I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1786: ,The outbreak of war! [Four more]

Chen Ping woke up early the next morning.

He didn't stay in the room, but went outside.

In the floating city in this desert oasis, the air is unusually fresh, and the richness of vitality is much stronger than outside.

So after opening his eyes, Chen Ping went directly outside.

The rest of the night has already restored Chen Ping's vitality and energy to a certain extent. Although he has not yet reached his peak state, he is much better than before.

Feeling the vitality around him, Chen Ping continued to feel the inheritance of the power of Tao that day.

Some things need to be digested slowly, so Chen Ping is not in a hurry, and he has already upgraded his various elements to the 6s level.

At this time, he also understood that the original so-called level limit was actually relatively speaking.

Once the cultivation base is greatly improved, for example, his current cultivation base can already crush the existence of nine-star strength, but in fact his current strength is only at the peak of the eight-star.

This is because Chen Ping's other various elements are relatively strong, and his vitality is solid, and there are many methods. This is the main reason why he can leapfrog.

And once the level of certain elements gets stronger, the existence of the so-called nine stars or even the holy ranks is not impossible to fight.

"Unexpectedly, your recovery is really fast!"

After the night knight saw Chen Ping, he walked over with a smile.

However, compared with Chen Ping, his recovery speed is not fast, and he still feels a little sore all over his body.

This is the sequelae of his powerful combat effectiveness that he broke out at the time, and he needs to be relieved for a few days to recover.

Chen Ping also smiled faintly: "Not as fast as you thought, and now I have not reached the peak state."

Because of the special arrangement of the night madmen, Chen Ping lived in a very secluded place, no outsiders disturb Chen Ping, and of course he could not hear the noisy sounds on the street.

Everywhere you can see is the beauty of desert oasis.

When the two people were jokes, there was a continuous flight of aircraft above their heads.

Chen Ping was frowning at the time. Although the aircraft was far away from the floating city, Chen Ping still clearly felt the existence of these aircraft from the fluctuations of vitality, and no matter how these aircraft flew, they must pass over. Over the city.

Only then did Chen Ping ask the night madman on the side: "Does the Fire Phoenix Royal Family dispatch aircraft to inspect the surrounding environment every day?"

Hearing Chen Ping's question, the night madman looked at him suspiciously.

"Of course not. The Fire Phoenix imperial family will place patrols within a certain range within the domain. If it is not a last resort, they will not send aircraft."

Hearing him say this, the night madman continued to ask: "What's wrong? Did you find anything?"

Chen Ping did not speak, but pointed at the top of his head with his finger.

Ye Kuang squinted his eyes and looked up to the sky.

Chen Ping can see or feel the aircraft in the sky, but this does not mean that the night madman can also feel the existence of those aircraft.

But at this moment, the strong man did push the door and broke in.

When he saw the night madman, he immediately leaned down: "Young Master, the Fire Phoenix Royal Family seems to have some big action, they have dispatched a lot of flying fighters to come towards us!"

When the night madman heard the strong man say this, he glanced at Chen Ping.

If it weren't for Chen Ping just reminded him, how could he know in advance that the Fire Phoenix royal family has begun investigating the desert oasis.

"The fire cow listens to the order!"

Ye Kuang's complexion suddenly changed. At this moment, he actually had an unspeakable aura.

And the burly man heard the Night Madman say this, and immediately knelt down.

The night madman continued: "Evacuate the people from the desert oasis, floating the city, and enter the preparation mode from now on."

It was also at this time that Chen Ping learned that this strong man was called Fire Bull.

Moreover, the kind of aura of a superior that the Night Madness had just shown was obviously not achieved overnight.

Obviously, he has become accustomed to giving orders in this desert oasis.

However, it has to be said that this night madman does have some abilities.

Otherwise, this desert oasis would not be managed so well by him. Although there is the reputation of great power, it needs to be hard by itself!

If the night madman had no ability, even if he had a powerful reputation, this desert oasis would not be such a sight.

With the order of the night madman, the entire floating city changed.

The Night Madman took Chen Ping to the highest point. The two of them looked far and found that a large fleet was approaching not far away.

Not only that, there was also a carriage that stepped in the air.

Chen Ping recognized the person on the carriage at a glance.

Who else is not a god?

"Nightman, this day will obviously be directed at me, if you can avoid spreading to your desert oasis, try not to conflict with them."

Hearing Chen Ping's words, the night madman gave a cold snort.

"If the Fire Phoenix imperial family doesn't let them in, how dare they rush here so presumptuously."

"Don't worry, I have long wanted to show off the strength of my desert oasis, otherwise I am afraid I will be looked down upon by the Fire Phoenix Royal Family!"

With these words, the floating city has become an aerial fortress.

Guided guns, artillery and electromagnetic guns of modern technology are readily available.

As for the flying fighters dispatched by the Fire Phoenix Royal Family, they have long been wiped out by the electromagnetic interference of the floating city.

For so many years, although there can be no major conflicts with the Fire Phoenix royal family, the small friction has never been broken due to the deliberate efforts of the night knights.

So in the face of war, people in desert oasis have become accustomed to it.

Night madmen use this opportunity again and again to continuously improve technology to make this floating city more powerful.

"Little thief Chen Ping listen, as long as you walk out obediently, my ancient heaven will not take action against this desert oasis. If not, people in this entire desert oasis will be buried with you."

Tian Jiang has already volleyed to the sky above the floating city in a platinum carriage.

When he shouted these words to the floating city loudly, he used his own vitality to deliberately let the people in the floating city hear these words clearly.

Since the general can become the general of the ancient heavenly court, there are naturally some special features.

And this is where he is smart. He wants to use people's mentality to seek benefits and avoid disasters to isolate Chen Ping.

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