I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1236: , Evil God, Vataco

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Michael Coulson's car came to the branch of the evil temple.

The base camp of the Evil Sanctuary is not in Shengdun City, but Lord Vatako, the Lord of Evil Gods, has recently recuperated in Shengdun City.

Michael Coulson came to a private manor, a very luxurious manor, armed with bodyguards inside and outside, and a hot maid.

In the small garden in the manor, there is a blue swimming pool. At the moment, there are a lot of **** and hot girls in the swimming pool. They are playing in the swimming pool. It is a pair of ducks playing in the water.

These girls, but they are all top models, very good figure, a man will not walk when he sees it!

At this moment, a slender man with delicate skin is lying on the beach chair, and the left and right are thin **** girls with swallow rings. He is beside him, feeding him fruits and the like.

Aged Michael Coulson is waiting at the entrance of the small garden at this moment.

A tall black bodyguard, with a burly figure, walked two meters away from the young white man and bowed respectfully: "Master Lord Evil God, Michael Coulson, please."

The slender man gave a faint hum, and slender fingers arbitrarily said, "Let him come in."

Soon, Michael Coulson walked into the small garden and stood respectfully standing two meters away from Lord Evil God, kneeling on the ground humbly, saying, "Dear Lord Evil God, Michael Coulson comes to you Please settle."

At the moment, the evil **** Vataco still lay indifferently on the beach chair, holding a hot girl from left to right, and asked with a smile: "Coulson, what's the matter, so anxious to come to me?"

Michael Coulson knelt on the ground and said sadly: "Master Lord Evil, the sun **** Apollo appeared in my bar, and also killed Michael Rickovs."

As soon as the words fell, the fruit-eating **** Vataco suddenly sat upright.

The beautiful face of a beautiful man, with a chill of evil spirit, his eyes are also blue, like the waves of the sea.

He has sharp edges and delicate features, and if he doesn't know, he still treats him as a woman.

A harsh chill flashed in his eyes, staring at Michael Coulson and asking, "Apollo appeared in your bar?"

"Yes, Lord Evil God." Michael Coulson replied.

Vatako waved at will, and all the hot girls beside him walked away.

Soon, in this small garden, Watako and Michael Coulson were left.

"You said that Michael Ricovis was killed by Apollo?" Vataco's eyes showed a chill.

Michael Coulson nodded and said, "Yes, Lord Evil God, please ask me to take the charge for the Michael family! Revenge for Ricovis! I have mobilized all the elites of the Michael family and wait for the Lord Evil God to order, I will destroy a part of the Sun God in Sunton City!"

Vataco blinked, staring at Michael Coulson and asked, "Are you sure you can deal with Apollo?"

Michael Coulson said: "I may not be able to do it, so I want to ask Lord Evil God to help me secretly."

Vatako thought for a while, and then said: "Michael Coulson, it's not that I don't want to help you, you should understand that the sun **** Apollo is not an ordinary person. What my evil temple needs now is rest and development. If for the sake of your Michael family, you lose part of the strength of the Evil Sanctuary, it's not worth the loss.

Hearing this sentence, Michael Coulson felt a bit lost.

However, he must not be dissatisfied with Lord Evil God.

Therefore, he said: "Then the Michael family will start the Sun Temple, and only hope that Lord Evil God will come forward when necessary."

The evil **** Vata thought for a while and said, "Well, Coulson, how about I send two people to protect you?"

Michael Coulson heard the words and quickly kowtowed to thank: "Thank you for the love of Lord Evil God, my Michael family, I must vow to die and loyal to Lord Evil God."

Vatako waved at will, and Michael Coulson left.

It wasn’t until he left that Vataco shouted: “Lyona, Felix, you two go to the Michael family and follow the old guy from Coulson. Remember, if your duties are found to be anything wrong with Coulson, Italian, kill him directly, and then take over the entire Michael family, and support Michael Metrin to become the new patriarch of the Michael family!"

"Yes, Lord Evil God!"

The two figures have been standing behind Vataco.

They are two strong white men, one tall and one short, with a cold face and endless lifelessness.

It is daunting.


(Emphasis: Some of the ambassadors of the Western Twelve Temples may not necessarily have strong powers and divide their powers. Some are only in charge of the economy and some confidential events. Others are disciples, combat power, and killing. Machine)

The next day.

A message broke out in Shengton City.

The eldest son of the Michael family, Michael Licovis, was killed last night and the funeral was held today.

The whole Michael family, thank you in camera.

This news instantly caused a sensation in Shengton City.

"What? Oh my god! Have you heard that Michael Licovis is actually dead!"

"Oh, buy Karma! It's shocking! That was Li Keweisi, the eldest son of the Michael family, and the future heir to the Michael family, he was killed."

"Oh, what a cruel thing. Didn't you hear the wind last night? I heard that Michael Licovis offended an unconverted person and was killed!"

In a restaurant, there are many white and black street gangsters at the moment, and there is constant discussion.

"What? Killed? Where did you hear about it?" someone asked, puzzled and curious.

The fat white man with a big beard was about to speak.

Suddenly, a few men in black suits with golden cobra badges came in the doorway.

As soon as they entered the door, they held a pistol with silencers in their hands, and slammed all the people who were discussing the Michael family!

In the same way, everywhere in Shengton City, as long as it was the guy who discussed the matter of the Michael family last night, all were solved in secret.

This is the power of the Michael family.

And in a hilltop manor in Shengton City.

The manor of the Michael family is very luxurious and splendid, all of which are castle buildings.

At this moment, inside and outside the manor, all the dead and elites of the assembled Michael family!

They all wore the most advanced weapons, chests, and all had gold cobra badges.

Michael Coulson stood in front of this group of dead and elite, leaning on the golden cobra crutches, glancing at them coldly, and then said: "You are the pride of the Michael family, take your pride, and wash my blood to the sun. The seventh base of the temple!"

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