I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1424: , Lin's Secret Library

Hearing Lin Zhenghai's words, Chen was a little silent.

Seeing this, Lin Zhenghai asked, "What's the matter? Lin Zhengxin really wants to stand opposite Chen's?"

Chen Ping nodded and said, "Maybe, based on my current understanding of Lin Zhengxin, the Lin family may be undergoing a change. The leader of this change is Lin Zhengxin and some people."

"If it wasn't for me to prepare in advance, today, I'm afraid I will stay at the Lin family."


Hearing this, Lin Zhenghai was shocked, his eyes widened, and he said, "Did he really dare to detain you?"

Chen Ping nodded and said, "Lin Zhengxin's move should be related to his grandfather. What secrets does Grandpa have in his body? Need to let Lin Zhengxin not detain me, but also ask me to hand over my grandfather?"

Lin Qingqing and Lin Zhenghai glanced at each other and shook their heads: "This matter, it seems that only the old man knows, but unfortunately, the old man's mental state is very bad, good or bad, and I don't know which sentence is true. Yes, which sentence is fake."

Lin Zhenghai is right. Grandpa's current state, it is really difficult to judge which sentence is true.

Lin Qingqing suddenly said at the meeting: "Perhaps, it is related to the chalcedony key that Grandpa asked me to give you?"

Hearing the words, Chen Ping shot a gleam in his eyes, and he quickly took out the chalcedony key that Lin Qingqing had given him from his arms, gestured to Lin Zhenghai, and asked, "Four cousin, do you know this?"

Lin Zhenghai took the chalcedony key in his hand, and carefully looked at it twice. Suddenly, his eyes were full of prosperity, and he stuttered: "This...this is the key to Lin's secret store..."

Lin's Secret Store? !

Everyone heard and looked at each other, not quite understanding.

"What secret store?" Chen Ping asked.

Lin Zhenghai said: "This is the highest secret inside Lin's core! Apart from the old man, the three uncles, and our four brothers, no one knows."

"This can open the secrets that have been hidden in the Lin's secret library for hundreds of years. It is said that that secret can influence the change and development of the world pattern."

"The old lady actually gave this to you... It seems that what Lin Zhengxin wanted was probably this!"

Hearing Lin Zhenghai's words, everyone shuddered.

Does this chalcedony key actually hold such a secret?

Can influence the development and transformation of the world pattern...

What kind of secret is this?

"Four cousin, where is this secret store?" Chen Ping asked.

Lin Zhenghai looked puzzled, frowned, and thought, "This vault was sealed by your mother earlier. No one except Lin knows where it is."

Speaking here, Lin Zhenghai suddenly shivered and said, "Perhaps, there is still someone in this world who knows where the secret store is..."

In an instant, everyone understood who Lin Zheng Haikou was.


Chen Ping frowned, thinking for a while, and asked, "Why should my mother seal the secret vault? Is there some secret in it?"

Lin Zhenghai sighed and said, "But in the year, your mother is one of Lin's most amazing geniuses. She has created a lot of things that this world cannot allow, even, the star gate behind the Kunlun virtual, It also opened up a channel to the civilization on the other side. Unfortunately, that channel is not allowed by the rules of the world, so the channel was closed by the seal."

"And the secret vault was sealed by your mother at that time."

"If I guessed right, the secret in this vault may be related to that channel, but also to your mother's accident."

Hearing what Lin Zhenghai said, Chen Pingren's face was shocked.

The star gate is that it is not a secret in the Lin family, a few people can still know.

Lin Qingqing actually knows a little, but not much.

"So, Lin Zhengxin wants to get this key, and at the same time get the secret storehouse and open that secret?"

Chen Pingdao.

Lin Zhenghai nodded and said: "It's all right and wrong. It's probably the channel that can influence this world pattern!"

Chen Ping took a breath and looked at the chalcedony key handed over by Lin Zhenghai.

Grandpa gave this to him, he must have his intentions.

"That's right, what did Lin's side say? Didn't you want to reveal the truth about your mother's accident?"

Lin Zhenghai asked suddenly.

Chen Pingdao said: "I don't know, they will not explode, I will investigate by myself. After all, what Lin Zhengxin said is out of tune."

Lin Zhenghai nodded and said: "It makes sense that your mother's accident was a big blow to the Lin family. That was also the case. Lin's withdrawal from the mainland has been developing in this Xiangjiang. Unfortunately, many Only the uncle knows things. However, the uncle left five years ago."

The uncle Lin Zhenghai said was Lin Zhiying's eldest brother and the last head of the Lin family.

Lin's last head of the family, dedicated and dedicated, made many contributions to Lin.

It is also liked by the old lady.

It is a pity that it is too early.

Chen Ping was silent. If the mother's accident, only the uncle knew the inside story, it would be dead.

"Uncle, is there anything left?" Chen Ping asked.

Lin Zhenghai shook his head and said: "Uncle left nothing, nor any last words."

"However, the strange thing is that the year when the uncle left, his personality changed a lot, and he became very irritable and suspicious. Many things he handled by himself did not involve anyone."

"If I remember correctly, the uncle once sent someone to the Chen family for help, but the people who went there never returned. It was also since then that the uncle began to die gradually and finally died on the bed."

After Lin Zhenghai finished speaking, Chen was flat.

Uncle Uncle sent someone to the Chen family for help?

Then why didn't the person who went there return to the island's Lin family?

After a little thought, Chen Ping understood that among them, the Chen's side must have intercepted the uncle!

As for who it is, Chen Ping cannot be sure.

It may be a person from Yun Jing, or a person from a family.

Chen's face dimmed, and he felt that this matter must be investigated clearly.

He turned around, walked aside, directly dialed Qiao Fugui's phone, and asked, "Old Qiao, check it. Five years ago, did Lin send someone to Tianxin Island!"

Qiao Fugui responded on the phone and quickly gathered files.

Five years ago, a whole year of visitor records on Tianxin Island was checked.

"Young Master, check, no." Qiao Fugui replied.

Hearing this, Chen Ping's face sank, and he vaguely guessed what was in his heart.

Since no one has reached Tianxin Island, it means that Lin was sent off halfway through the dispatch.

This may have been done by Lin himself!

Lin Zhengxin?

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