Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

What a tertiary life essence!

The moment the metal test tube was taken out, the blue liquid showed strong vitality!

That kind of vitality like Wang Yang filled the whole box, making Zheng Nanxin and others all tremble!

Even if Zheng Nanxin had the pleasure of seeing the three-level life stock solution, and now he sees it again, he is still shocked!

His eyes fell on Chen Ping.

Who is this kid? !

Master Chen?

Just because of his phone call, the deacon of the Kyushu General Administration personally sent the third-level life essence!

That is a very expensive genetic product, close to priceless treasure!

Only ten in total!

Now, because of the kid's sentence, he owed a favor to the Kyushu General Administration, and Kyushu sent the liquid of life so quickly!


Terrible strength and identity!

Zheng Nanxin is not a fool. When Deacon Kyushu appeared, he already guessed vaguely.

And in the box, the old man of the fourth disciple family who had not opened his eyes suddenly burst out with a dazzling fine awn, staring at the life essence, a majestic energy storm, brewing in his body!


Suddenly, the old man with the bones of the Xianfeng burst into a sudden burst!

He directly protruded a big hand, carrying the mania of energy Waia, and photographed the two Kyushu deacons!

"You! Be bold!"

The two Kyushu deacons saw it, roared, and at the same time urged the momentum in their body, wanting to compete with it!

However, the palm of the old man contained the use of the Thunder's rules, and directly took the power of several black Thunders, flying the two Kyushu deacons out!


The two Kyushu deacons flew out of the black thunderstorm, spit out blood, and fell heavily!

The metal test tube flew in the air.

The old man's mouth was full of sneer and sneer, said: "Sorry, this life essence and jade jade, old age will be accepted!"

As soon as the voice fell, he was like a black thunder, shot directly from the Taishi chair, turned into a black light and shadow in front of everyone's eyes, and directly grabbed his hand to the life liquid test tube and the gold on the marble table. Jade in the tray!

Zheng Nanxin was also blinded at the time, and did not expect such a sudden change!

He just started screaming: "Old money! What are you doing?! Do you want to get out of the disciples' family and the Kyushu General Administration?!"

Zheng Nanxin is furious!

Mr. Qian laughed yelledly and said, "Master Zheng, my old man, I don't have much time. I just need this life essence to delay my life! I also hope that Master Zheng doesn't stop me."

At the same time, he had already held the metal test tube and jade jade with his hands.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't say anything, and he didn't say anything. At this critical time, the sudden violent violently surprised people.

Zheng Nanxin's face dropped, and he looked at the two deacons of Kyushu who had collapsed on the ground and unknowingly screamed, "Money is strange! You are so angry with the two deacons of Kyushu. You are in trouble!"

The old money stared at Zheng Nanxin with a grinning smile on his lips and said, "Master Zheng, I will retreat abroad since today. No matter how powerful the Kyushu General Administration is, it is impossible to reach out to the Western Twelve Temple. Territory!"

After all, the old money stranger turned to leave.

After all, this place should not stay long.

"You! Hugh want to escape!"

Zheng Nanxin shouted angrily, raised his hand, a red gossip array in his hand, was sacrificed directly by him, and hit the money monster!

Qian Laojie sneered, looked back, and raised his hand!

A black thunder blade directly blasted the red gossip array!

Then, the black Thunder's hand, without any offensive attack, directly hit Zheng Nanxin's chest and cut the skin of his chest!

Zheng Nanxin's body was unstable, and he stepped back a few steps directly. A mouthful of blood spurted out, his eyes flushed red, and his face was incredulously said: " have reached the fourth area..."

Fourth area!

This money is strange, it turned out to be hiding!

Qian Laoqi closed his hand, his eyes chilling, saying: "It's okay, the fourth area that I just entered half a month ago."

At the same time as he was talking, the old guy was full of arrogance in control of the world and the life and death of others.

His eyes twitched and he scanned the whole box with a cold voice: "Hey, I didn't want to cause too many killings, but for unnecessary trouble, you should die together!"

After all, Qian Laoqi raised his hand, brewing a black ball energy storm in his palm, and the black ball energy is still exuding the power of black thunder to the next Kara!

The whole box is filled with that black manic thunderstorm!

Zheng Nanxin's eyes are desperate.

Such an energy storm, the strength of the fourth area, it is really easy to kill them!


At this time, a handsome figure stood up.

At the same time, a disdainful cold voice came out: "If you don't want to die, leave the jade jade, and you can take away the original liquid of life."

Qian Laowei heard that, his eyes burst into chill, staring at Chen Ping who was standing beside him!

This guy!

"Boy, I know you have some strength, but at most it is the strength of the third area, this jade jade, you haven't been able to have it!"

Qian Laowei smiled coldly and showed a strong disdain for Chen Ping.

Chen Ping's mouth twitched, revealing a sneer that seemed absent, and said, "Are you going to leave the jade jade?"

"court death!"

Qian Laoqi thickened his eyebrows and raised his hand. The black round thunder storm was directly shot by him and blasted towards Chen Ping!

This energy storm is too huge, and the whole box is filled with the power of black thunder!


Those thunder forces, bombarded on the wall and the ground, directly flew layers of floor tiles and wall skins!

From the outside, you can see that the outer wall of this box is also filled with the power of black thunder.

The entire Huating Villa has been sirens now!

On the side of Chen Ping, in the face of the powerful energy storm, he stood indifferently in the same place, without moving.

He sighed, and then stepped forward, directly facing the black energy storm!

Old Qian Qian sneered with a stern grin and said, "Crazy! It's almost a dead end!"

However, as soon as he finished this sentence, the scene before him shocked him completely!

Because, when facing the black energy storm, Chen Ping actually just raised his hand slightly, and the regular power of the palm disturbed the regular power of this world!

"Cut!" Chen Ping sipped!

Then, I saw the black energy storm, and a silver gas sword sculpted by Chen Ping's palm was cut vertically!

However, the silver gas sword, the slashing situation has not diminished!

Carrying a devastating coercion directly, angered the old money monster!


The old monster Qian was directly cut by the silver gas sword, and then, in his staring eyes, his figure was divided into two halves, and the dead could not die anymore!

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