I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1165: , A bit of strength

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A bunch of thugs stared at Chen Ping, staring at Chen Ping, and felt extremely angry about Chen Ping's violent appearance.

Old Jia's cheeks twitched twice, and the centipede-like scar on his face twisted back and forth, as if to eat a person.

"Some kind of you, your wife's life is still in our hands, you dare to mess up."

"Your life is in my hands."

Chen Ping said coldly, striding towards the old Jia.

"You just stand still and take a step forward, I will kill your wife!"

A thug is holding a steel pipe and pointing at Jiang Wan's head.

Jiang Wan looked at Chen Ping with a smile, her tears had blurred her vision.

Chen Ping's ability to come was what delighted Jiang Wan most.

Give Jiang Wan a reassuring look, Chen stopped steadily.

Old Jia looked at Chen Ping with a sneer, and said disdainfully: "The guts are quite fat, but they have no brains."

Chen Ping gently raised his lips, looking at Lao Jia with a smile.

Old Jia looked at Chen Ping's expression and felt that he was not aware of it. It seemed that Chen Ping did not have the slightest fear.

Is this kid really silly or pretending to be silly?

Old Jia looked at Chen Ping with some doubt, and felt that some could not understand Chen Ping anymore.

In the past, as long as the people caught by the old Jia's group would be like Jiang Guochang, they would show a panicked look, a little scolding and intimidation, and they would be scared.

But Chen Ping in front of him was too calm. The calm seemed to be afraid of nothing, and everything was in his grasp.

"Give me, his father and mother don't know him!"

Old Jia shouted.

Old Jia feels that Chen Ping has been pretending, this disguise will be quickly dismantled under the fists and feet, and then Chen Ping can only cry and cry for mercy.

Jiang Guochang and others watched Chen Ping and waited to see Chen Ping's beating.

Just now Chen Ping was intimidated by beatings. These must be applied to Chen Ping ten times and one hundred times!

After all, before they were planted in Chen Ping's hands, they did not suffer much.

The thugs screamed and rushed towards Chen Ping, the baseball bat and the steel pipe waving the wind, and rushed towards Chen Ping together.

A strong man behind Old Jia sneered and said, "Grandpa Jia, let's bet a little bit, let's see how long this boy can last?"

This is the favorite game played by Jia and several brothers. In the past, Jia has won the most games.

Old Jia sucked his mouth twice, and said with a smile: "I think this guy has a strong force in his eyes, and it's no problem to hold it for three minutes."

"Oh, Lord Jia, you look at him too high. Although these thugs are of average strength, they are not ordinary cats and dogs. I think the kid can hold it for at most a minute."

"One minute is superfluous. From now on, it's estimated that 30 seconds can't be supported. This is a game called What a Man Holds Over 30 Seconds. It's just right to measure this kid."

Lao Jia’s brother took out his mobile phone, called up a stopwatch and started counting.

"You guys, if you lose one and invite me to eat one month's meal."

Old Jia said quietly.

"No problem, I must have won this time."

The strong man holding the phone to pinch time, while talking, the two beaters had been beaten and flew out of the crowd.

"I'm going, this wasteful waste is quite cruel, even under siege, it can still fly people out."

Old Jia and others stared at Chen Ping in the crowd, and saw Chen Ping rushing left and right to the east and the west to kill, holding the steel pipe grabbed in both hands, surrounded by thugs, like a fish and water, even a group of thugs all alone Suppressed.

"Lying trough! Is this really waste? In terms of his time, he is a bit big."

"This time it's a hard stubble. It's no wonder that Cao's dare not dare to do it. It must have been a big loss, so we invited us."

Listening to the words of the two younger brothers, Lao Jia felt a little bored in his heart and said with a frown: "You look carefully and pay attention to find out the weakness and loopholes of this kid. Don’t be too exposed to the eyes of the world, otherwise, we will not be able to escape if the people in the power board know about it.”

"No, I guess he felt like a wolf for a minute, and he must kneel when his energy is exhausted."

Although Chen Ping's performance is very fierce now, the old Jia's brothers are not optimistic about Chen Ping. Everyone is a person of ability training, and they have all entered the post-Kyushu for a period of time. They have seen the world and fight. The understanding is also very profound.

