Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

Cao Jun looked at the silver gun in Chen Ping's hand, and the whole person shook like a sieve, crawling on the ground, shouting: "Chen Ping, don't, don't do it, we are also classmates anyway, forgive me, I will go away immediately, Never show up in front of you again... Please, please forgive me."

After talking, Cao Jun endured the pain of Chen Ping's broken hands and feet, and kept shaking his head to Chen Ping.

Chen Ping looked indifferent, looked at Cao Jun, finally sighed, got up, and said, "This is the last time I will tolerate you. Someone will arrange to send you out of the country."

After all, Chen Ping will leave when he steps up.

Cao Jun crawled on the ground, shaking all over, but his gloomy eyes burst into hateful eyes.

He quickly escaped another silver gun from his arms, and while Chen Ping walked past him, he immediately turned around and yelled at Chen Ping, "Go die!"



Cao Jun's mouth was full of sneer and sneer. Looking at Chen Ping's back with his eyes, he had imagined that he fell into the pool of blood and then turned into corpse water.

However, this scene in speculation did not happen.


Chen Ping suddenly lifted a layer of flame unicorn's armor, and directly wrapped him whole person!

The bullet fired by the silver gun was burned to ashes as soon as it hit the fire unicorn armor.


The flame unicorn claw has been jumping out of Chen Ping's armor, grabbing Cao Jun's neck with one hand, and holding him up!

"The last chance has been given to you."

The cold voice came from Chen Ping's mouth.

Cao Jun was pinched in the air by Huo Qilin's claws at the moment, and the whole person was constantly struggling, squeezing out the words for mercy from his throat: "Chen...Chen Ping, Rao Ming...I...I will never..."


However, Chen Ping's eyes froze for a moment, and the claws of the fire unicorn threw Cao Jun directly out of the carved window!

The glass burst!

Cao Jun was thrown from the window, and at that moment, he realized the feeling of death.


A muffled noise!

Cao Jun's entire body was facing the sky, covered with blood, and was heavily hit in the pool of blood, with no vitality.

Chen Ping sighed and turned away. The bodyguard with broken arms and broken legs in the hallway, seeing such a **** of killing at the moment, could not escape.

Two days later, Jiang Wan will only take care of the Zikang Group.

After all, I haven't been in contact with the company's business for a long time, and Jiang Wan needs to be familiar with it.

On the other hand, Jiang Guochang and Jiang Guosheng seemed to have disappeared.

Jiang Wan has always been worried that her second and third uncles would be in trouble for herself, so for the past two days, she has also been on guard to meet some of the company's business partners.

It was finally discovered that Jiang Guochang's company had already reached cooperation with Shangjiang's general medical institutions and companies, and their expansion territory was completely aimed at Zi Kang.

Where Zikang opened its branch, Jiang Guochang's Guochang Pharmaceutical Group opened its branch.

"It's really mad, Jiang Dong, I think we are too passive! That Jiang Guochang and Jiang Guosheng, it's so abominable! They clearly want to drive us to death!"

Song Min is wearing a tight red short skirt today and is backless. Her body is very **** and slim. Her legs are also straight and slender, just like white jade.

If it weren't for meeting the client in the morning, she wouldn't dress like this, showing her thighs and backless.

Jiang Wan sat on the chair of the chairman, smiled slightly in the corner of his mouth, and looked at the temper tantrum Song Min asked, "What's wrong, Fang Dong still can't talk?"

Song Min was lying on the sofa at the moment, and the two long-sleeved jade legs were resting on the armrests of the sofa, shaking back and forth.

She grumbled unpleasantly: "That old pervert, I have seen him three times, every time I have to accompany him to dinner, and want to take advantage of me! Today, he said directly, if I do not accompany When she eats, he will cooperate with Guochang Pharmaceutical."

Song Min was very angry and met an old hooligan, who always salivated her body.

Jiang Wan smiled and said, "Okay, Fang Dong's side, I will follow up. You will accompany me tonight."

Song Min jumped up from the sofa and said with some disappointment: "Jiang Dong, it's not me who can't do it. It's just that Fang Wenzhi is really too greasy. I want to vomit when I see him."

Jiang Wanli smiled and said: "No matter how greasy, but also a collaborator, don't brush the children's temper, let's talk together at night."

Song Min pouted, his hands holding his chin, and suddenly his eyes flashed with light, saying: "Right Jiang Dong, called Brother Chen Ping, he also went with him. Isn't he great? Is he there, sure what? Can solve it."

Upon hearing Chen Ping, Jiang Wan's face sank slightly, extruding a smile and saying, "No, he... he should be busy too."

Song Min is also very sensitive, seeing Jiang Wan like this, she knows that there must be a contradiction between her and Chen Ping.

So, she didn't continue to ask questions, just nodded and said: "Then I will prepare the information and make an appointment with the old man."

On the side of Chen Ping, he is in the villa, taking care of the rice grains while taking care of Xiaodaodao.

This little guy, now chubby, with two big eyes, round and round, is very curious about the outside world.

The only thing Chen Ping couldn't figure out was that this little guy had a faint golden halo every time he fell asleep.

To this end, Chen Ping also asked Chen Tianxiu for inquiries, but Chen Tianxiu said that he did not know, probably because of the special physique of Chen Daodao.

At this moment, his cell phone rang, a strange number.

"Hey, Mr. Chen? Is there an antique auction tonight? Do you want to participate?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a nice female voice. It was also at this moment that Chen Ping heard who the other party was.

Yao Yue.

How could this woman suddenly be so ardent?

"We don't want to participate, we are not familiar." Chen Ping replied coldly and immediately hung up.

Over there, Yao Yue hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, this antique auction is actually a self-service cocktail party. The main purpose is to provide commercial exchanges and cooperation and broaden the network of people. Most of the auctioned antiques are With some bizarre colors, and, on the spot, I should come back to some hidden world families who have been in contact with Kyushu and the gate. I think Mr. Chen, should I be interested in this?"

"Having contacted the hidden family in Kyushu and behind the door?" Chen Ping heard the words, his voice slightly cold, frowning.

"Exactly. Mr. Chen wants to learn more about the Kyushu General Administration and the back door, so you might as well come to participate." Yao Yue strongly invited.

After being silent for a while, Chen Ping still refused: "No, I am not interested in these for the time being."

With that said, Chen Ping will hang up again.

Over the phone, Yao Yue shouted again: "If there are some clues about Baicao Linglu at this antique auction? Isn't Mr. Chen interested in this?"

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