When Chen Ping appeared here, he discovered that he had entered the ancient pagoda.

What surprised Chen Ping was that he was not actually on the top level.

The place he was in was dark and dark, and there was no daylight. Chen Ping was surprised by the faintly visible buildings around.

Unexpectedly, there is such a big place in this ancient tower.

This is a space barrier?

Chen Ping was in an old house at this time, surrounded by desks, ancient books, and the four treasures of the study.

But Chen Ping just touched them, and these things instantly turned to ashes.

Chen Ping also sighed. The ancient things cannot withstand the erosion of time.

Chen Ping pushed open the door, only to find that the door and the entire ancient pagoda were one.

But the next moment, Chen Ping frowned slightly, because he saw countless corridors and countless houses.

Chen Ping kept pushing open the house, and he could still see a lot of porcelain, and even some treasures, treasures.

It's a pity that they all turned to ashes in an instant, after Chen Ping pushed aside dozens of rooms, he found a smell of medicine.

Chen Ping was also excited, and it seemed that some treasures were left behind.

When Chen Ping walked into the room where the medicinal fragrance was emitted, he found a jade bottle, the whole jade bottle was translucent, and Chen Ping could see the spirit pill in the jade bottle.

This is a good thing. Regardless of the technological development of the Xingyi Continent, there is no progress in the magic medicine.

It can only synthesize some evolution fluids and the like, and what is left is some prescriptions left over from ancient books, and many high-level spirit pills have disappeared in the long river of history.

When Chen Ping opened the jade bottle, a scent of medicinal scent hits his face, and suddenly the vitality in Chen Ping's body is involuntarily running, which shows that this is a good thing.

It's a pity that Chen Ping didn't know the panacea, so he could only go out and look up ancient books.

The pill is not eaten casually. If you don't know the effect, it is likely to be poison if you eat it.

As soon as Chen Ping put away the jade bottle, he noticed a flickering figure, coming directly towards where Chen Ping was.

When Chen Ping saw his figure clearly, he found that Luo Yuan turned out to be smelling the scent of medicine that was disappearing.

Luo Yuan also showed a trace of disappointment, and said: "It seems that the good things have been obtained by your Excellency. I don't know what your Excellency calls it."

Chen Ping was taken aback, and immediately said: "Chen Ping."

Na Luo Yuan frowned slightly, because the Qilin royal family did not have the surname Chen, but the Qilin mark on Chen Ping's body was real. Could it be a fake Qilin royal family?

However, Chen Ping's image of Qilin is also true. He doesn't believe that Chen Ping is posing as the royal family of Qilin. The image of this royal family is not simple.

Chen Ping saw Luo Yuan's expression and said indifferently: "The name is just a title. Why should Brother Luo bother."

When Chen Ping said this, Luo Yuan understood that Chen Ping must be a fake name, and it might be hiding something.

"Brother Chen said that."

"Brother Chen, after my investigation, this is one of the floors of the ancient pagoda, and it still exists like a maze. If you want to go up one floor, you must find the exit."

"How about we cooperate and explore here together."

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, Chen Ping also nodded and said, "I happen to have this intention, but I don't know if anyone else is on this level?"

"I don't know, but Brother Chen has to be careful."

Luo Yuan said, and the two agreed to meet here every three hours.

Chen Ping began his exploration of Xinde. Over time, Chen Ping discovered that this place seemed to be a broken prison.

Every room is forbidden. Although it is broken now, the traces left on it can be seen in the glory of the year.

After a long time of exploration, Chen Yun finally found a different attic.

There were sporadic prohibitions on the attic. The moment Chen Ping entered the attic, he found that the entire attic was full of sword intent.

There are completely two worlds inside and outside, but Jian Yi did not attack Chen Ping.

Chen Ping walked slowly in the attic. Although the layout of the house is simple, it can be seen to be extraordinary.

The calligraphy and paintings on the wall all reveal the power of countless rules, and at first glance it seems that you are going to fall into it.

At this moment, Chen Ping saw a huge sword character on the wall, and instantly lost his mind. Chen Ping saw a blood-colored world, full of sword intent and sword intent, raging across the entire space.

Chen Ping was in it, but in a moment, he felt his entire body torn apart, that is, his soul was broken, and Chen Ping was awake in an instant.

For a while, Chen Ping's mind was shaken. What kind of sword intent was this? It was so powerful that Chen Ping couldn't help but touch the sword character.

In an instant, the sound of swords mingled in the entire attic, and countless sword intents attacked Chen Ping.

And the countless ancient books, calligraphy and paintings around, instantly turned to ashes, and Chen Ping also instantly woke up.

But it was too late, and the sky full of sword intent instantly penetrated Chen Ping's entire body, continuously destroying his body.

For a while, Chen Ping was seriously injured, and the scars on his body surfaced one by one. Chen Ping was also taken aback for a while, unexpectedly he was so unlucky.

The most important thing was that the sword intent in his body continued to destroy his body, causing Chen Ping to sit down and start healing.

The vitality in Chen Ping kept fighting with that sword intent, but the vitality in his body just kept retreating.

Slowly, the entire sword intent spread throughout Chen Ping's body, and finally went into his mind wantonly. At this moment, Chen Ping also felt the danger. At the moment the sword intent entered his mind, Chen Ping's Qiqiao bled, and cold sweat on his forehead.

Obviously Chen Ping was experiencing inhuman pain. After a long time, Chen Ping realized that he might not be able to work anymore, and he might faint.

Chen Ping gritted his teeth and couldn't die here. My wife is still waiting for my Baicao Linglu, and my grandfather is counting on me, so I can't die. I haven't found my mother yet.


Chen Ping let out an angry roar, and his face was grim at this moment, but as time passed, Chen Ping gradually calmed down.

An hour later, Chen Ping opened his eyes, what a false alarm.

These sword intents turned out to be a chance, this is a set of sword tactics, the rifting sword tactic.

Condensed an empty sword intent in his mind, and then used this sword intent to continuously condense the sword intent. The more condensed, the higher the damage.

Moreover, these sword intents can be combined into a split sword shadow, thousands of miles away, taking the first level of people, immediately is extremely powerful.

Originally, Chen Ping’s kendo rules were half-hearted. Now that this period of rifting sword intent is condensed, Chen Ping has a better understanding of kendo rules and a more thorough understanding. I believe it will not be long before Chen Ping’s kendo rules can be better. Go further.

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