I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2257: , Don't force me to kill! 【Five Watches】

Originally, he wanted to go in early, but Shi Panfeng even said that he had a high status and there was no need to go in so early.

Although Chen Ping wanted to keep a low profile, since the other party had said so, he would naturally not humiliate others' face.

Indeed, a hidden family like this one still has to show their dignity.

At this moment, there are still some people who are chatting at the door who have not entered the arena. They glance at Miss Yingbin from time to time, and they are very active.

This group of people are not rich, but just friends who were brought over.

With their abilities, there is no such a beautiful woman in daily life.

They saw Wang Xiaoli and Tian Yulu walking towards them, and everyone smiled like Brother Pig.

"Come here, the goddess I've been fond of for a long time is here, this time it must come to see me!"

"You fart, obviously you are coming at me!"

Just when they were very excited, suddenly Wang Xiaoli came directly to Chen Ping.

"Are you Chen Ping?"

With a bright smile on Wang Xiaoli's face, she looked very gentle.

"who are you?"

Chen Ping frowned, he really didn't know who the other party was.

Chen Ping thought about it carefully. He didn't seem to know the two welcome ladies who appeared in front of him.

Although his memory is far superior to ordinary people, he never forgets everything.

But Chen Ping would not just remember the unimportant people and things in life.

Seeing Chen Ping's blank expression, Wang Xiaoli directly confirmed the identity of the other party.

She still remembered that when she and Chen Ping confessed, the other party said the same words and showed the same puzzled expression.

It was this expression of Chen Ping that hurt Wang Xiaoli miserably.

She didn't expect that she had done so much for Chen Ping, and the other party didn't even know who she was.

"I'm Wang Xiaoli, don't you think you remember me?"

Wang Xiaoli smiled and said, she didn't seem to care about Chen Ping's inability to remember her.

Hearing this, Chen Ping finally got an impression of the other party.

This person seems to be the girlfriend of the monitor when he was in school.

When he was in school, he was not interested in anything. He practiced day and night without remembering all his classmates.

The reason why I remember each other is also because the monitor found a girlfriend named Wang Xiaoli.

If the other party finds a girlfriend, he doesn't care about his own business. It stands to reason that Chen Ping would not take it in his mind.

But this guy's girlfriend confessed to herself, and based on this, the monitor had targeted Chen Ping for three years.

"We should not be familiar."

Chen Ping said, he didn't even want to pay attention to the other party.

Seeing Chen Ping's indifferent expression, Wang Xiaoli was furious.

Although Chen Ping doesn't like Wang Xiaoli very much, and this woman always likes to poke herself in the back.

But no matter what, everything is in the past, and he has nothing to worry about with a jumping clown.

When Wang Xiaoli saw that the other party didn't want to care about herself, she instantly felt that her dignity was offended.

In Wang Xiaoli's eyes, if the other party is a rich man, it is normal to look down on herself.

But now the Chen family is gone, and Chen Ping is just a downright clown!

Why is he talking to himself so arrogantly here?

When the vitality recovered, many people moved to this city. She did not expect Chen Ping to come to Lincheng.

But really bad luck!

She thinks that she is different from Chen Ping, she is looking for a job, Chen Ping must be trying to escape!

At this moment, their identities are very different. They are goddesses of the highest, and they are about to marry into the rich.

And what is Chen Ping?

He should be just a dog who bites people behind other people's **** now!

With anger in her heart, Wang Xiaoli's expression became increasingly ugly.

Seeing that her sister's expression became unsightly, Tian Yulu immediately stood up a little displeased, and stood up for her.

"What's the situation with you? Our Xiaoli took the initiative to speak to you, but you actually have this attitude?"

"Who doesn't know that Xiaoli in our family is a goddess, and he wants to talk to you only if he thinks of you, or else he wants to get out of the order with someone like you?"

Tian Yulu was so angry that she couldn't help fighting the injustice for her good sister.

Originally, Tian Yulu was still thinking that if the other party is very talkative and a good handsome guy, then even if he doesn't consider money, he can have a brief date for a few days.

But now it seems that all this is impossible!

How can Chen Ping be so arrogant, how could he be taken by their superior women?

A dead and poor ghost, why put his posture so high?

Seeing these two women chattering and forcing each other, Chen Ping couldn't help frowning.

He didn't intend to pay attention to these two noisy spirits, directly greeted Shi Panfeng and prepared to go in first.

Seeing Chen Ping planning to enter the basement, Wang Xiaoli couldn't help but sneer.

"Are you planning to enter the auction site?"

Wang Xiaoli rushed forward directly and stood in front of Chen Ping Pian.

"Just like you, a poor ghost, still want to participate in the auction? I tell you, if you put it in the past, you are eligible to go in."

"But now your family is already dead. It's just a dead and poor ghost. What qualifications do you have to go in?"

Wang Xiaoli's remarks were very ugly. She knew that something happened to Chen Ping's family, so she deliberately used it to stimulate Chen Ping.


Wang Xiaoli wanted to continue taunting Chen Ping, so she flew out the next moment.

The spectators around were stunned. They didn't expect that someone would beat such beauties.

Wang Xiaoli got up from the ground in a little panic, staring at Chen Ping with an incredible face.

"You actually kicked me?"

She was covered in dust, and at this moment she felt like her ribs had two broken!

Shi Panfeng walked around directly behind Chen Ping, with an angry expression on his face.

"It's my hand."

"You bitch, keep your mouth clean!"

Shi Panfeng was originally a young man who didn't know how to curse, but seeing Wang Xiaoli's appearance, he finally couldn't help cursing the first **** in life.

"If it weren't for today to participate in the auction, I would have killed you already!"

Shi Panfeng was furious and filled with murderous intent. Although he was a rich second-generation, he was not the kind of lazy, ignorant existence.

Hearing Shi Panfeng's threat, Wang Xiaoli suddenly burst into tears.

She rubbed her face to the ground when she fell, and now the entire right cheek was **** and pierced, looking extremely scary.

Tian Yulu was dumbfounded when she looked at her, her legs trembled a little.

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