Fighting is a very energy-intensive look. Although in a state of mental tension, it is often not tired, but it is only a mental feeling.

Many people often kneel suddenly while playing, just because their physical strength can't keep up, when the physical energy is severely consumed, even if the spirit is excited, the body will say no.

At present, Chen Ping is completely in a state of unrestrained and full-power output, so the old Jia's brother judges that Chen Ping's physical strength must not be able to sustain for long.

Real masters will control the rhythm of fights to save physical energy to the greatest extent, in order to be able to fight for a long time.

Old Jia naturally understood the meaning of his younger brother, but looking at Chen Ping's more and more vigor, he felt involuntarily in his heart that perhaps this guy in front of him was taking an unusual path.

It's all because of Chen Ping's eyes just now. That kind of eyes made Lao Jia feel inexplicable.

"Drive carefully for thousands of years, just say you two, put him in his position, can he do it like that? He is just an ordinary person, a pair of a dozen, it's amazing."

Old Jia finished pointing to the ground. There were more than a dozen thugs lying on the ground, moaning over their hearts one by one, even without the ability to get up.

The two younger brothers hesitated for a while, then shook their heads together. Such a scene would definitely not be able to be done.

"Boss, no matter how awesome, it is just an ordinary person. If you shoot, you will be frustrated by him."

A little brother flattered.

Jiang Wan stared at Chen Ping with wide eyes, worried about Chen Ping being hurt. Although he had seen Chen Ping picking a group of scenes several times, Jiang Wan's heart was still irrepressible.

After all, Jiang Wan has not seen Chen Ping's super power.

I don't even know that Chen Ping has surpassed ordinary people now.

Seeing that the thugs were blown out by Chen Ping one after another, Jiang Wan's heart was a little calmer.

The eyes that Jiang Guochang, Jiang Guosheng and others have seen are straight, and the eyes are as big as eggs, with their mouths open and messy in the wind.

They couldn't believe what they saw, how could Chen Ping be so good?

Is this still a waste of previous insults and humiliation!

However, this thought quickly turned into anger. Jiang Guochang and others felt that since Chen Ping could fight so much, why didn't he come to rescue them early, and since Chen Ping was so able to fight, how could he eliminate the scourge and invisible.

Everything is Chen Ping's fault. It is Chen Ping's actions that caused everyone to get involved!

"These five slags, we were so vigorous against us just now, how did we fight Chen Ping!"

Jiang Guochang said viciously.

Jiang Guosheng gently waved his fist with both hands: "It's good to kill Chen Ping, kill the bastard, there won't be so many troubles in the future, I should have killed him early!"

Jiang Liang's eyes turned red, and he prayed silently in his heart, praying that the thugs would kill Chen Ping quickly, but don't let that guy jump again.

But contrary to expectations, when they wanted Chen Ping to be killed on the spot, Chen Ping kicked a roundabout, plus two sticks to sweep, and directly flew out the last six thugs in front of him.

Chen Ping was standing still, breathless, looking at Lao Jia with cold eyes.

Old Jia lowered his cocked legs, and the whole person sat upright, his muscles gradually tightened, and the momentum of the whole person gradually accumulated, like a tiger entering a fighting state.

"This speed is really unexpected, this time we have not gambled to win."

Old Jia's brother looked at the stopwatch time on the phone, but he was a little surprised in his heart.

Dozens of experienced thugs didn't even stay under Chen Ping's hands for a minute. This result even surprised even a gangster with great strength like Lao Jia.

He asked himself, what would happen to ordinary people, if he faced Chen Ping's situation just now, Lao Jia felt that even if he could kill those thugs, he would have to suffer a lot of injuries.

But for Chen Ping, Chen Ping didn't hurt a bit at all. It can be said that no single hair was hurt.

Such a scene gave Lao Jia a feeling of powerlessness. It seemed that things had deviated from their due track. The **** of fate seemed to secretly replace Lao Jia's script and replaced it with Chen Ping's script.

"Chen Ping, you are really unexpected, but do you think this will save your wife?"

Old Jia got up and was ready to do it himself.

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