I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2243: , The merciless Chen Ping!

He was very excited when he thought of this, resisting the severe pain of his body, got up and knocked Chen Ping several heads.

Chen Ping also felt very surprised when he saw the opponent's movements.

Unexpectedly, he was injured in this way, and he was able to move freely. He deserves to be a boxing champion with a strong body.

"This is my mobile phone number. If you need it, you can contact me at any time."

Orson's attitude was very humble. Judging from his appearance, he knew that he was already grateful to Chen Ping from the heart.

The other brothers didn't expect things to reverse so quickly. At first, they were still wondering whether Brother Niu's underground kingdom would be broken up directly.

Unexpectedly, Niu's underground kingdom was directly transferred to boxing champion Orson!

Everyone was thinking about starting anew, but it disappeared in an instant.

Orson is the gentle existence of this cultivator, obviously, following Orson Soul is definitely very promising.

Orson is a very generous person, and all the younger brothers know it well.

If Orson could get the practice technique from the opponent's hands one day, he would definitely take care of their long-term follower, elder-level younger brothers.

"You can roll."

Chen Ping said lightly, as if he had already done everything he had to do tonight.

Hearing this, Orson nodded immediately and ran outside in a panic. He knew in his heart that he was Chen Ping's dog now.

At this moment, Orson was backed to Chen Ping's side by a group of younger brothers.

"Boss this thing for you, this is my deposit, there is one million in it, and the password is six zeros, you can use it, just as I am sorry for you this time!"

After saying this, he forced his little brother to stuff things into Chen Ping's hands, then bowed deeply, and hurriedly fled from here.

Although he has been scrapped by Chen Ping, he will return to normal after a period of raising.

But I missed this opportunity to please Chen Ping, and I don't know when to wait next time.

After escaping from KTV, Orson was also very excited. What he has to do now is to heal his injuries, develop his own power, and then heed the orders of his new boss anytime and anywhere.

As a boxing champion, he has a strong sense of crisis and an invincible ability to predict. He will be more decisive and responsible in handling many things than Brother Niu.

Seeing this scene, Pu Yixiao thought he was dreaming.

She stared at Chen Ping dumbfounded, not sure how Chen Ping was so powerful.

At the same time, Pu Yixiao's desire for practitioners became deeper.

"Thank you for your help, although it didn't make any difference."

Chen Ping turned his head and smiled at Pu Yixiao, he didn't want to get too much relationship with this woman.

"You don't need to thank you, I don't know if you want to show your face and eat with me?"

Pu Yixiao approached Chen Ping with a smile on his face, and wanted to invite Chen Ping to dinner.

Hearing this, Chen Ping frowned somewhat displeased. He really didn't even think about eating with other women.

"Sorry, I never eat with women who think about me."

Chen Ping said this very frankly, and then turned around and strode away, unwilling to stay in this KTV.

He dislikes the atmosphere in KTV very much. He hates such noisy music the most.

Before Chen Ping left, Pu Yixiao had been chasing Chen Ping for a mobile phone number, but Chen Ping ignored it at all.

Although Pu Yixiao really wanted to help herself, for Chen Ping, the other party's help didn't help at all. Even Sima Zhao's heart is well known. Everyone knows that Pu Yixiao's drunkard's intention is not to drink.

So being able to say thank you to the other party is already the most grateful thing Chen Ping has done.

Chen Ping held this bank card in a melancholy mood.

He is not short of money at all.

The money has no effect on Jiang Wan. As the female president of such a large group, Jiang Wan's business ability is beyond doubt.

I haven't spent much money lavishly in these years, and it is purely because I am not willing to be high-profile.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping finally decided to give the money to Wang Jiaying.

The Canglang helped himself a lot, and this million could be regarded as Chen Ping's insignificant help to them.

And he knew very well that Wang Jiaying was an outstanding female student who had studied abroad and had undergone various trainings.

But now she is setting up a stall with her mother, grilling skewers, and selling various snacks.

Life fell from the top of the pyramid to the bottom, Chen Ping also admired Wang Jiaying's tolerance.

This feeling is as if he had just returned to his ancestral land and found that his strength had become one star.

Such a sense of gap is too easy for people to collapse, but any young man with a barely psychological quality can't bear it.

Chen Ping secretly returned to the hospital and saw Wang Jiaying lying in front of her mother's bed, sleeping peacefully, with a bright smile on her face.

Chen Ping casually pulled a post-it note, wrote the password on the paper, and quietly put the entire bank card in Wang Jiaying's hand.

This little money can help Wang Jiaying live a very happy life.

After getting everything done, Chen Ping left the hospital directly, hiding his merit and fame.

At this moment, there is an abandoned school in the eastern suburbs.

This school looks extremely horrible, with all kinds of stools lying horizontally indiscriminately, and countless dead words written in red chalk on the blackboard.

This abandoned school often has haunted legends, so no one dared to find out, let alone it's midnight.

And now one of the classrooms in the school is lit up.

Countless white candles were placed in the classroom in order, revealing a six-pointed star pattern.

In the very center of the candle, there was a boy who looked very immature and tied to a stool, struggling frantically, trying to break free.

He was tied up, blindfolded, and gagged. He couldn't make any sound at all, and he couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly.

But he could smell a candle burning next to him.

Although the child was only eight years old, he knew very well that he was in big trouble.


The little boy had been struggling constantly, wasting the cautious strength in his body.


The sound of crisp footsteps sounded, and the struggling little boy became extremely quiet in an instant. He stopped extremely cautiously, pricked his ears to listen to the source of the sound.

Although he was extremely scared, he knew better that the most important thing now was to figure out who was the murderer?

At this moment, a man in a black robe appeared in this classroom.

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