Ice is one of the laws of the water system, and the laws of the water system itself belong to the kind of laws that favor softness, and most of them are used to treat injuries.

But this ice system law changes the softness of the water system law, and can even collide with the metal law.

Although it is not as good as that, it is not comparable to ordinary water system laws.

At this time, Li Xuan not only controlled the law of ice, but also controlled the law of the gold system, both of which were aggressive and extremely murderous offensive laws.

Li Xuan's ability can also be seen from this, which is beyond the reach of everyone!

Even Jun Hao, I am afraid that he is a lot behind him.

At the same time, in the sky, endless water vapor gathered and condensed into ice near the center.

With the passage of time, that water vapor suddenly turned into an iceman, crystal clear, impressively what Li Xuan said.

And Jun Hao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he said in surprise: "This is a magical power he created!"

"If it were not for my own magical powers, I would never have been ignorant!"

Jun Hao's voice seemed a bit dry, Chen Ping on the side raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

"Create your own magical powers?"

"It looks pretty good."

Even though he said that, Chen Ping stood in place with his hands bound, his vitality surged, but he didn't mean to use magical powers to fight the enemy.

Seeing this, Li Xuan's eyes showed thin anger.

"Do you look down on me like this?"

The people around him also looked at Chen Ping, with a little bit of shock in their eyes.

"Is this Chen Ping so arrogant?"

"Although this is Li Xuan's own magical powers, Li Xuan is also a mid-nine-star cultivator no matter what, and its power must not be underestimated."

"He is so arrogant, isn't he afraid of being killed by Li Xuan?"

Someone smiled coldly when they heard this.

"Yi Gao is brave, and the talent of the most enchanting gives him too much confidence."

"Maybe people can really block this attack?"

Even Jun Hao looked at Chen Ping in astonishment.

At this moment, the ice soul has completely taken shape, and at this moment, the ice soul has completely transformed into a human appearance. Looking closely at that appearance, it is no different from Li Xuan.

And in his hand, there is a long sword of ice and snow.

I saw that Ice Soul slammed out with a sword, and a powerful sword aura burst out from the long sword. All the water elements between the heaven and the earth poured into the sword aura, forming a bright white sword. Angrily, he rushed towards Chen Ping.

Chen Ping chuckled when he saw it, and said, "This supernatural power looks pretty good."

"But it's just this level, it's still a bit worse."

When the words fell, a long sword suddenly appeared in Chen Ping's hand, it was the Canglong Sword!

But Chen Ping stood in place with a sword in one hand, and had no intention of resisting Li Xuan's supernatural power.

Li Xuan's face suddenly became ugly.

"You are a bit too much!"

Li Xuan gritted his teeth, and his anger was even worse in his words.

"You will pay for your contempt!"

As the words fell, the bright white sword aura suddenly became more ferocious, but in a flash, it had appeared in front of Chen Ping.

Chen Ping shook his head slightly, the next moment, the power of the red fire element instantly wrapped him up, and Chen Ping's whole person turned into a fire man.

And that huge ice sword aura just appeared in front of Chen Ping, and was burned into vapor by the power of the strong fire law.

Water can overcome fire, but when fire is strong enough, it can also overcome water!

Chen Ping's power of law is naturally much stronger than Li Xuan.

The people around were stunned when they saw this scene. At this moment, they understood why Chen Ping was so unscrupulous.

Li Xuan's expression turned slightly ugly.

The five elements generate and restrain each other, and the fire element itself restrains the gold element. Although the water element restrains the fire element, its laws are not as powerful as Chen Ping.

The ending of this battle can even be said to be doomed.

He is not as good as Chen Ping!

Jun Hao had clearly noticed this too. He who was planning to help Chen Ping also stopped and continued to slaughter those in the Yin Alliance.

"Is this what you rely on?"

Li Xuan said with a slightly ugly expression.

Chen Ping glanced at Li Xuan when he heard the words, and said indifferently, "You probably won't see my support."

When Li Xuan heard this, his face suddenly became more ugly, and the vitality around him was disturbed for a moment.

He understood what Chen Ping meant, and he was not enough for Chen Ping to use his full strength.

Li Xuan couldn't help taking a deep breath. After adjusting his breath, he opened his eyes again, revealing a fierce look in his eyes.

"In this case, then we are welcome."

As soon as Li Xuan's voice fell, several tyrannical auras burst out, and at the same time a few ridiculous words sounded.

"Haha, Lixuan, you can't do it either, now you've been crushed to death."

"Tsk tusk, Lixuan, it's really not easy to see you suffer."

"Lixuan, I have already recorded the video. After I go back, I will definitely send it to Jiuli, haha."


After hearing these words, Jun Hao and the others quickly turned their heads and looked over, not counting Li Xuan, there were five others.

The auras revealed by four of them were from the early nine-star aura, and the other one was from the middle nine-star.

It was the four early nine-star people who were talking, but the strongest were looking at Li Xuan and Chen Ping in the field with solemn expressions.

"If you have ideas, don't be careless."

"If he were to kill him, then you will die in vain if you die today!"

When the other four heard this, they said with a smile.

"Takuya, you are too cautious."

"That's it, a monster in the early nine-star stage, can it really kill six of us?"

"That is, he is a fire element. We are here, but there are three water systems. We three work together, can't we kill him?"

"Okay, let's do it directly, quickly settle the matter here, and then enter the capital of sin."

"The guy in Sin City seems to be a little bit unable to hold it."


The eyes of several people turned to Chen Ping and Qin Yao.

Chen Ping saw a few people, but his expression was still indifferent.

Although these people are Tianjiao, for him, they are not too threatening.

At the same time, Li Xuan spoke again.

"Do it!"

In the next moment, a very powerful aura burst out of several people at the same time.

The power of a law appeared in the sky, and these people were not as good as Li Xuan evildoer, all of which controlled a law.

This shows that the leader this time should be Li Xuan.

Li Xuan raised his head and looked at Chen Ping.

"If you can't hold our offense, it will disappoint me."

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