I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2057: , The way forward

Chen Ping nodded when he heard the words, with a smile in his eyes, and said, "It should be this time. I saw my mother's picture, and she said, from then on, I will have to go on my own."

"As for the relics she left, I always feel that she has already arranged it, but I don't know how to go next."

Chen Ping's face showed a helpless look. According to his thoughts, he should now go to find the remains of his mother and continue to strengthen his own strength.

But his mother did not leave him a reminder, which made him very depressed.

However, in Chen Ping's view, Master Gui and Luo Tiancheng should know which ruins are located.

Hearing what Chen Ping said, he knew what Chen Ping meant, and said with a smile: "Don't ask me, don't say I don't know, even if I know, I will never tell you."

Chen Ping twitched the corners of his mouth, touched his nose subconsciously, and asked, "Is it so obvious?"

Master Gui rolled his eyes, but he didn't pay attention to Chen Ping's stubbornness, and directly changed the subject.

"Since you have taken control of the Sin City, according to the rules, I should surrender to you. However, the Venerable said, I cannot help you until you reach a sufficient level. Therefore, the ruins will open in a few days. , After you have cleaned up everything inside the ruins, I will leave."

"During this period, you have a chance to let me help you. Think about it yourself."

Chen Ping smiled upon hearing this, and said: "It should be unnecessary for the time being, I will tell you when I feel I need it."

Master Gui nodded, and after the two chatted a few more casually, Chen Ping left directly, but when he left, Lingyuan followed him.

For Lingyuan, Master Gui also said that Lingyuan itself is extremely talented, and its strength is not bad. The strength of the nine-star peak is now only more than fifty years old. Strictly speaking, it is also a figure of the highest level of enchanting. Up.

Chen Ping didn't care about it, so he took Lingyuan away, free thugs, don't do it for nothing.

Afterwards, Chen Ping went to find Jiao Ze.

A person who inherits the Tian Gua, does not prostitute white or prostitute!

Not long after, Chen Ping appeared in front of Jiao Ze. At this moment, Jiao Ze had already lived in the inner city of Sin City.

According to Chen Ping's classification, only Tianjiao above the enchanting level can live in the inner city, and according to the old man, the houses in the inner city can withstand an attack by a hypocrite.

Therefore, those who can live in it must not be the kind of people who are too rubbish.

The decoration in Jiao Ze's house is quite simple, except for the coffee table, futon, bed, and some simple reception decorations, nothing else.

"Your house is simple." Chen Ping sighed after entering the door and laughed.

Jiao Ze smiled when he heard the words, and said, "I'm getting accustomed to living in a simple way. I can't stand the luxurious life. I don't know what the city lord is doing this time?"

Chen Ping straightened his face when he heard the words, and said, "In the next period of time, I will be walking on the Starfall Continent to fight for the relic. This time I come to you, there are two main things..."

"I promised the first thing, what is the second thing?" Jiao Ze asked.

Before Chen Ping finished speaking, Jiao Ze replied with a smile.

Chen Ping was speechless. The first thing he wanted was to let Jiao Ze go with him. Such a person who can predict good and bad luck is a great help for Chen Ping.

Just looking at how readily he had promised just now, he knew that Jiao Ze had calculated his intentions with his heart.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping no longer struggled with this matter, and instead said somewhat solemnly: "The way forward. I want to know how we should go next."

Jiao Ze was stunned when he heard these words, then closed his eyes and fell silent.

Chen Ping didn't bother Jiao Ze when he saw it, and waited slowly.

After a while, Jiao Ze opened his eyes and looked at Chen Ping strangely.

Seeing Jiao Ze's eyes, Chen Ping couldn't help but ask: "What's the matter?"

"I just started a heart hexagram, and the result shown by the hexagram image is to let you go with me... and my original destination was to go home..." Jiao Ze said helplessly.

"Go home?" Chen Ping was stunned.

Follow Jiao Ze home, does Ze feel a little weird? !

On the other side, Jiao Ze spoke again.

"According to the hexagrams, if you go back with me this time, misfortune accounts for 80% and good fortune accounts for 20%, but good fortune can bring you great help and change."

"However, because you are a man of destiny, I can't calculate the complete thing. I can only detect signs of completion."

Jiao Ze stopped at this point, and Chen Ping started thinking.


What is Consummation?

According to Chen Ping's own understanding, the visit to the ruins this time was quite complete, with a lot of things and a lot of help.

As long as the three big secret realms are moved into the Tongtian Pagoda in a few days, he doesn't need to stay in the ruins anymore.

Could it be that this time I still entered the ruins?

Chen Ping shook his head and didn't think about it anymore. He said, "Okay, since the hexagram can be like this, then this time, I will follow you back. It just so happens that I plan to move around."

Jiao Ze nodded, and after the two chatted for a few more words, Chen Ping left and returned to the center.

At this time, in the central land, two pretty women were constantly busy, it was Xia Hanxue and Qiancheng in the Tongtian Tower.

"Master, you are back."

Xia Hanxue smiled and turned to look at Chen Ping when she heard Chen Ping's footsteps.

Chen Ping nodded and asked, "Have you found out about the life of the mecha?"

When Xia Hanxue heard this, a look of helplessness appeared on her face.

"No, the thinking ability of these mecha lives is inexplicable."

"I originally thought it was artificial intelligence, but some different programs were added. After real querying, I realized that it was not the case."

"It seems that there is some inexplicable power that has taken out the consciousness of some people who have died, cleaned it and put it into the life of the mecha."

"This has led to those mecha beings having the ability to think independently, but we can't analyze the source of that power."

Xia Hanxue and Qiancheng looked helpless.

Chen Ping smiled upon hearing this, and said: "This is probably the ability that the saint understood. It's okay, let's put this matter aside for now."

"Anyway, there is time to deal with this matter."

"Now, you need to help me count the strength of those under me, as well as the elemental power and law power they possess."

"Since you have become my subordinate, you can't continue to waste it like this."

In Chen Ping's eyes, a flash of cold light suddenly flashed.

None of the opponents he will face next are simple roles.

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