After leaving a ruthless word, the bald man ran away.

Chen Ping's eyebrows sank, and he glanced at the people watching the excitement in the distance, and shouted in a cold voice, "Who else wants to try?"

Those people hummed a few times, and turned around to do their own things.

Chen Ping stood for a while, then turned and entered the dormitory.

Ye Fan and the others were already lying on the bed and rested, and Seventeen was wiping his scimitar.

"How is it?" Ye Fan asked while lying on the bed with his head resting on his hands.

Chen Ping sat next to his bed and said: "Tentative, not high or low."

"Who do you think it is?" Ye Fan got up and asked.

Chen Ping thought for a while, and said: "We just arrived and didn't contact anyone. Either Gu Shangtong wants to test our strength. Or the group of people who intercepted us earlier wants to deliberately release the wind."

"You mean that Renault?" Ye Fan asked with a frown.

"Yes." Chen Ping nodded, got up, and followed: "Do you still know the location of the star gate?"

Ye Fan shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. When I first came in, I found out that everything here has changed. Even the defense strength and garrison points have changed. I'm not sure if I can find the entrance, but , You can give it a try."

Chen Ping concentrated, thought for a while and said, "Okay, we will explore the location of the Star Exploration Gate tonight."

Ye Fan was startled and said, "Are you crazy, just want to detect the location of the Star Gate at night?"

Chen Ping frowned and said: "I always think the atmosphere here is weird, I want to see what is going on. Moreover, since the Luo family deliberately guided me to Kunlun Xu, they wanted me to contact the Star Gate. Once I touch the Star Gate, The Luo family will definitely show up."

Ye Fan frowned and said, "But if you do this, will you be too impatient? We haven't even figured out the basic situation here, and the division of forces hasn't figured out, if they find out. , It’s hard for us to justify ourselves."

"That Gu Shangtong's warning is also very obvious, it is to warn us not to cross the border."

Chen Ping glanced at Ye Fan and said, "If you have concerns, you don't need to go. I will go alone and you will draw the map to me."

The corner of Ye Fan's eyes sank, and he said, "You know I didn't mean that, we should think about it longer."

Chen Ping sighed and said, "The time left for us is running out."

Hearing these words, Ye Fan thought for a while and said, "Okay, I will accompany you tonight."


Looking back to the five princes, they had already returned to the star gate with Ji Ke.

Ji Ke looked at the simple and deep passage in the black chaos in the distance, as well as the black star gate that seemed to have existed since ancient times, with a flat mouth, and said: "Five grandpas, I can still go out to find Does Brother Chen Ping play?"

Fang Hou smiled, rubbed Jike's little head fondly, and said, "Of course you can, go."

When Ji Ke heard this, he smiled and walked towards the star gate.

After that, she opened her arms, her body suddenly glowed with a bright white jade-like luster, and all this luster flooded into the black star gate that could not be seen.

It was as if the star gate was a monster that swallowed everything, constantly swallowing the power of the wonderful rules from Ji Ke.

This process has lasted for several hours.

Ji Ke's face became very weak, and her lips lost their blood.

Fang Hou waved his hand, wrapped Ji Ke away from the star gate, and then said to the man behind him: "Take Ling Gu to rest."

Afterwards, Fanghou and others looked at the calm star gate, and said, "Finally, I've been able to stop it. If it's a few days later, I'm afraid I won't be able to control the star gate if we join forces."

The other prince nodded and frowned, "It stands to reason that the big man once again sealed the Star Gate with Yan Yuanlong. Why does the Star Gate still have such abnormal fluctuations?"

Fanghou shook his head and said: "I don't know, maybe, only the day when the star gate opens. We can't take it lightly, we must be ready at any time."

"The emperor has just heard the news, one month later, we will select candidates who will enter the land of the other side for trials."

Hearing this, the other four princes frowned and said: "Why is it so fast? Isn't it a year from now?"

Fang Hou shook his head helplessly and explained: "I don't know, I can only say that there may be a major change in the current situation and I have to make some preparations in advance."

"Hey, I think back then, I went to sixty, and came back fifteen. Although each has grown, many of them have been invaded by the magical nature of the other shore and betrayed me." Another prince revealed at this moment. The color of helplessness, said.

Fang Hou smiled, and said, "These are not things I wait to consider. Just prepare for things in a month."

Several princes nodded.

"By the way, Patriarch Chen, what are you going to do?" a prince asked.

Fang Hou said, "Let’s do this first, after all, it’s the son and the nominal nephew. Moreover, he still has a Wolong Order in his hand. If he can help, he can help.

Several nodded silently.


Into the night.

Chen Ping and Ye Fan were already ready and walked out of the dormitory. As a result, a figure with arms around his chest stood in the clearing.


The other party threw something like a scroll directly, and then said with a floating voice: "I hope you can come back alive."

After speaking, this figure disappeared from Chen Ping's eyes like smoke.

Chen Ping took the scroll in his hand and opened it to see that it was actually a map of Kunlun Xu with the location of the star gate marked on it.

"How reliable do you think this map is?" Ye Fan asked.

Chen Ping frowned and said, "There should be no fakes. Someone in Kunlun Xu urgently wants us to contact the Star Gate."

"You mean, from the Luo family?" Ye Fan frowned.

Chen Ping nodded, closed the scroll, and said, "Let's go."

Soon, Chen Ping and Ye Fan left the training camp.

However, shortly after they walked out, on a high platform in the distance, a man in a cloak was taking out his binoculars, looking at Chen Ping and Ye Fan who were immersed in the snow and mountains, and said: "Keep up with them. "


On the way, Chen Ping and Ye Fan cleverly avoided patrol defenses according to the coordinates marked on the map, and there were several battlefields and sinkings.

It can be said that the journey is unimpeded.

Finally, they came to a grand canyon with steep cliffs on both sides.

The strong wind and snow, from the front of this deep canyon, kept blowing, with a terrifying and heart-palpitating howling.

This gust of cold wind blows on people, and it hurts more than a knife cut.

This is the only way to enter the Star Gate, Death Canyon!

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