I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1146: , Stand on three feet

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Seeing the leader of the winning alliance, in his hand, a dragon attacked and strengthened the golden circle barrier.

At the same time, his heart moved, his other hand raised, pointed at the sky, and shouted: "I am an eternal emperor, all tribes bow down, and other small aliens should kneel!"

Let's just say, the big hand of the winning ally, the golden emperor phantom behind him, waved his hands directly, and the emperor robe was on his body!

A powerful, seemingly breaking through the coercion of the terrifying emperor, directly swept through the sky, and then flocked to the dense black mechanical metalized bugs!

In an instant!

The golden emperor's ghost image, shining brightly, seemed to be the only golden emperor's ghost image!

Looking away from the outside, you can see the central area of ​​the entire Tianxin Island, a sky-deep golden emperor phantom phase, directly pointing to the sky, changing the rules and trajectory of a star!

Then, the shining star came directly from outer space at high speed, forming an extremely heated fireball in the atmosphere and falling from the sky!

Star interceptor!

With just one finger, you can cut off the trajectory of stars and use it for me!


Between heaven and earth, a huge meteorite star, the size of the entire Tianxin Island, turned into a huge fireball that was extremely bright. It descended from the sky and carried the power of destroying the heaven and earth. It seemed to sink into this Tianxin Island!

In the outside world, satellite and TV broadcast channels around the world broadcast this picture at the same time.

However, their explanation is that if a meteorite falls into the sea, it is strictly forbidden to go out to sea!

At the same time, coastal areas have issued 16-level tsunami warning!

All ordinary people who do not know the truth all took out their mobile phones and filmed this devastating scene.

The entire social network has also exploded.

There are rumors of the end of the world.

Of course, the fighting power of all countries is also in full martial law!

Such a large meteorite has never been seen, and it is possible to destroy half of human civilization!


The expected meteorite fell into the sea, causing dozens of earthquakes and dozens of tsunamis, but nothing happened.

The meteorite, at the moment near the engulfing Tianxin Island, was torn apart, and then turned into gravel and dust, dissipating between the sky and the earth.

Everyone was ignorant.

Countries have also come out to explain quickly because an extremely advanced weapon system uses the power of ultrasonic waves to smash the meteorite into dust.

However, in fact, it was in the ancestral hall, and Lord Lin blocked the attack from winning the leader.

"You're crazy! If you go on like this, Tianxin Island will sink, and the coastal area will also be swallowed by the waves!"

At that moment, Lord Lin Ge pushed out the consequences of winning the allied blow.

The Winner's face sank and said, "How can we eliminate this alien with such fear?"

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and looked at the densely machined metalized insects, which were reorganizing and forming a humanoid.

Huangfuzai was reorganized, and the skin on his face still had a black-gold metallic luster, and then healed slowly, becoming the same as before.

"Two, if you go on like this, you are going to lose." Huangfu Zai sneered.

Shen Sheng, the leader of the winning alliance, shouted, "Huangfu Zai, have the ability, you and the old man go to Kunlun for a virtual battle!"

"Haha, win the leader, Kunlun is the last pure land of your human race. I want to lie to me and seal me. I am afraid it is impossible."

Huangfu Zai sneered twice, and the demon sword in his hand appeared again.

The Pavilion Master Lin said: "Huangfu Zai, today, you are destined not to take this black dragon heart. If you insist on doing so, even if we sacrifice something, we will kill you here forever!"

Upon hearing this, Huangfu Zai frowned.

That's right.

His strength is now unstable, just half a step away.

It took more than ten years to recuperate before returning to the realm of the other side.

If he struggles with them for too long, Huangfu Zai may not be confident that he can get rid of his difficulties.

Under consideration, Huangfu Zai looked at the three figures in the deep battle of the sky, and his eyebrows showed an ugly color, and said with a deep voice: "If you want to stop me, then it depends on your strength!"

After all, Huangfu Zai came again!

In an instant, this place was contracted by Huangfu Zai, Master Lin Ge and Master Winner!

Start a war!

The terrifying energy of the raging sky!


His eyes turned to the sea near Tianxin Island.

Chen Tianxiu, Chen Kesheng, and Yan Yuanlong are three-legged triumphants, all of which are full of momentum!

At the moment, Chen Kesheng was covered with injuries and even broke his arm.

Yan Yuanlong was also uncomfortable, staring at the eyes, full of cold colors, staring at Chen Tianxiu who didn't change his color on the opposite side, he smiled and said: "Chen Tianxiu, I want to see how long you can support!"

After all, Yan Yuanlong turned into a popular on the sea, grabbing a hand, directly grabbed a great wave sword, and angered Chen Tianxiu!

That sea wave giant sword, forming a turbulent sea wave, is enough to engulf a city!

Chen Tian's eyes sank into his eyes and raised his finger!

In an instant, the turbulent waves were directly frozen for hundreds of miles!

Then, Chen Tianxiu pointed to the air!


The great wave sword in Yan Yuanlong's hand, directly at a distance from Chen Tianxiu's half arm, shattered and disintegrated!

Yan Yuanlong raised his hand directly and hit it with one palm!

Chen Tianxiu was not panicking, he blocked his right hand, and then pushed and pushed one by one, making the use of Tai Chi incomprehensible!


Followed by, he put a backhand on his palm, a white fiery array aperture in his palm, directly transformed into a white tiger, roaring to Yan Yuanlong's chest!


Yan Yuanlong was repelled by this palm for dozens of meters. The whole person was like a flying ball, rolling down dozens of heels on the sea!

"Damn! I don't believe it, what else can you stick to!"

Yan Yuanlong stabilized his posture, roared, spread his hands directly, and then raged over the agitated energy.

In an instant, above this sea area, at the foot of Yan Yuanlong, a huge wave vortex was formed!

The vortex of the waves, constantly tumbling, rotating rapidly, slowly from one meter in diameter, stirred into a kilometer in diameter!

On the entire sea level, the wind and the waves rose, the sky and the earth lost their colors, and countless white thunders fell above the sky!

Yan Yuanlong is at the center of storms, storms and mad energy.

In his eyes, a strange light flashed, and the corners of his mouth were upturned, revealing a stern sneer, and then he slashed to Chen Tianxiu with one hand and screamed: "Destroy the dragon!"


With a loud noise, nine sea wave silver dragons were directly rolled up on the sea level. The nine sea wave silver dragons immediately roared out the dragon chant, and then circled around Yanyuan dragon.

At that moment, Yan Yuanlong was like a bright silver ball of light in the arch and guard center of these nine wave and silver dragons.

There was a sound of dragon chanting, resounding all over the world!

In an instant, nine waves of silver dragons, directly carrying the pressure of extinction, rushed towards the sea, biting Chen Tianxiu!

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