I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1192: , Wife, let's not pretend

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In an instant, the entire meeting room was quiet.

The old **** Fang Wenzhi was sitting in his place with a chill in his eyes, staring at Jiang Wan.

"Jiang Dong, there is not much time left for you. I hope you still consider the conditions I put forward last night."

Fang Wenzhi added another sentence, the sneer in the corner of his eyes was stronger.

Jiang Wan looked slightly cold at the moment, looked at Fang Wenzhi, and then smiled out: "Fang Dong, the distribution of the benefits of the 7th and 3rd is absolutely unworkable in our place. The maximum is June 4th, we are six, you four."

After Jiang Wan said this, a firm look flashed on his face.

Fang Wenzhi raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "Why, Jiang Dong is looking for a good house, how can he be so firm today?"

Jiang Wan smiled and said, "Fang Dong, we at Kang Kang Group are opening our doors to discuss cooperation with like-minded people. If Fang Dong wants to take the fire and rob, or put forward some non-divided unspoken rules, we will not agree! Therefore, I also asked Fang Dong to think about it carefully. If it doesn’t work, I can only give away guests.”


Fang Wenzhi was anxious and slapped it on the table with a slap. He pointed at Jiang Wan and shouted: "Jiang Wan! Don't shame your face! Lao Tzu is Fang Wenzhi, I hold the area south of Qinhuai, 70% Market resources, even several giant foreign pharmaceutical companies, are also my partners. If you offend me, I will let you Kang Group shrink and go bankrupt within a month, believe it or not!"

Fang Wenzhi was already angry and tore his face completely.

Such a scene really surprised several directors and shareholders on Jiang Wan's side.

"Fang Dong, Fang Dong, you are going to get rid of the gas. You Jiang Dong don't mean that, you have something to say."

A man in his 50s or 60s, standing up in a suit and leather shoes, quickly persuaded.

Another middle-aged man with glasses also stood up, staring at Jiang Wan with hate, and said: "Jiang Dong, this is a meeting room, it's about cooperation and business. How can you talk like this? ? Apologize!"

"Yes! Jiang Dong, this is the group's business, you can't just play a small role and apologize to Fang Dong!"

All of a sudden, several company board members and Gudong, all blamed Jiang Wan and asked her to apologize to Fang Wenzhi.

Fang Wenzhi sat down again, with a pleasant smile on his lips, waiting gently for Jiang Wan to apologize to himself.


Jiang Wan, however, directly and coldly scolded several board members and shareholders: "Apologize, you apologize! I will not accompany you!"


"Jiang Dong, you are too presumptuous!"

"You are pushing our group into the fire pit!"

All of a sudden, several board members and shareholders stopped working and accused Jiang Wan of being harsh.

Because, in their eyes, interest is paramount.

However, Jiang Wan turned his head and directly said to Wen Zhi, the other party: "Fang Dong, I don't think we need to continue talking about cooperation. Without your group, we can still do business with the Zikang Group!"


Fang Wenzhi snorted coldly and stared at Jiang Wandao: "Good! Jiang Dong is really awe-inspiring and tempered! Then I'll wait, I'll see if you can get through the next step Difficult!"

With that said, Fang Wenzhi got up and stared at Jiang Wan with hate, saying, "Jiang Dong, next, I will let my partner, completely break the cooperation with your Zikang Group! In addition, I will tell you that I will Block all your business in the market! Wait, and within three days, you Jiang Wan will kneel in front of me and pray for my forgiveness like a dog!"

This time, all the members of the board of directors and shareholders of Zikang Group were in a hurry.

"Fang Dong Fang Dong, don't worry, you can talk about it again."

"Fang Dong, this matter is not her own decision, Jiang Wan alone, we can sit down and talk."

"Fang Dong!"

As a result, Fang Wenzhi pushed everyone away, and the straight ones would have to take the door.



At this time, the door of the conference room was kicked directly.

A tall and handsome figure stood at the door, his eyes glowing coldly, his eyes staring at Fang Wenzhi in front of him.

"Dare to threaten my wife, I'm afraid you want to die!"

A harsh voice came from that figure!

Fang Wenzhi froze, raised his head, stared at the man standing in front of him, frowned, and asked, "Damn it! Who the **** are you? Get away!"

As a result, he had just started to push Chen Ping, and Chen Ping shook his hand as he slapped it!


This slap, resounded throughout the conference room!

The Fang Wenzhi, who was playing it, made two laps on the spot like a gyro!

He clutched his rapidly swollen left cheek, staggered in a dizzy pace, then stared at Chen Ping fiercely, and shouted: "Grass! Where's the little deflated, dare to beat me?! You want to die!" "

"Fuck him!"

Fang Wenzhi shouted, and the four bodyguards behind him immediately rushed out, waving their fists, kicking their legs, and hitting Chen Ping!


Bang Bang Bang!

Within a minute, all four bodyguards were beaten and flew out by Chen Ping, and fell to the ground.

This time, Fang Wenzhi panicked and quickly hid behind his assistant, staring at Chen Ping with a terrified look, and then turned to Jiang Wan and shouted: "The surname Jiang, this is what you made? What are you trying to do? ?!"

However, what responded to him was Chen Ping's cold drink: "Noisy! You dare to shout at my wife and seek your own death!"

After all, Chen Ping's figure turned and stood directly in front of Fang Wenzhi.

Then, in Fang Wenzhi's terrified and frightened eyes, Chen Ping raised his hand, grabbed the neckline of his suit with one hand, and turned the other hand into a residual image, fanning on Fang Wenzhi's left and right cheeks!


In an instant, the whole meeting room was full of shocking applause!

Naturally mixed with the miserable howling of Fang Wenzhi!

This scene directly terrified everyone present!

Those board members and shareholders who had scolded Jiang Wan before, all swallowed a few salivas at this moment, shrinking in fear, the frontal horns were constantly sweating.


With a last slap, Chen Ping directly flew Fang Wenzhi out.

The other person lay on the ground, his face was already the same as the pig's head, and his mouth was covered with blood foam.

Fang Wenzhi vomited blood bubbles, stretched out his hand, tremblingly pointed at Chen Ping, stuttered with a tongue that was unfavorable, and stuttered: "You... dare to hit me, I want you... your family... not to die. , Not to die!"


Chen Ping said lightly: "No need, I can ask you not to die now!"

As soon as the words fell, the door walked in again with a female assistant in a professional skirt, holding the document in her hand, bent over 90 degrees, and handed it to Chen Ping respectfully.

Chen Ping directly took out a document and threw it on Fang Wenzhi's face, saying: "From today, I have acquired all of your companies and industries, including the largest pharmaceutical group you are proud of. Also acquired!"

After talking, Chen Ping turned his head to Jiang Wan and said with a smile: "Wife, let's not pretend. His company is now all under your name. The Zikang Group has also been transferred to your name. These boards of directors Members and shareholders, you can open as you please."

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