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Chen Tianxiu sighed, carrying his hands, ragged, looking at the star trails of the dome starry sky, and said desolately: "Ping'er, never underestimate your mother's talents and ingenuity. In front of your mother, I will ignore it. Inferior. God creation plan is far more than a guardian and executor. Your mother is also one of the guardians and executors of the **** creation plan. Moreover, your mother is one of the reformers of the **** creation plan. You have subverted The ancestors have followed the philosophy of the god-making plan for thousands of years."

God-making plan?


Chen Ping was full of doubts and puzzled, and asked, "Father, what is the plan for creating a god? Why have you worked hard for this for thousands of years. Is Qin Huanghanwu really one of the plans for creating a god?"

Chen Tianxiu nodded and said, "The god-making plan is divided into three phases. The first phase, Qinhuanghanwu, is one of the most outstanding candidates for the god-making plan. It also ended the first phase perfectly. Then, we It is now in the second stage of the plan for creation of the gods, using the high-tech technology of modern civilization and integration with the civilization behind the door.

"The disciples are the product of God's plan?" Chen Ping suddenly thought of a possibility.

Chen Tianxiu turned around and looked at the extinguished long lamp, saying, "The disciples, in the final analysis, are all failures of the God-making plan, because they are not perfect enough, regardless of their physical qualities or potential, they cannot reach the final measure of the God-making plan. Standard. And you are different."

Saying that, Chen Tianxiu shot out his eyes and stared at Chen Ping, saying one by one: "You are your mother’s most proud son, it’s your mother who has been planning for more than ten years, and has exhausted all means to achieve it. Perfecting you, you are the last winner of this game, and this is the only card that has passed thousands of years of chess against creatures on the other side of the star gate. Ping'er, do you know what kind of fate you carry?"

Chen Ping didn't know that at this moment, he was still at a loss.

My father said so much at once, and many of them were things that he could not understand.

Is the mother controlling this game?

Is your own perfection a mother's proud work?

Has the mother planned since she was born?

What was the mother's accident?

Seeing Chen Ping's daze, Chen Tianxiu turned and looked up at the stars, pointing at several stars: "Do you know that the shining stars will be the greatest enemy of our world and civilization? Huo Lao's warning is not without basis. As early as a dozen years ago, the Xinghai Research Institute in the country discovered several strange signals. In these signals, there are a small number of civilizations, and these civilizations are all belong to the second civilization."

Second civilization? !

In Chen Ping's heart, a sense of crisis emerged.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at the star's trajectory in the dome, and asked, "Is there really a second civilization?"

Chen Tianxiu made a sound and waved his hand. The domed starry sky and the stars in the sky all appeared in this huge hall.

The entire hall has become a sea of ​​stars.

Chen Ping and Chen Tianxiu were standing in the Xinghai, all around them were shining stars, star belts and star clusters, and even black holes.

Chen Tianxiu set his hands, these stars began to turn, and then a few bright stars appeared in front of Chen Ping.

"These are the stars most closely connected to the Star Gate recently. According to the research report of the Kyushu and Xinghai Research Institute, they are the creatures in the seventh area behind the gate. They are actively contacting these stars. If the data are correct, these are the stars. The parent star of the creature, the star gate in the territory, is also left by them."

"Moreover, according to historical records, the Helan Mountain rock paintings 7,000 years ago, the Yaoshun period 4,000 years ago, the emperor of the Wanqu State, who was visited by the Qin Emperor for longevity, and the red flame evacuation map of Qing Guangxu, are all related to extraterrestrial civilization, although many It’s wild history, but there are places where it can be verified."

"The commonalities of these wild histories, the extraterrestrial civilizations depicted are similar to those in the seventh area behind the Kunlun virtual gate. Eight or nine. So, what we can confirm now is that those creatures come from the star gate. The stars that are in contact."

Chen Tianxiu finished speaking in one breath, and his eyes were full of worries.

The Star Gate was unstable, and the ancestors fought with each other to seal the Star Gate for ten years.

This decade is the last decade left to the world civilization and human race.

Once the star gate is opened to connect with these stars, the consequences are unimaginable.

The future human civilization will no longer exist.

Chen Ping condensed his mind, looked at the stars, then raised his eyes, looked at Chen Tianxiu and asked, "What do the creatures in the seventh area mean?"

Chen Tianxiu seemed to guess that Chen Ping would ask this question and said lightly: "Some creatures that have never appeared in the eyes of the world, they will only be bloodthirsty and fighting. There is an unknown field in the seventh area behind each door, and that piece of unknown The realm is also the last barrier in front of the star gate. In other words, they are the star gatekeepers."

"What does this have to do with me, and what does it have to do with the God-making plan and mother?"

Chen Ping asked.

Chen Tianxiu swept away and the stars disappeared. He looked at Chen Ping very seriously and said, "Ping'er, you carry the destiny of the whole human race. The plan to create gods has lasted for thousands of years, just to achieve the strongest human race. A person, or a group of people, to defend against civilizations from outside the region. And your mother, who chose you back then, we all bet on the fate of the entire human race. Your mother once said, give you the opportunity, you Can surpass me and reach the position of a prophet."

"Prophet?" Chen Ping puzzled.

Chen Tianxiu said with a smile: "This is a legend, a kind of existence far above the other shore. Everyone thought that I could have been a person like a doctor. Indeed, people like a doctor existed, but, long ago, He left. For the destiny of the human race, he traveled alone and wanted to find a solution. The prophet is a state and state beyond the doctor. On the other side, the prophet can see the world. All the rules and laws of matter, even the dimension of time and space, can be understood. And I just use that kind of rules, far from the prophet, it is still far from it."

After listening to Chen Tianxiu's explanation, Chen Ping understood.

After a long silence, Chen Ping asked: "So, the mother's accident is an illusion? Where is the mother?"

Chen Tianxiu sighed, and some eyes ended, saying: "Your mother's accident is true, but, after that accident, I never found any clue about your mother. According to a little clue left at that time Look, your mother's accident is related to a certain person in the territory, and that person, you must know it now."

"Huangfu Zai?"

Chen Tianxiu nodded and said, "He is just one of them. There should be the back of several doors outside. And, it is related to the evil thing behind the door of the hidden country."

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