I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1157: , The head of the Chen family

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Not less than the strength of the fifth area?

This is too scary!

The conditions for becoming a disciple are harsh.

If you want to become the disciple king, it is even more difficult, completely growing up in constant fighting.

Constantly fighting with the horrible creatures in the unknown field behind the door, and finally rebirth with blood to achieve kingship!

The King of the disciples in the fifth area is a watershed of kingship!

Only the disciple king who has achieved the fifth area will be qualified to achieve the sixth area and break through to a higher area!

Even the achievement of the disciple king of the seventh area from the sixth area did not achieve the cruelty of the disciple king of the fifth area.

The win-winner's eyes were startled, and there was a trace of suspicious suspicion in his eyes. Was it really so powerful?

Just a black dragon heart can make a kid who has just crossed the apprenticeship to achieve the strength of the disciple king in the fifth area.

The four cabinet ministers of the Kyushu General Administration also stood and watched from afar.

After all, Kyushu and the Chen family still have rules.

Moreover, the ancestor of the Chen family had just captured the leader of Kyushu. Next, the Kyushu General Administration and the Chen family must be in an endless situation.

On one side, Ye Fan stared at the dragon egg that was about to break out of her shell, her eyes full of excitement and excitement.

Sure enough, it's coming!

At this time, Chen Tianxiu stood before Dragon Egg and glanced at Han Feng over there.

Although Han Feng was seriously injured at the moment, his realm was stable because of his ancestor.

He walked to the dragon egg, raised his hand, and found a small bag embroidered with gold thread from his arms.

In this bag, there seemed to be several objects like balls.

It was originally bleak, but when it touched the dragon egg, all the round objects in the bag burst into a bright light!

The origin of five kings!

Raging manic energy and rules.

Both the winning lord and the pavilion lord Lin took a sigh of relief!

Unexpectedly, Chen Tianxiu actually had such a great skill!

The five royal powers in Han Feng's hands all contain objects resembling creatures. At the moment, the five royal powers, as soon as they touched the dragon egg, seemed to come alive and become very active.


The five royal powers all rose up into the sky, bursting out a brilliant light, which was extremely dazzling to cover this neighborhood!

Then, the five royal powers were all integrated into the dragon egg.

In an instant, the dragon egg burst out of the bright five-color light, directly illuminating the entire Tianxin Island!

Under the whole sky, you can see the shining five-color light!

The winning leader was shocked with horror, and asked: "Lin Xiao, you are quick to perform. How can this grow?"

At this moment, Lin Xiao also had golden light in his eyes, and sixty-four trigrams appeared in his eyes, constantly deducing the future creation of the dragon egg.

Immediately after that, Lin Xiao's face was astonished, because no matter how he deduced, Chen Ping's character could not be calculated.

Originally, he was not in the sixty-four hexagrams. Now, the interference of the power of the terror rules of the Black Dragon Heart is even more unpredictable.

Lin Xiao shook his head and frowned, saying, "It's impossible to deduce."

The winners of the Confederacy also heard a bunch of brows.

On this side, everyone's eyes are on the dragon egg that is integrated into the origin of the five kings.

In the next second, all the power of the five royal powers was absorbed by the dragon egg, and then the egg shell of the dragon egg gave a crisp click!

Immediately following, a dense click sound resounded here!

Finally, in the sight of everyone, a figure appeared slowly like a **** of heaven.

At this moment, Chen Ping has been immersed in the understanding and application of the rules and material properties of the world.

During this long time, he has no perception of everything outside.

In his world, there are only rules and matter.

During this time, he could feel that his brain, including his body, was guided and developed by a strange power of rules.

At the moment when the dragon egg broke, Chen Ping's senses directly magnified indefinitely!

Ten miles away!

The whole Tianxin Island!

The whole sea area!

Since then, it has spread to all corners of the world!

Almost every living thing, every object, every matter, was felt by Chen Ping.

At that moment, the complicated information directly poured into Chen Ping's brain!

If this is replaced by an ordinary person, the brain will go down and become an idiot.

However, Chen Ping's brain now bears such a huge amount of information.

And all this just happened in a moment.

Chen Ping opened his eyes. In front of him, there was a circle of people, some familiar and some unfamiliar, all looking at himself with concern.

Chen Ping raised his hand, looked at his own hands, palm, there are five different rules of power, suddenly burst out!

"This...so terrifying momentum!"

Winning the Allied Master for a while was shocked by the power of the five rules in the palm of Chen Ping.

Chen Tianxiu nodded with satisfaction: "How much do you know now?"

Chen Ping raised an eyebrow and looked at the elderly father in front of him. With just one glance, he saw through Chen Tianxiu's injury.

The very serious injury is completely relying on a special substance to support the body.


Chen Ping shouted and asked, very puzzled: "What is this? Why is this happening?"

Chen Tianxiu glanced lightly at the horizon, and then explained: "This is the first step of the God-building plan. Since you have fully integrated with the Black Dragon Heart, then you should know more things that others don’t know. The world has a deeper understanding."

Father is right.

When I just received information from all over the world, Chen Ping's brain quickly collected statistics on the plan for making gods.

He even knew the foreign records of the plan to create gods.

This is the power of the rules of insight.

"Take advantage of what you have now, many things, I will tell you later."

Chen Tianxiu said, then turned around, and said to the members of the shadow guard who had assembled behind him: "Clean up immediately, prepare for the global dinner tonight, and send an invitation to the world. My younger master of the Chen family has officially become the next appointment of the Chen family. The owner, in addition, Mrs. Chen's wife is regarded as a queen."

"Yes, hero!"

Those members of the Shadow Guard bowed and turned away.

As for Han Feng, Chen Tianxiu glanced and said, "Go to Longchi to recuperate."

Han Feng nodded, said nothing, and left.

The rest of the time, Chen carried out a major cleanup.

The Chen family separated, and all the following clan members were punished in the ancestral hall, deprived the clan of the Chen family, and distributed directly to the wasteland.

And people like Chen Wu and Chen Xiangyuan were directly imprisoned in the Chen's dungeon.

The whole branch was cleaned up.

As for Chen Kesheng, the whereabouts are unknown, and Chen Tianxiu handled it himself.

People like Win Alliance Master and Lin Ge Lord were left behind by Chen Tianxiu to participate in the global banquet in the evening.

Many things and aftercare work were handled by Chen Tianxiu.

Because there are too many forces involved.

A scourge of the genocide of the Chen family gradually subsided in a calm storm.


Looking back at Chen Ping, he stood at the door of his palace and looked at Jiang Wan, who looked dull in the living room.

Some things, after all, have to be dealt with by themselves.

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