However, it was obvious that Chen Ping had guessed correctly. These three guys were really able to see the two of them, so Chen Ping took Qinghan to run without saying a word. Who knows if this Shaman will do anything to them?

After all, everything can happen here, so it's good to be cautious!

However, what Chen Ping didn't want to happen happened in Chen Ping's mind. Just after the two of them ran a few steps, three figures suddenly blocked Chen Ping and Qing Han's path.

Chen Ping glanced intently to see who else could it be if it wasn't a sandman. At this time, the three sandmen were in a triangular shape, surrounded the two of them, and then slowly approached!

At the same time, Chen Ping felt that there were not only sand people around him, but there seemed to be many other things, but the feeling was not so real, it felt a little illusion.

"No wonder those figures looked around when they appeared. They seemed to be aware of them, but they all thought it was an illusion, so they ignored them."

Chen Ping muttered at this time, and then he pulled Qinghan behind him.

After looking at the three sand men, he immediately slapped them with a palm, so fast that the sand man he was aiming at didn't have time to react and was blown by Chen Ping's palm and turned into flying sand.


At this moment, the other two sand men suddenly roared like a beast when they saw this, and then rushed towards Chen Ping with the blade of the sand gathered together, wishing to take Chen Ping alive.


Seeing this frown, Chen Ping immediately shook one of them back with a backhand, then flew a kick and directly exploded the head of the other sandman, and the other sandman instantly turned into sand.

However, after Chen Ping got rid of the two sand men, he obviously felt the body of the only sand man tremble.

Immediately, the arm holding the blade began to tremble slightly, as if suffering a lot of pain.


At this time, the Sha Ren held back for a long time, and unexpectedly uttered a sentence, which made Chen Ping startled, then watched the Sand Ren rush over and slapped him again.

In fact, Chen Ping is very puzzled now, why did he kill two sand people himself, and in the end there was no such invisible thing to help?

Could it be my own illusion?

Or is there something wrong with this?

Thinking of this, Chen Ping didn't kill the sand man, but planned to ask about the sand man's situation. After all, this guy seemed to be able to talk, although it was a bit laborious.

Thinking, Chen Ping slapped the opponent's blade directly with this palm, and immediately shook the Sand Man back more than a dozen steps in the next second. Seeing this opportunity, Chen Ping rushed up.

Immediately, he grabbed the sand man's arm and twisted it fiercely, with a bang, the sand was splashed, and the sand man's arm was directly broken by Chen Ping.

"be honest!"

At this time, Chen Ping grabbed the other arm of the sand man and slammed it to the ground, and then slapped the blade of the sand in his hand.


At this time, the Sha Ren roared, but he didn't know what he was talking about, and Chen Ping didn't think much about it. After controlling it, after waiting for a while, the guy stopped struggling, and Chen Ping spoke.

"Tell me about here, and what are the invisible things?"

At this time Chen Ping asked in a cold voice, the Sha Ren was silent for a long time when he heard the words, and then he looked at the sand that was blown away by the wind, and tears came out.


The moment Chen Ping was touched by this scene, his brain went blank. Was this Sha Ren crying?

How can it be possible that this is something condensed from sand, how can it be emotional?

"It's really strange, why is there an illusion that I killed the wrong person?"

Chen Ping was muttering at this time, and then he shook his head, no longer thinking about it, but just when Chen Ping was about to ask anything more, he suddenly discovered that the Sand Man had changed.

At this time, the idiot on the sand man was peeling off layer by layer, and some clothes were exposed in the next second, followed by the body of the heel. After a short time, the sand man controlled by Chen Ping had become a living person.

"Hurry up..."

The man said to Chen Ping, and then looked at the ground to the side. Chen Ping also followed the other's gaze, only to find that the two sand men he had broken up had turned into two corpses.

The bodies of two women, one large and one small, looked like mother and daughter. The girl among them was very similar to the man in Chen Ping's hands. Chen Ping shook his heart. Could it be that they are a family of three?

"You...what's the situation?"

Chen Ping knew that he was not a Sandman, and suddenly felt mixed.

When he was about to ask, the man's body exploded in an instant, turning into yellow sand in the sky.


Chen Ping frowned when he saw this. This was the first time he encountered this strange thing, and then he looked at the two corpses on the ground and found that they had also turned into yellow sand and were blown away by the wind.

"Master Chen, I'm afraid something is wrong here, let's leave first."

At this time, Qing Han came to remind him, Chen Ping nodded when he heard the words.

Then he pulled Qinghan towards the direction he came, after all, the formation was fixed, and he had to return to the original position to start.

Along the way, Chen Ping was thinking about what happened before. I don't know how long it has passed. Chen Ping was stunned. How come the three people looked like they had been seen somewhere? By the way, they were the figures on the stone platform Three of them.

Although he couldn't see his face, his clothes were exactly the same. Thinking of this, Chen Ping was shocked, as if he had guessed something.

"Qing Han, did you say that the identity on the ring has changed a little? The bad people we think are actually good people, and the good people we think are bad people?"

Chen Ping said abruptly.

Qing Han was stunned when he heard the words. He obviously didn't understand what Chen Ping meant. After thinking about it for a moment, he suddenly woke up.

"The son is saying that the three sandmen are actually the ones who participated in the previous contest? They were just turned into sandmen? Let us mistake them for enemies, so... let us kill each other?"

Qing Han asked.

Chen Ping nodded when he heard this. It might be the reason. Otherwise, he couldn't explain what happened before, but it's not time to think so much now. Thinking about it, Chen Ping planned to leave with Qinghan.

As a result, a sense of crisis suddenly struck in the next second. Chen Ping instinctively pulled Qinghan to roll on the spot. In the next second, an invisible sword aura rubbed their bodies and slashed on the ground, and the ground burst instantly. .

"Damn it, it doesn't look like an illusion, those invisible things really exist!"

At this time Chen Ping patted the dust on his body, and looking at the ground, even a fool could see what was going on.

"Damn it, I didn't expect this trial to be so dangerous. Even if the organizer is shady, it shouldn't be so irresponsible!"

Qing Han was a little angry at this time, but it was not the time to be angry now.

Because, it was another invisible sword aura, slashing towards the two!

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