I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2000: Up! Grab the red envelope!

Lao Yu never thought that he would have written the 2000 chapter!

Looking back, it's been a year and a half, thanks to the readers who came along!

Thank you so much!

Books are good and bad, and the plots are good and bad, so I don’t refute them.

There are many pits, Lao Yu hasn't filled it yet.

Of course, they will fill in.

Lao Yu has never written such a long story, and sometimes the plot control and some details are not in place. I hope everyone can do it lightly.

After all, once this book is long, there are some characters, plots, and details that I can't remember. Some details are wrong, and Lao Yu is slowly discovering and correcting them.

Not much to say, thank you for your support!

Ollie give it!

In the next chapter, Lao Yu spends a huge sum of money to return to readers. Get a thousand red envelopes! Those who **** it say the red envelope is big!

Oh? Where to grab red envelopes? Heiyan read "My Silly White Sweet Wife", subscribe to the next chapter, and automatically grab red envelopes!

Duck Duck Duck Duck!

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