I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2275: , Zhuge Qingfeng had an accident

But the young master, who was not afraid of the sky, even showed such a scared expression, which made them feel that things are not simple.

"Master Xin, who is this guy? Why are you blocking us?"

His doglegs stepped forward respectfully and asked, after all, the Xin's villa was already on fire at this moment, and if they didn't run out, it would be too late.

"This person...go, let's run down the mountain!"

Without saying a word, Xin Zhiqi issued the order, then found a way from another place, turned around, turned and ran down the mountain.

The others were stunned when they saw this scene. They didn't know what was going on.

But seeing this young master did this, they didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately ran after him.

Everyone drank a lot in KTV, and was a little dizzy after running two steps, and fell directly to the ground in a daze.

But this is another downhill road, and everyone is rolling down the mountain in embarrassment, feeling a little unconscious.

Chen Ping didn't expect their operations to be so confused, but he let the other party escape without authorization.

He didn't worry that this muddle-headed person would come to him for revenge.

The other party didn't even understand his own life, why would he still think of revenge for the family?

Even if he is willing to take revenge, so what?

Just let him experience the fate of the Chen family after being targeted.

Let him enjoy the feeling of wandering alone in the world after his family was destroyed.

Xin Zhiqi still didn't know that something happened to his family, he thought Chen Ping deliberately ran to his house to set fire.

After all, he drank too much, fell to the ground dizzy and fell asleep.

Only at this moment, suddenly from a hidden corner, a vine stretched out to directly roll up Xin Zhiqi, and ran towards the distance.

Xin Zhiqi, who had been in a coma for a long time, didn't know what had happened, and he didn't know, because of what happened tonight, his life would have changed tremendously.

After solving everything, Chen Ping drove the car and swayed down the mountain.

Along the way, he was sorting through his hard-working memory fragments. Those irrelevant and nasty contents were automatically eliminated by Chen Ping. All that remained in Chen Ping's mind were useful contents.

But he found it very strange that there were only fragments in his hard-working mind about the memory of the joint massacre of the Chen family and other big sects.

There is no way for everything to be united together completely, as if the other party had intermittent amnesia.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping suddenly recalled a cruel method.

There is a way to erase people’s memories, but it will damage the opponent’s strength and have a series of effects on their brains.

Chen Ping believed that the other party must have concealed the matter of the Xin family, otherwise anyone would be willing to take this risk and be erased by others.

But this person's level is limited, and it seems that he has not been able to erase all his memories.

Through the memories of the fragments, Chen Ping saw familiar figures in this planned massacre.

Eastern family.

This family has always been the right-hand man of the Chen family. They are proficient in all kinds of poisons and have long lived in the simplest form. They are the trusted partners of the Chen family.

Chen Ping judged that there was something wrong with the Dongfang family through these fragments of memory.

But he couldn't continue to piece together through other fragments, so he could only find the Eastern family himself and find out.

If the opponent really helped the Chen family in battle, then it is estimated that the Eastern family should no longer exist at this moment.

If the Eastern family is still alive, it proves that they must have problems.

This group of people like crazy dogs will slaughter the big clans, how could they let the powerful Eastern clans go?

When thinking of the Eastern family, Chen Ping recalled the Zhuge family.

A few days ago he said he was looking for his partner, and then disappeared without leaving a contact information.

I don't know why that guy hasn't come back yet?

Chen Ping felt a little puzzled, but the other party was the best in the Zhuge family no matter what, so it stands to reason that he should not be trafficked.

Thinking of this, he took out a landline left by Zhuge Qingfeng.

This call is probably their home.

Who will use a landline this year?

Chen Ping directly took out his mobile phone and dialed, an old voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"Is it Young Patriarch!"

The trembling voice of the other party made Chen Ping feel a little familiar, as if he had returned home all of a sudden, feeling the tenderness and kindness of the family.

"Well, Aomine left me this phone number at the beginning. Now he has been lost for several days. I want to ask if you know his situation."

Chen Ping asked, so they said they knew each other for a few days, but Zhuge Qingfeng really had an appetite for him.

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of broken glass rang out on the opposite side.

"What... Young Patriarch, wait a moment, I will count it right away!"


The opposite immediately counted a hexagram, followed by an exclamation.

"Young Patriarch, there is something wrong with Qingfeng!"

"Qingfeng told us before he set off that he was going to find another family that had defected to the Chen family, but I judged from the hexagrams, Qingfeng is now in danger of life!"

Chen Ping was also a little anxious when he heard this.

Chen Ping's mentality has also changed after experiencing the things of the Chen family and the Lin family.

He does not allow anyone around him to leave in this way!

"Is this family..." Chen Ping said suspiciously.

"The Eastern Family."

The old man and Chen Ping on the opposite side said the name of the Eastern family at the same time. Chen Ping's eyelids twitched and he knew there was a problem with the Eastern family.

"Hurry up and send me the current location of the Eastern Family, I'll go see it right away!"

Chen Ping urged the other party. He believed that the Zhuge family must be able to get the address of the Dongfang family.

Fortunately, Zhuge Qingfeng is extremely cautious and cautious. He has already sent the backup data to his home.

"It's in Nanyunzhou...I have sent the specific address to your phone. The phone number that texted you is my personal phone. You can contact us at any time!"

Hearing this, Chen Ping thanked the other party and hung up the phone. He glanced at the address on the phone and his expression was a bit ugly.

This location is not too far away, it only takes two hours to drive in the middle of the night.

But the opponent's location is in a deep mountain, this place looks a bit weird, and if it is at night, it will probably be dangerous.

But the facts are in front of him, Zhuge Qingfeng is facing great danger, and he doesn't allow himself to be a scared turtle.

A brief confession to the family, Chen Ping entrusted Shi Panfeng to take care of the family, and then drove the car quickly toward the location sent by the other party.

It was already two or three o'clock in the morning, and there were no people on the road. Chen Ping moved forward at an amazing speed.

Originally expected to be two hours away, Chen Ping successfully arrived in only one and a half hours.

He parked the car at the foot of the mountain and carefully looked up.

It's early morning in this place, and now the sky is gray. I guess it will not be long before dawn.

The closer to this mountain, the faster Chen Ping's heartbeat.

He always feels something is wrong!

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