I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1531: , Back to Shangjiang

Chen Ping's eyes became more solemn, what his mother left behind was in the sixth area.

Baicao Linglu, which treats Jiang Wan's golden blood syndrome, seems to be related to the Kyushu General Administration.

Jiang Wan's memory chip is also in the Luo family in Kunlun.

Everything is connected with Kunlun Xu, with Kyushu General Administration, and with the Star Gate in Kunlun Xu.

After Chen Ping was silent for a long time, he glanced at his grandfather who was lying on the hospital bed and asked, "If I can enter the other shore and get the elixir of revival, how long can my grandfather last?"

Lin Xiao glanced at the black-faced old man and said, "I will try my best to maintain the old man's vital functions, but I can't judge how long it can last. According to the current situation, it can take up to one year. In other words. , Within this year, you have to find a way to the other shore, or open the star gate to enter the other shore, and you have to find the elixir to bring the dead back to life."

After speaking, Chen Ping's face became more solemn.

A year's time.

This time is too hasty.

Moreover, his current strength is not enough, for the other side, it is completely blank.

How did he find the elixir to bring the dead back to life in this year.

My mother has used it for three years, can I find it within a year?

It was also at this time that Lin Xiao suddenly said: "The Baicao Linglu that you are looking for to treat Jiang Wan's golden blood syndrome, in fact, the world just left a little clue, there is no such elixir. The real Baicao Linglu has always been on the other shore."

"Back then, your mother discovered Baicao Linglu, but due to some special reasons, she couldn't get it. She just brought back the elixir that brought back the dead."

"According to the words left by your mother that year, the efficacy of that Baicao Linglu is ten times as effective as the elixir of resurrection. It is a real elixir of immortality."

Chen Ping's eyes became more solemn when he heard Lin Xiao's words.

After going around such a big circle, the clue that I have been looking for for Baicao Linglu is actually on the other side...

How does this tell him to find?

"Is there really no shadow of Baicao Linglu in this world?" Chen Ping asked.

Lin Xiao sighed and said: "As far as I know, no. Even your father can't get it. Back then, your father once saw that herb spirit dew, just behind the star gate, he has absorbed the spirit of heaven and earth and the rules. Power, transformed into a human form. Your father and it were just a quick glance, not grasped."


Hearing these words, Chen Ping understood that it was a pity that his father Dannian missed that herb Linglu.

Just a quick glance.

By now, the choice has been placed before Chen Ping.

The elixir that Grandpa needed and the Herbal Dew that Jiang Wan needed were all on the other side.

If you don't go to the other shore, you can't save grandpa and Jiang Wan.

Moreover, Chen Ping has always wanted to understand the secrets of the other shore.

Otherwise, the civilization of this world will be eroded by the other shore sooner or later.

After a long period of silence, Chen Ping didn't know how to face the next situation.

No matter what he does, he must first go to the sixth area of ​​Kunlun Virtual Star Gate to obtain what his mother once left.

Lin Xiao looked at Chen Ping with a solemn expression, patted his shoulder lightly, and said, "Your choice determines the fate of the person you care about, and also determines your fate. Your fate is here. , I can’t continue the deduction. Chen Ping, you are the variable in the world, and the only variable in the general trend of the world. I want to understand that these choices may be your personal choices, but to a large extent, they may cause butterflies The effect will change the overall trend of the world."

After speaking, Lin Xiao left the room.

Chen Ping sat on the sofa and glanced at the old lady lying on the hospital bed, accompanied by Lin Qingqing.

"Chen Ping, are you really going to the other shore?" Lin Qingqing asked.

Chen Ping was silent, and he didn't know.

It was a dangerous place, an unknown, a world with a second civilization.

If he really wants to go, he must make a lot of preparations in advance.

"Go, because I want to save Jiang Wan and grandpa."

Finally, Chen Ping said seriously, his eyes full of determination.

That's right.

Chen Ping must go, he will break into that unknown world anyway, and find Baicao Linglu and the elixir to bring back the dead.

After a moment of silence, Lin Qingqing pinched her finger and said, "Can you take me with you? I want to be with you."

Hearing this, Chen Ping looked sideways at Lin Qingqing, and said: "I know you are worried about me, but that is an unknown world, even my mother and father are very vigilant. I can't guarantee that I can be completely Retire, how can I protect you?"


Lin Qingqing still wanted to say something, but Chen Ping's eyes had already told her everything.

After silence, Lin Qingqing said: "Then I will be here for you to come back."

Chen Ping smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's not the time yet."

After speaking, Chen Ping looked at his grandfather on the hospital bed. He left the room after a long time.

After returning to his room, he approached Ye Fan and others and asked, "I'm going to Kunlun Xu to find what my mother left behind."

When Ye Fan heard this, his eyebrows twitched, and he asked seriously: "Are you really going to Kunlun Xu?"

Chen Ping nodded decisively and said, "Yes. Moreover, Jiang Wan's memory chip is also at Xuluo's house in Kunlun. I must go to the Luo's house for a break!"

Ye Fan's face sank, and after thinking about it for a long time, he said, "Chen Ping, Kunlun Xu is not as simple as you think. That place is different from everything here. If you rush forward like this, I am afraid that you will offend many people. Moreover, those people in Kunlun Xu are all unpredictable evildoers. What they do cannot be speculated by common sense."

Chen Ping frowned and said, "I know, but even so, I must go."

Chen Ping has decided to leave, no matter how Ye Fan and others persuade him, he must go.

Finally, Ye Fan said: "In this case, I will be with you, so I can take care of it."

Chen Ping smiled, reached out and high-five Ye Fan, and said, "Thank you."

Ye Fan shrugged and said, "To be honest, I haven't returned for a long time. I really miss the days of training and studying in Kunlun Xu."

Things are finalized.

Two days later, Chen Ping decided to return to Shangjiang to deal with personal matters.

After all, millet grains and rice paddies are still on the river.

As soon as the private jet entered Shangjiang, the airport was under martial law.

All bodyguards in black suits have surrounded the entire airport.

Zheng Tai took the chairman of the Shangjiang Chamber of Commerce, as well as the current chairman of the Fukang Group and other important figures, all waiting respectfully at the airport.

Seeing Chen Ping-ping getting off the plane, Zheng Taili immediately went forward and bowed and said, "Welcome the return of the young master."

Chen Ping took a deep breath, feeling deep in his heart.

He patted Zheng Tai on the shoulder and said directly: "Go back first."

"Yes!" Zheng Tai said.

Soon, a black Maybach motorcade drove directly to Palace One.

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