Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

In an instant, a fierce battle broke out in this area!

Such a battle, even within a dozen miles or so, can feel the raging coercion and energy fluctuations!

And in the area of ​​the battle center, the energy fluctuation there is stronger than the terrorist explosive force of various advanced weapons and missiles!

Looking down from the sky, you can see that the white castle has turned into ruins!

The entire battle area has been transformed into scorched earth, and the grass is not growing, it is a mess!

Originally a beautiful mountain village, it has completely become a victim of battle at this moment and no longer exists.

At the same time, the defense organization of Shengton City, through satellite monitoring, has discovered the terror energy fluctuations here!

A group of defensive personnel, dressed in green uniforms, is now in a well-defense research room.

The research room is full of intensive electronic instruments and equipment, as well as non-stop personnel.

Here is the branch of the Octagon!

"Report Chax to the unification! We are at Clink Manor on West Kee Street, and have detected a lot of energy pressure and fluctuations! We suspect that there is a **** fighting!"

A staff member from the Divine Spear Bureau stood up at this moment and looked respectfully at the middle-aged white man with a eagle nose standing in front of the electronic screen.

The man, in a uniform, with a badge, a majestic look, a solemn attitude, and brown eyes, staring at the picture of an electronic instrument, Shen Sheng asked: "Which two gods are monitored?"

"Chucks, no...not two gods..."

The staff member, looking at the monitoring data at the moment, said with horrified eyes and round lights.

"What do you mean?"

The hawk-nosed Chuck turned and his eyes were extremely cold!

He is a typical Western white man, tall and terrifying.

The staff member hurriedly replied: "Chax is not the two gods. According to the monitoring data, there are at least four gods!"


The entire electronic war room is completely quiet!


The four gods are fighting? !

how can that be?

This is simply a fantasy!

The last battle of Tenjin was only three, it has destroyed a city and it has been taboo!

At the same time, the octagon issued an injunction prohibiting gods from fighting in the secular world! No more than two gods are allowed to fight!

Because that price is too great!

Finally, the main **** Zeus issued the main **** order, specifically prohibiting the fighting between the gods!

If you encounter something irreconcilable, go to the palace of the main **** of Mount Olympus, and mediate by the main **** Zeus.

At the moment, Chucks is also shocked!

The four gods are fighting? !

Oh, God!

What happened to this law?

If this broke out, wouldn't the entire city of Shengton cease to exist?

Lessons from the past are still vivid!

Chucks looked at the monitored data for the first time, and it became clear that after the four gods were fighting, he immediately reported it to the octagon via satellite phone!

The vast and solemn, the octagon with the most stringent defense system in the world.

At the moment, at the corner of the octagon.

This is the most powerful combat command room in the entire Western world!

Here, it has the world's most advanced combat system, satellite system, defense system, electronic system and so on.

Here, any corner of the world can be clearly detected by satellites and unmanned aircraft on the sky.

Of course, the restricted areas of some other countries are undetectable.

At this moment, here, has become very nervous!

More and more staff are starting to get busy!

The entire interior of this corner building is now highly alert!

In the most central combat conference room, a round table is seated with five men and women, and the two headed by the head are full of Huafa, white Western.

The other three, a middle-aged man, are black.

The other is a young white man and a middle-aged woman in her 40s and 50s.

They are all white.

These five people, but the five in charge of the combat command room in this corner of the entire octagon!

In the meeting room at the moment, in addition to the five of them, there were other men and women in battle suits, all sitting on the sidelines, listening attentively to the report.

This is an ad hoc meeting and it is particularly anxious.

The white-haired white old man headed by him, covered in badges of glory, was sitting dangerously at the moment, his hands crossed his fingers and placed on the table, his face looked very thick and ugly.

Behind him, a white female assistant in a battle suit, with a very good figure and blonde hair, holding a document at the moment, said: "According to the latest report passed on by Chucks, four gods happened at Klink Manor In the event of a battle, we need to quickly discuss the countermeasures. Once the battle fully erupts, the entire city of Shengton may become hell."

The other four were shocked when they heard the news.

"Four gods are fighting? Isn't there a prohibition against two or more gods fighting? What is going on?"

Among them, the black man is full of doubts and surprises.

The white-haired old man headed by that said at the moment: "The specific situation is still being understood. Our purpose now is not to study why fighting broke out, but how to deal with it."

"Humph, the twelve gods of the West, in my opinion, should have captured them all! With some strength in ourselves, we did not take our eyes at all! Especially in the past few years, they have become more arrogant, I fell Hopefully, this time they will kill each other, we will take advantage of the fishermen."

The other headed old man, with a look of pride and hatred at the moment.

Obviously, he hated the Western Twelve Temple.

After all, no organization is allowed to exist beyond their control.

Soon, the entire war room fell into intense discussions, and in the end, no countermeasures were discussed.

After all, the battle of the four gods of war has already surpassed the world and surpassed everyone's imagination.

Even the most advanced defense and weapon systems will not cause too much harm to them.

The only thing you can do now is to stop them from heating up!

It was at this time that a tall white man in a war suit rushed into the combat command room with a document in his hand.

He stood up and saluted, and then said: "Aubrey, this is the main **** order from Mount Olympus, the main **** Zeus among the twelve gods, has been ordered."

The white old man headed by, looking at the documents, finally had a slight relief on his face, and said: "Very well, immediately dispatch the sharpest war group, and arm Klink within a radius of fifty miles to prevent the gods from losing control! "

"In addition, send my order again, notify the Godhead of God Spear Bureau, let him arrive at the fastest speed, and deal with this Tenjin crisis event!"

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