his heart and the black dragon heart's beating completely fit.

that moment.

Chen Ping feels that the scenery around him has changed greatly, and what he sees with his eyes is completely a dark space. He can see nothing and hear nothing.

It's as if the five senses are completely isolated.

At that moment, Chen Ping seemed to be immersed in a black space.

Following this, he felt that there was a slow flow of water under his feet. Looking down, he hadn't reacted yet, and Chen Ping felt completely submerged in a pool of water.

Can't breathe, cold all over.

However, he could feel the movement in the surrounding water.

On the soles of the feet, a huge dark shadow flashed by.

Chen Ping looked down, and then trained the huge shadow to swim past.

I don't know how long after that, a little light appeared in front, rippling with water waves.

Chen Ping searched for the light and swam continuously.


He swam out of the water and got into his eyes, a bird-like and flowery scenery, like a fairyland.

Chen Ping was standing on the grass, a hundred meters away, a white castle.

Chen Ping stepped up to the castle, the thick and quaint gate. He reached out and pushed open. Behind the gate, a back figure, a white long dress, dignified and elegant, wearing a platinum crown, stood on the 19th floor. .

The moment Chen Ping saw this figure, his eyes turned red.

He walked towards the back step by step, then ran, tears in his eyes, and then shouted: "Mom!"

The back, slowly turned around, a face full of national charm, a country of heaven and fragrance, full of gentle smiles, with a doting look in his eyes, looking at Chen Ping standing in front of him, He reached out and touched the cheek of Chen Ping, who was half a head taller than himself, and opened his red lips lightly, and said softly, "Ping'er, I haven't seen you for a long time. I grew up tall."

At that moment, Chen Ping's eyes were full of tears. Like a lost child, he directly rushed into the woman's arms and wept bitterly.

After a long while, Chen Ping released the woman and asked nervously: "Mom, what is this place? Why are you here, you are not..."

The woman smiled and said, "Here is the inner space of Heilongxin. What you see now is an image I left using some special techniques."


Chen Ping was stunned, only to realize that everything in front of him was fake.

The woman nodded her head and took two steps, saying: "This space is Dragon Heart's own space, and you can only enter it if you get Yu Jinfeng. Ping'er, Mom has been waiting for you, I know you have many questions. Ask me, but Mom’s time is running out, this video can only be maintained for a while, you don’t have to ask anything, just listen to Mom.”

With that said, the woman followed: "The black dragon heart is the demon stone that your father brought back from the other side. The energy contained in it exceeds the civilization of the world. Your father brought back three dragon hearts in total. Two are white dragon hearts, one is the current black dragon heart. Your father's own white dragon heart was damaged in order to stop the conspiracy of those people, and the remaining white dragon heart fell in that battle. Unknown, only this black dragon heart remains. However, my father and I know that the energy and rules contained in this black dragon heart are not something ordinary people can bear. Even your father may not be a perfect fit. And control. So, I tried everything I could to seal this black dragon heart and change its internal energy rules. No one but you can be close to it in this world. The XD factor in your body is 100%. Perfection."

Chen Ping was stunned, some did not understand the meaning of his mother, and asked: "Mom, what do you mean, this black dragon heart is prepared for me? I... is a container?"

Lin Zhiying's eyes were filled with tears, and she said very reluctantly and helplessly: "Ping'er, don't blame your mother, let alone your father, we have a lasting pain. This black dragon heart is left to you by your mother, you have to bear it Greater responsibility and pain than others, because, you are the son of your mother, and you are a key part of the plan to create gods. Only you can lead the Chen family, lead the civilization here, and go to the other shore. Only you can become the commander-in-chief. To protect everything here."


Chen Ping was puzzled, and his eyes were more puzzled.

Lin Zhiying nodded and said, "Ping'er, be careful of the Qinglong Pavilion Master and the Kyushu Commander. They are all planners of the previous generation of God-making plan."

After finishing this sentence, Lin Zhiying's figure slowly turned into a cloud of light.

Chen Ping chased out, reached out to capture the light spot, and shouted: "Mom! You haven't made it clear yet, what is the plan to create God, why is it me?"

Lin Zhiying's light and shadow dissipated. At the last moment, she smiled softly on her face and said, "Ping'er, one day, we will meet again. I hope that by then, you have surpassed your father."

After finishing this sentence, Lin Zhiying's light and shadow completely dissipated.

Then, this piece of space was also fragmented.


Suddenly, Chen Ping woke up, his eyes opened, and the scenery in front of him was still in the Chen Ancestral Hall.

The black dragon heart in the iron cage box still shines with black and red streamer.

Chen Ping lowered her eyebrows and saw her palm, with a red mark and a blood-red geometric pattern similar to her eyes.

Chen Ping looked at his hand, then raised his hand, and slowly touched the black dragon heart.

Palm touch.

At that moment, Chen Ping felt a strong vitality and poured directly into his body!

Suddenly, the sky and the earth faded, and the wind and the clouds raged!

Huge waves directly surge from the surface of the sea!

Even the high-altitude clouds quickly gathered together, forming a scene where the devil swallowed the clouds!

Between heaven and earth, thunder and thunder rolled, and thunder surged in the clouds!


The two figures fell directly from the sky, all standing in the ancestral hall.

Chen Tianxiu and Huang Fuzai, now staring at Chen Ping who touched the black dragon heart.

In their sight, they saw the black and red streamer in the heart of the black dragon, which kept pouring into Chen Ping.

"It turns out that he really is!"

Huangfu slapped his eyes, lifted his big hand, and with his sword in his hand, he directly split towards Chen Ping.

Chen Tianxiu's eyebrows stood upside down, and he swelled with majestic energy, and roared: "Who dares to move me, kill him!"

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