I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1400: , Unify north and south!

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In the next few days, Chen Ping rested in the manor.

The Power Bureau completely took over the northern disciples, and launched a carpet-like investigation into what Tianlong Mountain Villa did.

As for Tianlong Mountain Villa, it has been in a state of seizure, and all the disciples of Tianlong Mountain Villa have been taken away for investigation.

The whole northern disciples were in alien world, and suddenly the dragons were headless.

Fortunately, with the permission of Chen Ping and the permission of the Power Bureau, Jiang Li's Chaofeng Mountain Villa began to accept the northern disciples.

Among them, there are naturally many northern disciples who are not convinced!

They immediately started a meeting.

In the conference room on the highest floor of the Wufang Hotel in Beiding City, in the conference room covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, it is now filled with the heads of the northern disciples.

These people come not only from Beiding City, but also from other cities in the North.

The atmosphere at the moment was very dull and serious throughout the meeting room.

Headed by three people, two middle-aged men and one middle-aged woman.

These are the three representatives elected by the northern disciples after the Tianlong Mountain Villa incident.

They are the heads of the Jia, Zhou and Situ families in the north!

"Master Jia, what are we going to do now? The Chaofeng Mountain Villa in the South is going to take over our disciples and strangers in the North, which is a shame!"

"Yes! What qualifications does this old Jiang Li have to take over us? We will never agree!"

"Yes! It is better to break the jade than the tile!"

Suddenly, the heads of the families sitting were excited, and each was very excited and excited!

The quarrel of each other is also messy in the conference room.

Among them, some also tend to let Chaofeng Villa take over the head of the north.

"You are all wrong. Now that Tianlong Mountain Villa is being investigated, the Power Bureau and Chaofeng Mountain Villa have joined forces. We have no way but to admit our fate!"

"Actually, Chaofeng Villa takes over us, so that our family can still be stable in the north, as long as we do not conflict with Jiang Li, it is expected that Jiang Li will not be too difficult for us."

"The old man thinks that it is also so big in the north. Jiang Li can't eat it in one bite. He still needs us."

In this way, all kinds of arguments came one after another, and some people even faced the red-eared dispute directly in the conference room, and finally even fought.

"OK OK!"

At this moment, Jia Huaiyi, the head of the Jia family headed, looked dumb and signaled everyone to be quiet and followed: "We need to discuss this matter seriously, but I want to show my attitude. I will never agree with the North. Taken over by Jiang Li, this is our bottom line."

After all, Zhou Ankang, the owner of the Zhou family, also followed: "I agree with the meaning of Jia Jiazhu. Our northern disciples and strangers have been the masters of our northern people for decades. Now, Jiang Li in the south wants to enter the north. , Is a disrespect to the ancestors! We can’t be the surrendered son!

It was Situ Qingtian, the head of Situ’s house, and she was also one of the few female heads in the conference room.

She looked pale and did not speak.

The rest of the heads of the house, when they heard words from Jia and Zhou, were silent.

"I agree with Jia Jiazhu, we must not succumb!"

"Yes! In the large north, can the power board cover the sky with only one hand? No compromise!"

Someone shouted.

"However, don’t forget, that day’s contest, but the South won, and Mr. Chen, it is said that the power behind it is not simple. Even the Long Ancestor failed to kill him, it is said that it appeared Another strong man half a step away from the other side stopped the Dragon ancestor."

Suddenly, a lukewarm voice rang in the meeting room.

Everyone heard it, and all raised their eyebrows.

Yes, even the Dragon ancestor failed to slash that Chen Ping. It is conceivable how difficult the strength behind him is.

"In other words, do you know the identity of this Mr. Chen? I don't think it's a simple character. The things behind this, but he was secretly supported."

Someone asked at the moment.

Jia Jiazhu and Zhou Jiazhu had a dull face. The former said: "No matter who he is, it is absolutely impossible to get involved in the alien world of disciples in the north!"

"Of course, we are not giving them no room, as long as they agree to our conditions, everything is easy to talk about."

Jia Jiazhu and Zhou Jiazhu glanced at each other.

The crowd looked at Jia Jiazhu and asked, "What does Jia Jiazhu mean?"

Jia Jiazhu said with a smile: "As long as they agree, the north is still under the management of our northern family, we can promise that Chaofeng Mountain Villa will establish a branch in the north."

When everyone heard it, they immediately understood it.

This is not the same, it is just that Jiang Li's Chaofeng Mountain Villa is named in the north, and the actual rights are still in the hands of the disciples in the north.

This condition is good!

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

In an instant, more than half of the people in the meeting room raised their hands and agreed!

The remaining few of them are worried.

They don't think things can go on so simply, at least, Jiang Li will not agree, nor will Mr. Chen.

"Okay, since more than half of the people agreed, it's so decided!"

Jia Jiazhu smiled faintly.



At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed away from the outside!

Two rows of heavily armed combatants, accompanied by goggles, rushed in and rushed in, immediately blocking the entire conference room!

All of a sudden, the heads of the disciple families in the conference room panicked!

"This... what's going on?"

"Who are you! Whoever let you in, get out of me!"

Jia Jiazhu shouted angrily, his face dull.

At this time, at the door, came a handsome figure, a cyan suit, with sunglasses, hands in his pants pockets, quite proud.

Behind him, there were several others, all dressed up in style.

No one else is Chen Ping!

He walked into the conference room, his eyes glanced at the audience through sunglasses, and then a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, saying: "At a meeting? Then it was really the time for me to introduce myself, Chen Ping, presumably most people know me ."

As soon as Chen Ping's words fell, the heads of these northern disciples' families were all stunned!

Headed by Jia Jiazhu and Zhou Jiazhu, their faces sank.

"Huh! Mr. Chen is so brave that he dared to break into the meeting of our northern disciples' family, and brought so many people over. Why, did he want to demonstrate?"

Jia Jiazhu said coldly, with dissatisfaction in his tone.


Chen Ping took off his sunglasses, wiped it lightly, and said with a smile: "Hey, Jia Jiazhu is right, that is, the demonstration is to inform you. Starting today, Chaofeng Mountain Villa in the south will officially take over the northern disciples. , If there are disobedient people, you can stand up now."

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