I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1565: , The power of blood

At this moment, Chen Ping is in this piece of battlefield, witnessing and feeling the impact of the war with his own eyes!

The **** wind, the swaying mountains, the divine battle that destroys the world, all stimulated Chen Ping's nerves and senses!

Is this the war on the other shore?

It was so tragic.

Similarly, these existences in the other shore are so powerful!

These battlefields seem to be images of past battles in the other shore...

Each of the nine huge imperial beasts is like a supreme king, standing upright in the sky, and there is enough to dominate a battlefield!

Chen Ping really felt the imperial might from the nine huge royal beasts. Even though they were not in the same period, after a long time, Chen Ping still felt the tremendous pressure emanating from them.

Then, Chen Ping watched them rush into the battlefield, or stand on the top of the city, incarnate as kings, raising their hands, millions of troops, rushing to kill each other!

Such shocking images shocked Chen Ping's senses.

Suddenly, the picture in front of her turned, and a very beautiful and gentle woman suddenly walked down the stone steps from the star gate and walked towards Chen Ping.

The woman, dressed in a white dress, looked like a fairy, like a female emperor, with golden light behind her.

"Ping'er." The woman called softly, with a loving smile on her face, walked to Chen Ping, raised her hand, and stroked Chen Ping's face.

"Mom...is it you?"

Chen Ping's eyes were full of tears, he couldn't believe that he was here and saw his mother again.

"Ping'er, you are finally here. Mom has been waiting for you, and your future is behind this door. Enter the land of the other shore, constantly improve yourself, and protect the ancestral land."

After saying this, Lin Zhiying's figure slowly turned into a little light and shadow.

Chen Ping chased out and shouted, "Mom, where are you? When will I see you? What is the ancestral land? Mom!"

The light and shadow disappeared, leaving behind a little bit of star-like bright spot, blending into the star gate.

The corners of Chen Ping's eyes were full of tears, and everything in front of him returned to normal.

It was still the huge star gate, Fang Hou and Ye Fan stood beside them.

They seemed completely unaware of what Chen Ping had just experienced...

Fanghou said at this moment: "This is the Star Gate."

Chen Ping looked at the huge star gate earnestly, and there were bursts of heart-palpiting aura on it, as if he did not belong to this world.

In particular, some of the special energies and regular powers above actually made some regular powers in Chen Ping's body become active.

Even Chen Ping felt that his blood was accelerating, and there was something hot in his body that couldn't hold it down.

"Why is this? Why does Stargate have such an impact on me?"

Chen Ping frowned and looked at the golden mark on Bai Ze on his arm, and found that the mark also began to appear faintly golden.

Fang Hou also noticed this moment, and frowned and asked, "How is it?"

Chen Ping said: "I don't know, it feels like there is something in the body about to rush out, Fanghou, why is this?"

Fang Hou twisted his eyebrows, raised his hand, and swiped in front of him, directly splitting the space, shouting: "Four old guys, come here!"

In the next second, four figures suddenly appeared beside Fang Hou.

"Fang Hou, why do you suddenly call us?"

"Huh? Chen Xiaozi is here too?"

"What's the matter? Why does the star gate fluctuate again?"

The four princes who had just arrived, all face trembling at this moment, looking at the star gate.

Fang Hou looked solemn, pointed at Chen Ping and said, "Look at him."

The other four princes suddenly looked at Chen Ping, and they understood something instantly.

"The power of blood?"

"This is, I can't suppress it anymore?"

"How could this happen? Didn't Chen Tianxiu's bloodline power be suppressed by special means? Why did his bloodline power suddenly break and suppress?"

The four princes, including Fang Hou, became a little anxious.

Chen Ping didn't understand the meaning of the princes at all, and asked: "What are you talking about, what are the princes? What bloodline power?"

Fang Hou's face sank, he took a step forward, grabbed Chen Ping's arm, raised his hand, and directly tapped various large acupuncture points on Chen Ping's body. Then, a force of astonishment broke out in his body and directly penetrated into Chen Ping's body. The abrupt force in Chen Ping was suppressed abruptly.

When the other four princes saw this, they also shot at the same time.

Then, the five of them let go, took a deep breath, and said, "Chen Tianxiu must be notified as soon as possible to prepare him for this matter. The bloodline in his body is suppressed, and it is almost impossible to suppress it, most likely because of the star gate. For the sake of it."

Several princes nodded, and one of them said: "I will inform."

After that, his figure flashed out and disappeared directly in front of the star gate.

After that, Fang Hou looked at Chen Ping with a solemn expression and asked, "Why is this all of a sudden?"

Chen Ping's expression sank, he looked at Fang Hou and a few people very puzzled, and asked, "Fang Hou, what is going on? What bloodline power is in my body?"

Fang Hou took a deep breath, his eyes fell on the star gate, and said: "You have the power of the blood of the other shore in your body. Didn't the Luo family tell you that the ancestor of the Chen family came from the other shore? ?"


These words of Fang Hou undoubtedly exploded in Chen Ping's mind.

Did Fang Hou know what happened to Luo Xingyu?

"Don't make a fuss, in Kunlun Xu, there is nothing we don't know, but we don't want to interfere at will. After all, the Luo family is not a small character either." Fang Hou said.

"Since you all know, then I want to ask, Chen's ancestor, really came from the other shore?" Chen Ping asked.

Fanghou was silent, glanced a few times, then nodded and said, "Yes."

Chen Ping's face sank, he squeezed his fists, and then asked, "Aren't the people in the world, the shop hates the existence of the other shore?"

"Yes." Fanghou continued.

Chen Ping squeezed his fists tighter and asked: "If the news of the Chen family coming from the other shore is known to the people of the world, does it mean that the Chen family is enemy of the world?"

"Yes." Fanghou replied again.

Silence, Chen Ping is no longer talking, his eyes are full of complex colors.

Fang Hou sighed and said: "Child, in fact, these are not what you should be concerned about. The ancestors of the Chen family do not represent you. You have contributed too much to this world and to the Human race. However, some ideas are deeply rooted. It can’t be solved in a short while.”

"Chen, as far as this world is concerned, is a loyal guardian."

"Your father, what he wants to do, we don't know, but what we can be sure of is that your father has dedicated his life to this world and to the human race. Therefore, we admire him."

As soon as the voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the star gate.

He stood with his hand in his hand, there seemed to be stars rising and falling in his eyes.

He looked at Chen Ping and smiled kindly: "Ping'er, do you hate your father?"

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