I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1819: , The son of prophecy

"Do you think that trading with a mermaid heart is cruel?"

The mermaid princess asked.

Chen Ping didn't speak, but nodded gently.

But at this time, the princess of the Mermaid Kingdom suddenly pulled the cover on her chest.

The shocking wound was on her chest.

"Actually, we mermaid have two hearts."

Seeing the actions of the princess of the Mermaid Kingdom, Chen Ping was immediately a little embarrassed, because the princess of the Mermaid Kingdom was also a female mermaid anyway.

How could Chen Ping not feel embarrassed when he exposed the wound in front of him like this?

But she didn't seem to care about it. Seeing Chen Ping's expression, she just said lightly: "In fact, we mermaids don't have as much etiquette as you humans, so you don't need to feel embarrassed."

"I want you to look at the wound, just to tell you that most of us mermaids have lost a heart, but to keep our last piece of pure land."

Keeping the last pure land, does that mean that the mermaids of their mermaid country all had two hearts before, but for some special reason, they had to give up one of their own hearts.

"Then why did you all lose a heart?"

Hearing Chen Ping’s question, that person, Princess Yu Guo, said slowly: “You humans have discovered that our mermaid heart can be used as medicine to improve your cultivation, so there are some cultivators with ulterior motives under the guise of communication. Attacked us."

Only then did Chen Ping understand why Zagu, the mermaid before, felt so resentful when he saw himself.

"It's because most of our mermaids have lost a heart that has caused the various water monsters in this underwater world to covet them. They have long been eyeing this ancient ruin."

While the two were talking, the princess of the Mermaid Kingdom had also taken out a stone that seemed to have been sealed in dust for a long time.

The stone looks like a book, but the content on it has been blurred.

Chen Ping took the stone. Although such a thing has been in the dust for a long time, as long as the vitality is injected into it, the content on it can be seen.

This is also a common trick used by most instruments.

Chen Ping didn't even hesitate immediately, and directly injected his vitality into it.

But at this moment, words appeared on the stone.

"In the 1330 year of the mermaid calendar, the mermaid country was in crisis, the ancient relics were difficult to maintain, and the mermaid country was not able to pick up."

"Only one holding a fetish can deter the Quartet Aquarium, and entering the mermaid country can turn the tide."

You need to look at the above text. If you follow the latter sentence, it can shock the Sifang Aquarium, isn't it the basalt tortoise shell in your hand?

And if he holds this basalt tortoise shell, he will naturally be regarded as the savior by this person and the country.

Chen Ping stopped injecting vitality, and then returned the stone book to the princess of the Mermaid Kingdom: "Princess, it's not that I don't help you, but I don't know how to help you."

Chen Ping shook his head and said with a wry smile.

But at this time, Chen Ping's movements caused the expression on the mermaid princess's face to change constantly.

Surprise, surprise, expectation, hope...

All kinds of emotions make the expressions on the face of the princess let the fish extremely rich.

"You can actually see the content of the stone book without using blood power to stimulate."

"According to the historical records of our mermaid country, only the powerful junior who left this stone book and the blood of my mermaid country can read the above content."

When the princess of the Mermaid Kingdom said so, Chen Ping immediately frowned.

Is that great power her own mother? Has she ever set foot in this mermaid country?

He really has no choice, or no idea at all, what on earth can he do to rejuvenate the fish country!

Seeing Chen Ping's attitude, the princess of the Mermaid Kingdom immediately prostrated on the ground.

"Please, we have been invaded by various aquariums for years, and we have no way to fight. If it weren't for Doctor Octopus, with our own ingenuity and wisdom, we might not even have the last gleam of hope."

Chen Ping still wanted to refuse, but at this time, all the mermaids from the mermaid country had swam over, and they all crawled on the ground and pleaded bitterly.

Please help us, no matter what conditions you put forward, we can promise you, even if it takes our lives, as long as we can let our descendants live.

To show loyalty, at this time the mermaid Zaku had already swam in front of Chen Ping.

He held a fishbone knife in his hand.

"Son of Prophecy, if you will sin against the entire mermaid kingdom because of my previous rudeness, I Zaku would apologize with death."

When he said this, he had already pierced the fishbone knife into his chest and abdomen, and kept sliding downward.

Chen Ping took his hand in one hand.

"I don't blame what you did before, and I don't want to help you, but I don't know how to help you."

At this time, Dr. Octopus came over.

He said to Chen Ping: "Did you see that there is a switch in the ancient ruins? As long as we can find the underwater spiritual veins and with the support of vitality, we can open the ancient ruins again."

Chen Ping immediately understood their thoughts, as long as the ancient ruins were opened, all the magic circles in the ruins could be used as they wished.

In this way, no matter what kind of powerful aquatic invades, they can also resist.

Not only that, they can also use the protection of this ancient relic to thrive here.

"Well, since you have said so, then I will give it a try."

"But this underwater world is complicated. Do you know the exact location of the spirit vein?"

Chen Ping asked.

Hearing him say this, smiles appeared on everyone's faces, especially when it came to Doctor Octopus, he had already taken out a picture at this time.

That is a picture carved on an iron plate.

"I have already explored the location of the spiritual veins under this ruin, but tracing back to the origin, there is an underwater monster guarding each node of the spiritual vein."

Chen Ping immediately understood what he meant, and they needed to act as thugs themselves to get rid of the alien beasts that guarded their spiritual veins.

"We can discuss this matter from a long-term perspective, but I have something to say first, no matter whether I can help you channel the spiritual channel, you must tell me the secret of the liquefaction of vitality."

Chen Ping had already laid down his back hand early at this time, and all the people in the Mermaid Kingdom looked at Chen Ping with hope.

Each of them hopes that their race can continue.

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