I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1970: , Ganoderma lucidum

With that said, Chen Ping has stretched out his hand, trying to catch the spirit grass.

But at this moment, the spirit grass jumped up violently, jumped out of the coffin, stepped away and ran away.

It was the first time that Chen Ping saw a spirit grass that could run, and was stunned for a while.

"What are you doing in a daze, chasing, this is a spirit grass comparable to a divine weapon, you can't just let it run away like this."

Seeing Chen Ping standing still, Nine-Colored Deer immediately urged anxiously.

Listening to the sound transmission of the Nine Colors God Deer, Chen Ping didn't hesitate to use the wind rules to increase his speed.

In an instant, Chen Ping's speed was greatly strengthened, and in the blink of an eye, he ran away several feet away.

Chen Ping's speed is fast, and the speed of the spirit grass is not slow. No matter how Chen Ping chases, he can't catch up with this little spirit grass.

"Hey, leave it to me, you step aside and don't get in the way."

Seeing that Chen Ping couldn't catch up with the spirit grass at all, the Nine-Colored Deer directly transmitted the sound to Chen Ping and asked him to take a rest.

Listening to the words of the Nine-Colored Deer, Chen Ping was very depressed, but he really couldn't catch up with the Spirit Grass, so he could only step aside and watch the Nine-Colored Deer perform.

Suddenly, the rays of light above the horns of the Nine-Colored God Deer were shining brightly, and the colorful rays of light flew out suddenly, directly pushing the spirit grass to the corner, and then slowly wrapping the spirit grass.

The spirit grass struggled, but the colorful light was like an airtight cage, and the spirit grass couldn't get out.

Chen Ping did not expect it to be so simple.

But what he didn't know was that if he used his vitality to grab the spirit grass like this, not only would he not be able to catch the spirit grass, but instead he would send his vitality to the spirit grass in vain.

All spiritual things feed on vitality. If Chen Ping really used vitality just now, not only would he not be able to catch the spiritual grass, but the speed of the spiritual grass would be greatly enhanced. When the time comes, even the nine-color deer, It may not be caught.

The nine-color **** deer slowly approached the spirit grass.

Looking at the Nine-Colored God Deer that was getting closer, the spirit grass cried like a child.


It was the first time Chen Ping saw Lingcao. It was the first time he saw this situation and found it very interesting.

Regardless of the number of Nine-Colored Deer, they came directly to the spirit grass, slowly raised their front paws, and slowly lifted the colored light ball trapped in the spirit grass.

As the Nine-Colored God Deer shot, the colored light group slowly shrank, and finally turned into a thin film, wrapping the spirit grass close to the body.

"What should I do next? You can't just refine the spirit grass in this state directly?"

Looking at the spirit grass like a child, Chen Ping could not bear it.

When the Nine-Colored God Deer heard Chen Ping's words, he uttered a'Bah' at him in disdain.

"Fortunately, you are still a human, don't you know anything about this?"

Chen Ping didn't expect to be laughed at by this little bit.

But in this respect, he was not as serious as the Nine-Colored Deer, so he didn't say much, just watching the movements of the Nine-Colored Deer.

The two horns on the head of the nine-color **** deer glowed again. This time, the light turned into a ray, shining straight on the spirit grass.

Along with the irradiation of the rays, the spirit grass slowly lost its vitality and gradually became an ordinary herb.

"Okay, now it's a spiritual herb that is no different from ordinary herbs."

With the effort of speaking, the nine-color **** deer controlled the light and sent the spirit grass to Chen Ping.

Holding the spirit grass, Chen Ping stared at it straight.

"Do you know what spirit grass this is?"

Chen Ping didn't know the spirit grass himself, and saw that the nine-color **** deer seemed to have a good way to deal with the spirit grass, so he could ask the nine-color **** deer.

"This lingzhi grass is called the lingzhi fairy grass."

Chen Ping did not expect that the Nine-Colored God Deer would actually know this spiritual grass.

But when the things that surprised him just happened, the nine-color **** deer began to explain again.

"The function of this spirit grass is to enhance the power of the law, and with the help of this spirit grass, it can greatly deepen the application of the law."

Listening to the explanation of Nine Colors Shenlu, Chen Ping's eyes lit up.

What he lacks right now is not something that can deepen the application of the law.

Now Chen Ping has reached the threshold of the late nine-star stage. As long as he can better understand the power of the law, he may be able to step into the realm of the late nine-star stage in one fell swoop.

In contrast, Chen Ping was more curious about the Nine-Colored Deer. He did not expect that this young guy would know so many things.

"How do you know what this spirit grass is called? And knowing the efficacy of this thing really surprised me."

Seeing Chen Ping's surprised gaze, the Nine-Colored God Deer raised its head proudly.

"I am also a sacred beast anyway. Isn't it normal to know this?"

Chen Ping didn't really believe what the Nine-Colored Deer had said. From the previous sights of the Nine-Colored Deer, everything was new, and it didn't seem like he knew so many things.

"Since you don't want to tell the truth, just assume that I haven't asked."

The Nine-Colored Deer didn't expect that Chen Ping didn't believe it at all, so he reluctantly explained it again.

"I don't know what's going on. As soon as I saw this spirit grass, this knowledge instantly appeared in my mind."

After Nine Colors Shenlu said so, Chen Ping understood what was going on.

This should be the inheritance of the so-called sacred beast. With this ability, the sacred beast can have enough ability to protect itself when its strength is not strong.

Now that the doubts in his heart have been resolved, Chen Ping is not wasting time, holding the Ganoderma lucidum in his hands, preparing to absorb it.

"If you are not in a hurry, you can wait."

"what happened?"

Listening to the voice transmission of the Nine Color God Deer, Chen Ping asked a little puzzledly.

"According to the information just now, wherever Ganoderma lucidum grass appears, there must be a lingzhi grass called Dreaming Flower. The combination of these two types of ganoderma lucidum can maximize the effectiveness of Ganoderma lucidum grass."

Now, Chen Ping is already convinced of the words of the Nine-Colored God Deer, so he put the Ganoderma lucidum and grass directly into the storage ring.

"Then let's move on. Let's find the one called Dreaming Flower. I'm only one step away from improving my realm. As long as I find Dreaming Flower and absorb Ganoderma lucidum, I am confident that I can directly enter the late nine-star stage."

As soon as the nine-color **** deer heard Chen Ping's words, he didn't waste time, followed Chen Ping's back, and walked away.

It is strange to say that after the Ganoderma lucidum grass was caught, the originally dark painted wall changed instantly, becoming the most ordinary wall, and a passage appeared.

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