Then, under Chen Ping's gaze, the huge peony fell directly on the tauren.

A burst of noise sounded on the tauren's body.

The tauren had just turned into a flesh and blood body, but at this moment, being attacked by the explosion of the huge peony, instantly destroyed the flesh and blood body he had just obtained.

Large tracts of flesh and blood were blown into the air.

But the tauren wanted to get out at this time, but couldn't do it at all.

But Chen Ping also discovered that the color of the peony was also darkening at this time.

Obviously, this attack will not last long.

At this time, the tauren's movements were indeed getting bigger and bigger, and the battle axe in his hand swung horizontally, unexpectedly cutting off a peony petal.

Immediately, a mushroom cloud appeared.

Then came the sound of continuous explosions, accompanied by the screams of the tauren.

Chen Ping suddenly stepped on the ground, and the flame above the ground instantly swept towards the tauren, and he was also in the flame, rushing towards the tauren.

However, this time he did not use the Canglong Sword.

The boundless anger in his heart made him just want to fight close to the tauren.

The tauren was not dead, and it also noticed Chen Ping's attack, and suddenly struck Chen Ping with an axe.

But at this time Chen Ping's arm had turned into a unicorn claw.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ping shouted, he actually used unicorn claws to carry an axe of the tauren directly.

The scales condensed by the flames, falling in pieces.

Even the sharp claws condensed by the flames were cut in half.

But instead of retreating, Chen Ping screamed hard at the tauren.

The flame is more vigorous!

"Crack, crack!"

Finally, the axe in the Tauren's hand could not hold the power of the two.

The axe cracked with a click.

And Chen Ping's attack also fell directly on the tauren.


The majestic flame and scorching temperature immediately enveloped the tauren.

The tauren's sonic attack appeared again.

Moreover, this time is much better than last time.

Chen Ping's head was buzzing in this sonic attack, but he still refused to give up his attack.

He suddenly retracted the unicorn claws, and then blasted toward the tauren more forcefully.

At this time, his ears had overflowed with blood.

Not only his ears, but also his eyes, nose, and mouth, there was blood overflowing.

But the boundless fighting spirit in his heart made him continue to attack the tauren.

And every time Chen Ping attacked, the source of life power in his body could be exploded.

And these forces will enter Chen Ping's body again.

Chen Ping couldn't remember how many punches he slammed at the tauren, he also forgot any fighting skills, and attacked the tauren only by his own fighting instinct.

When he stopped, he found that his arm bones had all been broken.

And the tauren has become a statue again.

There was a mess in the entire Hundred Flowers Valley.

In the Valley of Flowers that was originally lush, it has now become scorched.

And Chen Ping's body wasn't much better, and the tauren's sonic attack was not weak.

And at this moment, the sonic attack had already shaken out Chen Ping's internal organs.

Not only that, but many cracks appeared on his body.

Seeing that the tauren had become a statue, Chen Ping fell directly to the ground.

His face was pale and he was breathing heavily.

At this moment, the pill that should have been swallowed and digested by him released a very soft light in his dantian, nourishing Chen Ping's body.

It is the source of life of Baihua Fairy.

At this time, Chen Ping sighed, and the statue had been transformed into a golem tower at this time.

In Chen Ping's mind, something suddenly seemed to be broken.

There was a movement in Chen Ping's heart immediately, which was the inheritance of the great power of the day.

After he turned the tauren into a statue again, or that he gained the power of the source of life, he activated a part of the inheritance of that great power.

Only in the inheritance of that power did he understand that this Golem Tower was actually the entrance to another world.

Every time the Golem Tower opens, it means that a creature from another world will enter here.

If it is allowed to develop in this world, it won't take long before the whole world will be controlled by the creatures in this world.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping directly carried the Golem Tower on his back, and walked towards the highest point of Baihua Valley step by step.

Then, he used his own earth element properties to separate the ground.

Immediately afterwards, his figure suddenly jumped towards the separated ground, with the golem tower, he wanted to bury the golem tower deep in the heart of the earth.

After all this was done, Chen Ping left Baihua Valley.

He was going to go to the floating city in the desert oasis again. This time, he did not get the Baicao Linglu. It seems that he needs to find another way to find this elixir.

It's just that if you tell the night madman about this matter, you should be able to find a clue.

However, before finding Baicao Linglu, he had to properly handle that day.

While thinking about it, Chen Ping left the valley of flowers.

The source of life is constantly repairing his body, and the speed is very fast. Not only that, he feels that the speed at which he absorbs the vitality of the heavens and the earth has become abnormally fast.

Even if you don't deliberately absorb the vitality of the heavens and earth around you, those vitality of the heavens and earth will continue to flow towards you.

Is this the power of the source of life?

Let yourself have more contact with the vitality between heaven and earth.

This time he went back to the floating city in the desert oasis, Chen Ping was not in a hurry, he walked in the direction of the desert oasis step by step.

But what he didn't know was that he was in another strange space.

An angry voice roared, "God mortal human race, I just got the power of the source of life, and I turned into a statue again."

It was the tauren who was talking.

And under him, there are a lot of humanoid monsters crawling.

They all said nothing, knelt on the ground, and didn't even have the courage to look up at the tauren.

The tauren suddenly broke one of his horns with his hands.

Immediately afterwards, there was an extra bow and arrow in the hand of the tauren.

And the tauren shot the horns into the air as an arrow at this moment.

"I used the horns as a guide to plant an eternal cursed contract on you."

"Taste my shame with your life."

Chen Ping never thought that he would be watched by a life in another world.

He only felt that in the midst of it, something seemed to be pulling him, as if a pair of eyes were staring at him.

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