I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2038: ,beat! [Four more]

When Fat Tang heard this, his body stiffened, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes. It was Chen Ping's voice!

At the same time, Chen Ping raised his head, looked at Ouyang Zhen with a cold face in the distance, and smiled.

"The members of the White Tiger Royal Family are really angry."

"But don't use this supernatural power to be ashamed."

As the words fell, Chen Ping's body was surrounded by vitality, and the Canglong Sword appeared in his hand at the same time. On the body of the Canglong Sword, the power of the law of the wind was entangled.

"Since you use the wind law system, then I will also use the wind law to deal with you."

"Baofeng Jue, the knife is numb!"

I saw the long sword in Chen Ping's hand suddenly stabbed out. In the past, he used the power of the elements to condense into a knife, but now if the power of the elements is used, he will definitely be unable to stop the opponent.

So he simply changed the trick of swift blade numbness, and used the long sword to stab countless wind laws and sword qi, and at the same time, the power of fire laws appeared in the sky and merged into the power of wind laws.

The Thunder Element is actually a mutated fire law, so Chen Ping's move actually echoed the other party's greeting.


The two quickly met in mid-air, violently colliding together, and there was a muffled noise between the heavens and the earth. The next moment, countless violent vitality scattered all around, and the heaven and earth vitality became extremely chaotic.

Countless spatial cracks appeared between the two of them. Unlike the small cracks in the past, the cracks that appeared this time were all two-foot-long cracks, greedily devouring the chaotic vitality.

Ouyang Zhen's complexion also changed slightly, frowning, and said, "Chen Ping?"

"it's me."

Chen Ping smiled slightly, and immediately fell beside Qin Yao and the others, and slowly walked a few steps forward.

"I didn't expect that the heir to the dignified White Tiger royal family would actually remember my name."

"Should I feel honored?"

Ouyang Zhen frowned, and immediately said indifferently: "It's an honor or something, after all, you will soon become an insignificant fragment of my memory. Today, you will die!"

When Chen Ping heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled: "Are you so sure I will die?"

Ouyang Zhen didn't speak, but a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, as if to say, Ouyang Zhen made a move, can you still have a reason for not being dead?

Chen Ping didn't care whether he responded to himself, turned his head to look at Qin Yao and the others, and said in a faint voice: "Ouyang Zhen, I will deal with it. All the others are killed."

"Since you dare to trouble me, be prepared to pay the price!"

Chen Ping was never a person who swallowed his breath, otherwise, he would not break through to the bottom again and again, let alone destroy the battleship of the ancient heaven for the ancestral land, and attract the attention of the gluttonous royal family.

His goal has always been clear. If people do not offend me, I will not offend people. If anyone offends me, I will kill people!

Moreover, in his opinion, these people are some waste, and they are not worthy of being accepted by him.

So, killing it will make him feel more at ease.

When Qin Yao and others heard this, they nodded without hesitation, and Qin Yao's gaze at Chen Ping was even more distinctive.

Afterwards, Chen Ping turned his head to look at Ouyang Zhen, and said with a chuckle: "You just, the people who bullied me should have bullied enough? Now it's time for me to bully you."

Ouyang Zhen narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Bull me? Are you worthy?"

The next moment, Ouyang Zhen jumped directly into the air, and the force of the two elements of wind and thunder suddenly poured into Ouyang Zhen's body frantically. At the same time, Ouyang Zhen slowly formed a huge white tiger phantom on top of his head.

Through the trick just now, Ouyang Zhen has already understood that this Chen Ping is not a simple character. If he is careless, he will probably end up with Jun Hao and be caught off guard by Chen Ping.

As a child favored by the White Tiger royal family, he would naturally not make such low-level mistakes.

The lion fights the rabbit also needs to go all out!

"The wind and thunder are shaking!"

Ouyang Zhen let out a low roar, and then slammed the big sword, with a powerful and heavy knife, which once again shook the surrounding laws, making the sword energy even more tyrannical, and even gave birth to the sword light.

The gust of wind blew up, and the cold light appeared, and the knife energy and the knife light suddenly rushed towards Chen Ping.

Chen Ping raised his brows slightly, a hint of approval appeared in his eyes.

"It's not bad, it's worthy of being a disciple of Tianjiao of the White Tiger Royal Family. This knife is a bit interesting." Chen Ping said with a light smile.

"But... it's still a bit short!"

"Blast wind tactic, kill!"

Chen Ping's aura suddenly opened up, and between the heaven and the earth, a violent wind abruptly formed an opposition to Ouyang Zhen on the opposite side.

And that huge flame was also integrated into Chen Ping's Canglong Sword at this moment.

I saw Chen Ping’s Canglong sword pointing towards the sky, and the power of the law of wind and fire burst out, but in a moment, huge meteorites in the sky, with a frenzied and tyrannical aura, towards the opposite Ouyang Zhen Smashed fiercely.


"Boom bang bang!"

When the sword energy collided with the meteorite, the dozens of pieces that the meteorite had directly shattered, the sword energy also became a little weaker, but Chen Ping's death was not so easy to end.

After the law of the wind system is improved, even the power of Death has risen sharply.

Seeing Ouyang Zhen's sword qi, Chen Ping directly manipulated the countless meteorites to converge into a long horizontal line, continuously smashing towards the sword qi.

One, two.

Ten, twenty.



After a hundred meteorites smashed past, Ouyang Zhen's sword light was completely offset by Chen Ping.

However, Chen Ping's attack has not stopped!

I saw that more meteorites were born in the sky, and they smashed toward the opponent fiercely with a decisive force.

"Boom bang bang bang bang!"

The meteorite smashed onto Ouyang Zhen's body without a fake, and the white tiger armor suddenly glowed with a hazy light, blocking all the attacks, preventing Chen Ping from causing any harm to the opponent.

"Hey, you seem to be pretty good."

Chen Ping showed an expression of interest and looked at Bai Hukai.

"Well, I want this thing."

When the voice fell, Chen Ping's figure disappeared directly in place, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of Ouyang Zhen!

Afterwards, Chen Ping pierced the white tiger's armor with a fierce sword, the long sword shot coldly, and the law blended into it.


Ouyang Zhen failed to block this sword after all.

Chen Ping's attack was too fast. Just after speaking, he already appeared in front of Ouyang Zhen. Taking advantage of his defenses were not yet fully formed, he suddenly pierced the opponent's body with a sharp sword!

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