I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1913: , The dragon viper at the peak of nine stars!

Chen Ping frowned when he heard that the entrance was sealed. It seemed that there were still many secrets in this supernatural place.

Both Chu He and Xiong Ba were the targets of Chen Ping's suspicion, but they didn't know what they were going to do.

But Chen Ping can be sure that Chu He must know the exit, and maybe even know where the exit is.

It is even possible that the entrance was closed by Chu River.

The reason why Chen Ping doubted Chu River was because Chu He found the entrance to this Unparalleled Land.

At this moment, Xiong Ba's strong voice came.

"No passage was found, is it a dead end here."

"Impossible, there must be a passage here, look for it carefully."

Chu He said decisively, this made Chen Ping even more suspicious of him.

Then everyone started to look for it again, and almost every wall was touched, but unfortunately there was still no exit.

Chen Ping and Chu He were also looking for them, and even Chen Ping went back to see that the entrance there was indeed closed.

Chen Ping looked at the surroundings at the temple, and suddenly said, "You said there is no entrance under the magma."

When Chen Ping said this, everyone looked at Chen Ping in surprise. Before they could react, Chen Ping jumped and jumped directly into the magma.

Chen Ping is like an agile fish swimming freely in the lava river.

As Chen Ping went deep into the bottom of the magma world, he also discovered that he couldn't see clearly, and everything was red.

However, Chen Ping's spirit can probe the surrounding situation.

There were countless magma creatures wandering around. When Chen Ping appeared, it seemed that all the creatures wanted to take a bite, but a white flame appeared on Chen Ping's body, making them extremely jealous.

It was Leng Yan Bing Flame that appeared on Chen Ping's body, but there was still the unwillingness of magma creatures to give up, and he directly pounced on Chen Ping. After a while, he was burned into nothingness by Leng Yan Bing Flame.

For a while, many magma creatures felt the horror of the cold flames, and immediately countless creatures scattered towards the surroundings.

Only then did Chen Ping slowly explore the surrounding environment. This is the world of magma. Many creatures appeared in Chen Ping's mind.

Some are like fish, some are like snakes, and some are like lizards. They are all able to live in magma, but their strength is like six or seven stars, but Chen Ping also encountered some powerful creatures.

After Chen Ping detected a stone gate in the magma, he found a huge creature around the stone gate. The whole body was full of flames, like a dragon.

The aura on his body has the strength of the nine-star peak. This is the strongest magma creature Chen Ping has encountered.

Without waiting for Chen Ping's next move, the huge magma creature seemed to have discovered him.

The creature actually swam directly towards him, instantly bringing in countless magma, and the entire magma world was shaking.

Chen Ping was also taken aback. This is the master of the magma creatures. He must not be able to fight with him here. At least he must be above the magma.

Chen Ping can't play here, he is not the opponent of this magma creature.

Without hesitation, Chen Ping swam directly upwards, and the cold flames on his body continued to emerge, forming a white armor.

Seeing that it was about to emerge above the magma, the huge magma creature actually caught up, and a huge tail directly hit Chen Ping.

Chen Ping didn't dare to be careless, countless icy flames appeared on his body, and when he turned around, he punched out, and the entire magma collapsed.


With a muffled sound, the entire magma world erupted huge fluctuations, and the sky full of energy erupted in the entire magma world.

Chen Ping felt like he had been hit on a planet, and his whole body flew upside down in an instant. The tremendous power caused Chen Ping's vitality to surge suddenly.

As Chen Ping's body was smashed out of the magma, he immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and then the huge magma creature suddenly appeared on the magma.

Only now did Chen Ping see the appearance of the magma creature, his whole body was wrapped in countless scales, and there was a trace of flame emerging from the scales.

The huge head is like a dragon and a snake. Chen Ping has never seen it, but it doesn't mean that others have never seen it.

Dapeng Bird said in the Tongtian Tower:

"Boy, this is Dragon Viper! Be careful, the poison on his body can not only hurt people, but also hurt people's spirits."

Chen Ping was also very surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect this kind of creatures to live here.

He knew about Dragon Viper, but he had never heard of Dragon Viper being able to live in magma. It seemed that something changed.

Looking at the dragon viper's body, which is tens of meters long, like a huge soft whip, it directly drew towards Chen Ping.

The entire space was filled with a neighing sound, and Chen Ping knew that the dragon viper was staring at him.

The unicorn mark on Chen Ping's forehead appeared, and he instantly transformed. A giant appeared, but there was no red flame on his body. Now Chen Ping's whole body was revealing white flames.

It was the Leng Yan Bing Flame, the moment the Leng Yan Bing Flame appeared, the temperature of the entire space began to drop, and countless energy appeared in the entire space.

Chen Ping's vitality appeared frantically, standing on a rock in the lava, and punching it out.

The entire space began to vibrate, and the huge shadow of the fist turned into a unicorn with ice flames, slamming directly at the dragon viper's body.


After the two attacks collided, countless energy storms appeared in the entire space.

The sky full of magma was set off by the surrounding energy storms, and countless flames filled the entire magma world for a time.

The shadow of Chen Ping's fist with the cold flames instantly hit that Long Viper's body.

The two collided and shattered in an instant, but it also caused the dragon viper to make a huge neighing sound, obviously it was the cold flames that caused him damage.

That huge body once again attacked Chen Ping from a weird angle. It may be the cause of the pain just now. This attack made Long Viper's attack so strange that it was too late for Chen Ping to escape. That huge The body is already in front of him.

An armor composed of cold flames and flames suddenly appeared on Chen Ping's body.


Long Vio's huge body hit Chen Ping's body, and there was a loud noise.

The giant incarnation of Chen Ping was also directly smashed back to its original form.

Then Longvier's huge dragon claws were directly grabbed at Chen Ping. The moment that dragon claws appeared, the surrounding space was full of neighing sounds, and sky-wide energy fluctuations emerged.

Chen Ping noticed sharply that the dragon's claws were poisonous, because where the dragon's claws entered, the air stopped flowing, and there was a neighing sound in the space.

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