I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1865: , The treacherous prince [four more]

Chen Ping was in front of him for the first time, and the crow followed him closely.

It was not how great Chen Ping was, but because he was the first target of the parasitic scarecrow before, so when the other parasitic scarecrows came alive, they all regarded Chen Ping as the first target.

But Chen Ping also consumed a lot of vitality just now. These scarecrows seem to have immunity to the 7S grade fire elements he used.

No matter how fierce Chen Ping's fire element is, the damage to that parasitic scarecrow is limited.

But at this moment, someone suddenly started to back away.

The crow said immediately: "If you don't make a move, all of us will die here."

But just as his words fell, the person at the end suddenly said: "Not everyone will die here."

"As long as more than half of the people die, isn't it possible to open the next level of Huangquan Tower?"

And when he said that, those people who originally wanted to rush to help, also retreated.

Chen Ping squinted his eyes and scanned the crowd for a while, and then he said to the crow: "It's okay, since they have all chosen this way, then we can watch the show too."

When Chen Ping said this, everyone was stunned.

Then Chen Ping directly mobilized the earth element, the heavy earth element directly wrapped Chen Ping and Crow firmly.

At this moment, those scarecrows seemed to have lost their goal.

Afterwards, they directly abandoned Chen Ping and Crow who had become soil balls.

The crow asked curiously at this time: "How do you know that as long as you wrap your body with earth elements, you can make the parasitic scarecrows invisible."

Chen Ping chuckled slightly when he heard the crow ask that.

He said faintly: "Did you see the blood mist that emerged from the scarecrow before? They are non-living bodies, so I guess they must perceive the target based on human vital signs."

After Chen Ping had this guess, he directly confirmed it with this guess.

Although the earth element cannot be completely enclosed, compared to those who are completely exposed to the parasitic scarecrow, the vital signs of Chen Ping and the crow are naturally not so obvious.

Since the person who spoke just now has a bad heart, Chen Ping will do it more simply.

And before the crow could react, Chen Ping threw a blockbuster again.

"Don't underestimate this. In fact, this so-called Huangquan Road is a scam."

Just when Chen Ping was about to tell the crow what he saw before entering the illusion, suddenly, the heavy earth element enveloping them vibrated.

Chen Ping frowned slightly, such an attack shocked, obviously not a means of parasitizing Scarecrow.

Chen Ping immediately dispelled the earth element, and then the wind element supported him and the crow.

Only then did Chen Ping discover that the prince of the gluttonous royal family who attacked him just now was impressive.

In the current field, the few parasitic scarecrows have swept the audience, and the people they controlled seemed crazy, regardless of whether they were injured.

No matter who you attack, it's a fight for life.

At this time, the people in the field didn't have too many casualties, but they all had color.

When seeing this scene, the prince of the gluttonous royal family finally spoke: "It's all because of the two of them. If it weren't for the two of them, how could that person touch the parasitic scarecrow?"

The prince of the gluttonous royal family at this time pointed to Chen Ping and Crow and said.

"I just forgot it. If two more people die, the next level of Huangquan Pagoda can almost be opened. It is enough if we work together to kill the two of them."

The voice of the prince of the gluttonous royal family only fell, and everyone present had already regarded Chen Ping and Crow as the culprits.

The crow said coldly: "This gluttonous royal prince's intentions are really sinister, and he actually pushed us to the cusp of the storm in order to protect ourselves."

Chen Ping shook his head. He knew that if he thought so, he would underestimate the prince of the gluttonous royal family.

"you are wrong."

Chen Ping suddenly spoke.

Hearing Chen Ping's words, the crow had already placed several curses around him.

"Am I wrong?"

The crow said while coping with the attacks of these people.

Chen Ping chuckled slightly, and he said loudly: "The prince of the gluttonous royal family, but I want to use your hand to kill more people. Okay, I can open the Yellow Spring Tower on the next level."

Hearing Chen Ping said this, the crow suddenly realized, and the reason why Chen Ping said it so loudly was to let everyone know the position of the gluttonous royal prince.

But the prince of the gluttonous royal family has been hiding far away in the corner.

"What if you can see through it? Now those scarecrows are separated from us."

The prince of the gluttonous royal family had this plan early in the morning, and when everyone rushed towards Chen Ping and the others, he flashed into the corner.

Only in the corner position, will not be attacked by those scarecrows, and will not be affected by Chen Ping and Crow.

Chen Ping sneered, "Really? Do you think it is so safe for you to hide in a corner?"

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ping's hand suddenly clenched his fist, and then banged his fist against the wall.

What the prince of the gluttonous royal family could not expect was that at this moment, a few big hands suddenly stretched out from the wall, and tightly grasped the prince of the gluttonous royal family.

At this time, Chen Ping took the crow and fleeed into the higher air again.

When the crow saw this scene, he seemed very happy.

"You are the one who can come up with such a way to embarrass the prince of the gluttonous royal family."

After rising into the air, Crow and Chen Ping both saw that a faint blue light suddenly rose on the prince of the gluttonous royal family.

This light was like a small glutton, which came out of the prince's body.

As the little gluttonous mouth opened, the big hand, which originally looked strong, retracted at this moment.

Not only that, but also left criss-cross marks on that hand.

In this short moment, that little gluttonous food, I don't know how many times he bit those hands.

And every time there are deep visible bone marks.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ping frowned. If he didn't kill the gluttonous prince this time, I'm afraid there will be trouble later.

But at the same time, more and more people have died.

Finally, the scarecrows regained their rigidity like sculptures, and let the attack fall on them, and they remained motionless.


Suddenly there was a sound, and the third floor of the Yellow Spring Tower also opened.

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